Character Slots For Sale
I know that they're going to be up for sale in (hopefully) a few short weeks. Here's my suggestion for those of us who are leary about using credit cards online. Have the character slots for sale at a local game retailer. I've seen pre-paid months for those pay to play rpg's, so why not something for character slots? You go in, pay your $9.99 (plus applicable taxes and price bloating by the store) and then go home, enter a key code and presto change-o, added character slot to your account! Anyone else like this idea?
I wouldnt be surprised if this is already in the works, similar to time cards in msot MMOs.
Stupid Shizno
No way, I dont want to drive to some store just to pick up a character slot, have them be purchased online, much quicker and easier. But if you dont want to use a credit card online......tell a guildie ot buy it lol
I think he means in addition to being able to purchase online.
If it doesn't cost Anet too much to put this in retail then why not
If it doesn't cost Anet too much to put this in retail then why not

Originally Posted by Death3D
No way, I dont want to drive to some store just to pick up a character slot, have them be purchased online, much quicker and easier. But if you dont want to use a credit card online......tell a guildie ot buy it lol

This shows that there will be no extra char slots in coming chapters. If it were so I wouldn't buy but just wait for the 3rd chapter to give me another 2. Good idea especially for me 

Originally Posted by prism2525
This shows that there will be no extra char slots in coming chapters. If it were so I wouldn't buy but just wait for the 3rd chapter to give me another 2. Good idea especially for me
![]() /signed |
This is just ANET responding to people who are complaining that there aren't enough character slots as it is, and making a bit of profit with the solution.
Still, this is a good idea, and I would be suprised if ANET hasn't already thought of it
Originally Posted by bilateralrope
How does this show that extra chapters won't give extra slots?

No really, what i meant was that I think anet made that with buying chapters you can have a maximium of 6 slots. That is if you but chapters 2 and 3 you get 6 just as if you bought 1 and 2. I mean, anet keep this game at no monthly fees but still has to get some income and maybe it's not recieving enough.
I'm not saying that no one will buy char slots (I myself will buy more than 1), but anet may put a limit to further promote char slot selling.
Originally Posted by prism2525
I'm not saying that no one will buy char slots (I myself will buy more than 1), but anet may put a limit to further promote char slot selling.
So they can't promote the buyable slots all that much, ie if Ch3 gives 2 new slots, you'd be at 8 with all three chapters already, leaving 2 buyables. And if Ch4 gives 2 more, you can't even get more slots for all chapters-account.
I wouldn't mind if the max is 10 (provided there are no more than 9 profs)
I'd make 9 total chars with all skills (takes a while i know) and keep a free one for pvp.
I'd make 9 total chars with all skills (takes a while i know) and keep a free one for pvp.
Ellador Nae
I would definitely prefer to buy a charslot codecard in a store to buying it on-line. So much so that unless they make that an option, I quess I won't have any new charslots. Don't have a credit card, don't want one - but am willing to pay a little extra if I can get it in a store. /signed
Bane of Worlds
also if someone wanted to buy several slots they could allow one to buy the same chapter player already owns and that would add a couple of slots
this would encourage ppl to buy CE for there already existing game account but don't want to gain very little from game key also this wouldn't be the same as reusing a key
this would encourage ppl to buy CE for there already existing game account but don't want to gain very little from game key also this wouldn't be the same as reusing a key
My parents don't trust the internet as much and so does a few of my friends, if it were to be an internet only, then me and a couple friend (with others) will most likely not be able to get the extra slots.
My parents don't trust the internet as much and so does a few of my friends, if it were to be an internet only, then me and a couple friend (with others) will most likely not be able to get the extra slots.
/not bothered - but there probably will be some sort of retail package you could buy no doubt
Great idea, no real downside I guess.
I bet alot of GW players don't have credit cards, and their parents don't like letting them use theirs.
I bet alot of GW players don't have credit cards, and their parents don't like letting them use theirs.
Also to those posters a few posts up, please stop randomly speculating about how many character slots will be available/capped at in future campaigns. There has been no official word about anything, and frankly, I get sick enough hearing people complain about their current character slots without having to hear complaints about character slot limitations in the FUTURE!
Also to those posters a few posts up, please stop randomly speculating about how many character slots will be available/capped at in future campaigns. There has been no official word about anything, and frankly, I get sick enough hearing people complain about their current character slots without having to hear complaints about character slot limitations in the FUTURE!
Originally Posted by prism2525
I wouldn't mind if the max is 10 (provided there are no more than 9 profs)
I'd make 9 total chars with all skills (takes a while i know) and keep a free one for pvp. |
can you add 8+2 and get 10?
also slots to put them in.
now you can buy extra slots in addition to the 10 slots a buyer of all 3 chapters will have so what is the limit?....who knows

but it sure is more than 9
Anyone know when they're going to start selling them? Anyone?
Originally Posted by Jade
Anyone know when they're going to start selling them? Anyone?

this summer which officially lasts until late september.
sometime between today and the end of summer.
Blaster The Warrior
i agree they should make gamecards so you can put in a code from a store its way easier cause not everyone has a creditcard or paypal.
ANET will have to add this for me to care about buying anymore slots:
Shonmi Woolyhead
Continue the petition drive here for store-bought +2 character slots per game key, not per campaign:
Curse You
Seriously, if they stole credit card stuff, they would have some big legal issues on their hands. ArenaNet/NCsoft is just as likely to steal your credit card stuff as the store where you would get the CD key.
For people who don't have a credit card (or can't get acess to one), to bad for you I guess.
It seems that they figured out that going through the touble of making, packaging and shipping character slot codes was more that they would get from doing it. Most likely over 90% of the people who wanted extra slots, bought them online. Unless you want to pay something like $30 for 2 slots.
For people who don't have a credit card (or can't get acess to one), to bad for you I guess.
It seems that they figured out that going through the touble of making, packaging and shipping character slot codes was more that they would get from doing it. Most likely over 90% of the people who wanted extra slots, bought them online. Unless you want to pay something like $30 for 2 slots.
Knightsaber Sith
If you don't want to use your actual credit card, I think you might be able to buy a visa gift card for yourself and use that. So after you spend all the money on it, it wont even matter if someone did steal it since it's got nothing on it anyway. But I haven't looked into it, so maybe not.....