How many ectos do you have?
Aqua Nox
well, lately ive been low on ectos. people do not believe what i claim to have. but my [SiN] guildies can vouch for me
Manic Smile
10min + crap loads of cash + ebay = who cares
Morgoth the dark
Originally Posted by XBroken Faction
lol you poor poor people i have
1756 ecto
FoW on my Necro
FoW on my Warrior
FoW on my Monk
Have 786k in my Storage
DO NOT PM ME FOR MONEY we maybe are poor but at least we have life...
and yes no screenshot ----> bullshit
1756 ecto
FoW on my Necro
FoW on my Warrior
FoW on my Monk
Have 786k in my Storage
DO NOT PM ME FOR MONEY we maybe are poor but at least we have life...
and yes no screenshot ----> bullshit
was saving for FoW, but gonna trade em in for 15K Kurzick armour instead.
was saving for FoW, but gonna trade em in for 15K Kurzick armour instead.
Originally Posted by Akhilleus
no need to be rude about it, i managed to contain myself from making asinine statements like the above.
/quoted for truth. just because someone doesnt have the stacks of ecto others might have, doesnt always mean they are poor. some of the best players ive met in this game, have none
Originally Posted by Morgoth the dark
we maybe are poor but at least we have life...
and yes no screenshot ----> bullshit and you have a screenshot proving you have a life ??
and yes no screenshot ----> bullshit and you have a screenshot proving you have a life ??
i have 724 ectos.....and planning to get war fow helm
Originally Posted by Morgoth the dark
we maybe are poor but at least we have life...
and yes no screenshot ----> bullshit Since when does sucking at something as mundane as a video game translate into having a life? The evidence suggests that it means you fail even more at it?
I have 0 ectos, I prefer keeping cash in plat and other things!
and yes no screenshot ----> bullshit Since when does sucking at something as mundane as a video game translate into having a life? The evidence suggests that it means you fail even more at it?
I have 0 ectos, I prefer keeping cash in plat and other things!
0 ectos ;[
but i have tons of uhh...rubies and sapphires...worst choice ever
but i have tons of uhh...rubies and sapphires...worst choice ever
i've got 270 Ecto atm -_-
God Apprentice
None cause I dont want Fissure Armor
Mr D J
Originally Posted by God Apprentice
None cause I dont want Fissure Armor
Many people invest into ectos because they are hmm.. a good thing to invest in I guess... I have 168 atm just because I don't have space to keep money O.o