Gaining Factions


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Northern Borderguard


Had about, 250 for luxons and 533 for Kurzicks 2 days ago, now I "can't" join any of them because I'm the only one who got Factions in my guild and I'm waiting for them to get it, they want the CE version, so today I have 533 Kurzick factions and 750 Luxon, and the leader had been yesterday, I don't know yet if he has it. I'm new to all this so is it when anyone in the guild gains factions, does the rest do so too? I didn't want to join my desired faction because I don't know if the entire guild joins that faction then, and if my guildies don't like that faction, they'll blame me, just as with everything else.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


I believe I can answer your question by telling you that your entire guild must belong to the same faction for alliance and alliance battle purposes, but everyone can follow their own path in the PvE part of Factions