SURVEY: Is your guild Kurzick or Luxon?
I've seen a variety of miscellaneous posts on this, but no comprehensive source as to which guilds are aligned with which factions. I have also seen various disputes as to which faction has more representation in the game, so I have decided to run a poll that I commit to updating on a regular basis (based on the responses).
Please respond using the following format:
Guild Name: My Guild Sucks [MgS]
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
I won't go into tallying which alliances you are part of just yet, but feel free to post that if you want as well.
Mods, if you need to move this Canthan Explorer League, feel free, but I thought that we'd get much more use/participation out of it on the mainboard.
Please Keep Any Flames/Commentary Out of This Thread!!#!@!#!@
RESULTS AS OF October 16, 2006
Number of Kurzick Guilds: 171 (58.8% of respondents)
Number of Luxon Guilds: 120 (41.2% of respondents)
Kurzick Guilds
A Crowd of Invisible Ducks [ACID]
Aethedorian Knights [AeKn]
Akromas Devoted [AD]
Alea Iacta Est [aie]
Alliance of Xen [XoO]
Ancient Phoenix [AP]
Ancient Warriors Gaming Clan [AWGC]
Angel Sharks [As]
Angels Symphonys [AnSy]
Animal Factory [Zoo]
Army of the lotus [TLA]
Ascending Phoenix [AP]
Aussie Wars [aW]
Australia And NZ United [AuNz]
Australian Vengeance Alliance [AvA]
Avicara Airlines [fly]
Beo Wulf [FBI]
Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]
Blue Note Cafe [BNC]
Black Widow [Wi]
Bounty Hunters of Tyria [HUNT]
Bring Back the Rifts [Rift]
British bulldogs[DOGS]
Brotherhood of the Granite Wolf [BOGW]
Bruderschaft Der Verdamnis [BDV]
burning sun [sun]
Capita Cerberi [CC]
Chaos Sanctuary [WoW]
Chaotic Visions [cv]
Chosen of Grenth [CoG]
Chimera Of Intensity [Ci]
Clan Brotherhood [Bro]
Czech Dark Legion [CZDL]
Daimyo Factions [Rule]
Daunting Tempest [DT]
Death Diamonds [Rule]
Death Never Blinks [dnb]
Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]
Demon of the Fall [Opet]
Demonic Eyes [Rule]
Demons of the New Age [DNA]
Der Schwarze Mantel [DSM]
Diety of the Black Rose [BuRn]
Double Click [play]
Dvd Forums [DVDF]
Earth's Magehounds [MAGE]
Elite Crew [EC]
Epic Combustion [Epco]
Eyes of God [EoG]
Fame Factory [FF]
Fatalis Combine [Fc]
fifteen over fifty [rare]
For The Glory [FTG]
Forsaken Wanderers [FW]
Fortunes Favored [Luck]
Fratres In Aeternum [FIA]
Free Fame For You [free]
Frenzy Heal Sig [FHS]
Freunde Freier Sprache [FFS]
Frozen Flame [ICE]
Gangstas in the Hood [HooD]
Gathering of Tweakers [GOT]
Gathering of Tweakers II [GOT]
Ghostly Zeroes [zEn]
Girl Power [GP]
Gods of Destiny [GoD]
Great Lords Of The Sith [GLS]
Guardians of Moravia [GoM]
Guild of Xtraordinary Gentlemen [Xtra]
Hand Of Destiny [AO]
Hardkore Clan [HKK]
Have Fun Gg [love]
Helmguard Elite [HELM]
Honesta Mors [HAMS]
I Grawls Gone Wild I [gRwL]
Ice Dragoons [Drgn]
Illicit Awakening [iA]
Just Type Resign [NOOB]
Keepers of the Aether [void]
Knights of Devastaion [KD]
Kudly V Zadech [KvZ]
La Vengeance de Rurik [veng]
Legends of Nightfall [LON]
Legion of Losers [LOL]
les rage quit[Quit]
Lievs Death Squad [LDS]
L I Z Z A R D S [Lz]
Lords of Blood [LOB]
Lords of Mastery [Lord]
Lost in The Labyrinth [LITL]
Lux et Umbra [Lux]
Midnight Federation [FDRC]
Morbid Stone Age [MSA]
Morporkian Mercenaries [MM]
Mostly Harmless [MH]
Natural Born Killaz [NBK]
Nuclear Launch Detected [Nu]
Omni Clan UK [OMNI]
Onslaught Of Heroes [XoO]
Onslaught of Xen [XoO]
Order of Angels and Demons [AaD]
Order of the Keetoom [OGO]
Os Cremento [CrEm]
peaceful torture[PETO]
Pick up Group [PuG]
Pilsner Urquell Guardians [PUG]
Premade Paladins [Mend]
Priory of The Divine Light [PDL]
progeny of the jyhad [potj]
Project Zenora [zEn]
Psycho Bunnies [PB]
Pure Beards [PuBe]
Rank Three Plus Pug [Deer]
Rebel Smurfs [RS]
Reign of Xen [XoO]
Remnants of Ascalon [RoA]
Rise of the Forsaken [RotF]
Rubies and Sapphires [RnS]
Scarlet Colored Vampires [ScV]
Sacred Dragoon [SD]
Sacred Forge Knights [SFK]
scars meadows [sms]
Science Faction [SF]
Servite Nostrum Animus [SNA]
Sharks and Penguins [SnP]
Silent Hunters [SH]
Silentium Altum [SiA]
status quo ante[SQA]
Storm Bearers [SB]
Straz Krain [SK]
Suicide Bunnies [SB]
Supernova Japan [SpNv]
sure man[sure]
Survivor Squad [SS]
Tactical Illusions [Ti]
Tainted Few [TF]
The Ancient Fallen [AFLN]
The Aphotic Order [TAO]
The Brotherhood of Kai [Kai]
The Bulgarians [BG]
The Council of Demigods [TCoD]
the dragon heart knights[Bass]
The Illuminati [Illu]
The Forever Knights [FK]
The Lords of the String [DTC]
the Malevolent Wolfpack [tMw]
The Nerf Stick [ANET]
The Order of the Frozen Tundra [TofT]
The Shadowknights [SK]
The Unstoppable One Strikes [Tuos]
Trans Tasman Alliance [TTA]
Trans Tasman Alliance Il [TTA]
Treacherous Empire [Te]
Treacherous Empires [Te]
Unholy Ressurection [ReZ]
united farmers inc [ufi]
Vesuvian Dopplegankers [vod]
We Still Pwn Charr [Char]We Are All One [ONE]
Welcome To French Paradize [FR]
Whats Going On [Sup]
Where Iz Teh Bonuz [WitB]
Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]
Wyld Dingo Tribe [AUST]
Xell Nova [Xell]
Xellnova Reborn [XELR]
Xen of Europe [XoO]
Xen of Heroes [XoO]
Xen of Onslaught [XoO]
Xen of Onslaught Ladder [XoO]
Xen of Pacific [XoO]
Xen of Sigils [XoO]
Luxon Guilds
Aeon Of Ancients [AoA]
Aleria Beast Masters [ABM]
ANZ Army Corps [ANZ]
Arcane Freedom Fighters [ARC]
Ascalon City Soundtrack [ACS]
Aurelio Furor [AUR]
Baby Back [Ribs]
Barbeque Abusers United [BBQ]
Blushing Furiously [bF]
Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Cardium Europa [CzSk]
Ceasars I X Legion [CIXL]
Clan Kanasai [kNs]
Cries of the Phoenix [ASH]
Dacians Reborn [ROM]
Dark Horizons [DrkH]
Dark Oblyvaeon [acid]
Dark Vigalantes [DV]
Darkness Within [Dark]
Demonic Clan Vikros [DcV]
Devils Scorpions [DS]
Dork Knights of Doom [DnD]
Dragon Knights of Rin [DKR]
Dudele Acre [CGR]
Dudele Dulci [CGR]
Dudele Verzi [CGR]
Dudele Mici [CGR]
Dynasty Warriors [DW]
Eesti Mehed [AM]
Elite Vipers Of Hell [EVOH]
Emissaries Of Justice [EoJ]
Faction for Jade [Jade]
Fairly Harmless [FH]
Fighters of Balthazar [WAR]
Final Exodus [FX]
Freedom of Midnight [FM]
Guardian of Old Ascalon [GoA]
Guillotine Tactics [GanK]
Hall of Necromicon [HN]
Hall of Zeros [HoZe]
Hearts and Rainbows [HnR]
Hells Hope [skul]
Hic Sunt Leones [HiC]
House of the Silver Phoenix [HSP]
i Guild i [iGi]
I Love Daisy[TCO]
Idiot Savants [iQ]
Illicit Awakening [iA]
Infinite Paradox [IPX]
Irresistible Blokes [iB]
Johnny Cash [CASH]
King Black Cobras [KC]
Kingdom of the Titans [king]
Knights of The Ivory Sphere [KIS]
Knights of The Trinity [KOTT]
Legions of Valhalla [LoV]
Les Brasseurs Europeens En Rut [BeeR]
Lightning Strikes Twice [LST]
Luxcorp Inc [JADE]
Magic School Bus [Bus]
Monkey Trouble [MT]
No Clue [emt]
No Tolerance [nT]
Nova Alliance [Nova]
Order of the Tainted Blade [OTB]
Ordinis Draconis [OD]
Peace and Harmoney [PnH]
Peridot Citrine [GEM]
Primal Assassins [PA]
Proelia Praemia [PP]
Protectors of Awesome [AWE]
Raptor Five [FIVE]
Requiem Lords [ReQ]
Rogues to Riches [RtR]
Runners of Fury [RUN]
Rus Corp [RUS]
Sacrament Of The Waooru [SotW]
Saihatsu Ashi [Sai]
Savage Seduction [SS]
Scouts of Tyria [SoT]
Section Five [SEC]
Serpents of Asgard [BOM]
Shameful Spirits [SsP]
Shinigami Keys [SHIN]
Sinister Swarm [SS]
Slayer's Players [SYPR]
solidarity of swords [SoS]
Spectral Agony [sA]
Super Cute and Fluffy [scF]
T Baggin is Still in Style [TBag]
Tha Skulls [Ts]
The Battousai [bSai]
The Benecia Renovatio [Reno]
The Cover [Lord]
The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]
The Guild of Kings [UK]
The Ironblades [IRON]
The Last Evil [Gomu]
The Last Pride [EvIL]
The Little Italy Mob [TLIM]
The Order of the Dragon and Pheonix [ODP]
The Shadow Knights of Hades [SKH]
The Stock Market [TSM]
The Next Chapter [TnC]
The Nights Watch [Crow]
Time is Running [Out]
Tower of High Sorcery [ToHS]
Tribal Instincts [TRIN]
Tribal Terrors [TT]
Untouchable Souls [MSK]
Valkyrie Einherjer [VE]
Veneratio Tutela [VETU]
Vengeful Outcasts From Below [VoB]
Vx Nine [Vx]
We Plunder You Now [Yarr]
West Brom Boyz [WBB]
Wolf Guard [WOLF]
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS]
Note to self: The Council of Demigods [TCoD]
Please respond using the following format:
Guild Name: My Guild Sucks [MgS]
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
I won't go into tallying which alliances you are part of just yet, but feel free to post that if you want as well.
Mods, if you need to move this Canthan Explorer League, feel free, but I thought that we'd get much more use/participation out of it on the mainboard.
Please Keep Any Flames/Commentary Out of This Thread!!#!@!#!@
RESULTS AS OF October 16, 2006
Number of Kurzick Guilds: 171 (58.8% of respondents)
Number of Luxon Guilds: 120 (41.2% of respondents)
Kurzick Guilds
A Crowd of Invisible Ducks [ACID]
Aethedorian Knights [AeKn]
Akromas Devoted [AD]
Alea Iacta Est [aie]
Alliance of Xen [XoO]
Ancient Phoenix [AP]
Ancient Warriors Gaming Clan [AWGC]
Angel Sharks [As]
Angels Symphonys [AnSy]
Animal Factory [Zoo]
Army of the lotus [TLA]
Ascending Phoenix [AP]
Aussie Wars [aW]
Australia And NZ United [AuNz]
Australian Vengeance Alliance [AvA]
Avicara Airlines [fly]
Beo Wulf [FBI]
Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]
Blue Note Cafe [BNC]
Black Widow [Wi]
Bounty Hunters of Tyria [HUNT]
Bring Back the Rifts [Rift]
British bulldogs[DOGS]
Brotherhood of the Granite Wolf [BOGW]
Bruderschaft Der Verdamnis [BDV]
burning sun [sun]
Capita Cerberi [CC]
Chaos Sanctuary [WoW]
Chaotic Visions [cv]
Chosen of Grenth [CoG]
Chimera Of Intensity [Ci]
Clan Brotherhood [Bro]
Czech Dark Legion [CZDL]
Daimyo Factions [Rule]
Daunting Tempest [DT]
Death Diamonds [Rule]
Death Never Blinks [dnb]
Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]
Demon of the Fall [Opet]
Demonic Eyes [Rule]
Demons of the New Age [DNA]
Der Schwarze Mantel [DSM]
Diety of the Black Rose [BuRn]
Double Click [play]
Dvd Forums [DVDF]
Earth's Magehounds [MAGE]
Elite Crew [EC]
Epic Combustion [Epco]
Eyes of God [EoG]
Fame Factory [FF]
Fatalis Combine [Fc]
fifteen over fifty [rare]
For The Glory [FTG]
Forsaken Wanderers [FW]
Fortunes Favored [Luck]
Fratres In Aeternum [FIA]
Free Fame For You [free]
Frenzy Heal Sig [FHS]
Freunde Freier Sprache [FFS]
Frozen Flame [ICE]
Gangstas in the Hood [HooD]
Gathering of Tweakers [GOT]
Gathering of Tweakers II [GOT]
Ghostly Zeroes [zEn]
Girl Power [GP]
Gods of Destiny [GoD]
Great Lords Of The Sith [GLS]
Guardians of Moravia [GoM]
Guild of Xtraordinary Gentlemen [Xtra]
Hand Of Destiny [AO]
Hardkore Clan [HKK]
Have Fun Gg [love]
Helmguard Elite [HELM]
Honesta Mors [HAMS]
I Grawls Gone Wild I [gRwL]
Ice Dragoons [Drgn]
Illicit Awakening [iA]
Just Type Resign [NOOB]
Keepers of the Aether [void]
Knights of Devastaion [KD]
Kudly V Zadech [KvZ]
La Vengeance de Rurik [veng]
Legends of Nightfall [LON]
Legion of Losers [LOL]
les rage quit[Quit]
Lievs Death Squad [LDS]
L I Z Z A R D S [Lz]
Lords of Blood [LOB]
Lords of Mastery [Lord]
Lost in The Labyrinth [LITL]
Lux et Umbra [Lux]
Midnight Federation [FDRC]
Morbid Stone Age [MSA]
Morporkian Mercenaries [MM]
Mostly Harmless [MH]
Natural Born Killaz [NBK]
Nuclear Launch Detected [Nu]
Omni Clan UK [OMNI]
Onslaught Of Heroes [XoO]
Onslaught of Xen [XoO]
Order of Angels and Demons [AaD]
Order of the Keetoom [OGO]
Os Cremento [CrEm]
peaceful torture[PETO]
Pick up Group [PuG]
Pilsner Urquell Guardians [PUG]
Premade Paladins [Mend]
Priory of The Divine Light [PDL]
progeny of the jyhad [potj]
Project Zenora [zEn]
Psycho Bunnies [PB]
Pure Beards [PuBe]
Rank Three Plus Pug [Deer]
Rebel Smurfs [RS]
Reign of Xen [XoO]
Remnants of Ascalon [RoA]
Rise of the Forsaken [RotF]
Rubies and Sapphires [RnS]
Scarlet Colored Vampires [ScV]
Sacred Dragoon [SD]
Sacred Forge Knights [SFK]
scars meadows [sms]
Science Faction [SF]
Servite Nostrum Animus [SNA]
Sharks and Penguins [SnP]
Silent Hunters [SH]
Silentium Altum [SiA]
status quo ante[SQA]
Storm Bearers [SB]
Straz Krain [SK]
Suicide Bunnies [SB]
Supernova Japan [SpNv]
sure man[sure]
Survivor Squad [SS]
Tactical Illusions [Ti]
Tainted Few [TF]
The Ancient Fallen [AFLN]
The Aphotic Order [TAO]
The Brotherhood of Kai [Kai]
The Bulgarians [BG]
The Council of Demigods [TCoD]
the dragon heart knights[Bass]
The Illuminati [Illu]
The Forever Knights [FK]
The Lords of the String [DTC]
the Malevolent Wolfpack [tMw]
The Nerf Stick [ANET]
The Order of the Frozen Tundra [TofT]
The Shadowknights [SK]
The Unstoppable One Strikes [Tuos]
Trans Tasman Alliance [TTA]
Trans Tasman Alliance Il [TTA]
Treacherous Empire [Te]
Treacherous Empires [Te]
Unholy Ressurection [ReZ]
united farmers inc [ufi]
Vesuvian Dopplegankers [vod]
We Still Pwn Charr [Char]We Are All One [ONE]
Welcome To French Paradize [FR]
Whats Going On [Sup]
Where Iz Teh Bonuz [WitB]
Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]
Wyld Dingo Tribe [AUST]
Xell Nova [Xell]
Xellnova Reborn [XELR]
Xen of Europe [XoO]
Xen of Heroes [XoO]
Xen of Onslaught [XoO]
Xen of Onslaught Ladder [XoO]
Xen of Pacific [XoO]
Xen of Sigils [XoO]
Luxon Guilds
Aeon Of Ancients [AoA]
Aleria Beast Masters [ABM]
ANZ Army Corps [ANZ]
Arcane Freedom Fighters [ARC]
Ascalon City Soundtrack [ACS]
Aurelio Furor [AUR]
Baby Back [Ribs]
Barbeque Abusers United [BBQ]
Blushing Furiously [bF]
Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Cardium Europa [CzSk]
Ceasars I X Legion [CIXL]
Clan Kanasai [kNs]
Cries of the Phoenix [ASH]
Dacians Reborn [ROM]
Dark Horizons [DrkH]
Dark Oblyvaeon [acid]
Dark Vigalantes [DV]
Darkness Within [Dark]
Demonic Clan Vikros [DcV]
Devils Scorpions [DS]
Dork Knights of Doom [DnD]
Dragon Knights of Rin [DKR]
Dudele Acre [CGR]
Dudele Dulci [CGR]
Dudele Verzi [CGR]
Dudele Mici [CGR]
Dynasty Warriors [DW]
Eesti Mehed [AM]
Elite Vipers Of Hell [EVOH]
Emissaries Of Justice [EoJ]
Faction for Jade [Jade]
Fairly Harmless [FH]
Fighters of Balthazar [WAR]
Final Exodus [FX]
Freedom of Midnight [FM]
Guardian of Old Ascalon [GoA]
Guillotine Tactics [GanK]
Hall of Necromicon [HN]
Hall of Zeros [HoZe]
Hearts and Rainbows [HnR]
Hells Hope [skul]
Hic Sunt Leones [HiC]
House of the Silver Phoenix [HSP]
i Guild i [iGi]
I Love Daisy[TCO]
Idiot Savants [iQ]
Illicit Awakening [iA]
Infinite Paradox [IPX]
Irresistible Blokes [iB]
Johnny Cash [CASH]
King Black Cobras [KC]
Kingdom of the Titans [king]
Knights of The Ivory Sphere [KIS]
Knights of The Trinity [KOTT]
Legions of Valhalla [LoV]
Les Brasseurs Europeens En Rut [BeeR]
Lightning Strikes Twice [LST]
Luxcorp Inc [JADE]
Magic School Bus [Bus]
Monkey Trouble [MT]
No Clue [emt]
No Tolerance [nT]
Nova Alliance [Nova]
Order of the Tainted Blade [OTB]
Ordinis Draconis [OD]
Peace and Harmoney [PnH]
Peridot Citrine [GEM]
Primal Assassins [PA]
Proelia Praemia [PP]
Protectors of Awesome [AWE]
Raptor Five [FIVE]
Requiem Lords [ReQ]
Rogues to Riches [RtR]
Runners of Fury [RUN]
Rus Corp [RUS]
Sacrament Of The Waooru [SotW]
Saihatsu Ashi [Sai]
Savage Seduction [SS]
Scouts of Tyria [SoT]
Section Five [SEC]
Serpents of Asgard [BOM]
Shameful Spirits [SsP]
Shinigami Keys [SHIN]
Sinister Swarm [SS]
Slayer's Players [SYPR]
solidarity of swords [SoS]
Spectral Agony [sA]
Super Cute and Fluffy [scF]
T Baggin is Still in Style [TBag]
Tha Skulls [Ts]
The Battousai [bSai]
The Benecia Renovatio [Reno]
The Cover [Lord]
The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]
The Guild of Kings [UK]
The Ironblades [IRON]
The Last Evil [Gomu]
The Last Pride [EvIL]
The Little Italy Mob [TLIM]
The Order of the Dragon and Pheonix [ODP]
The Shadow Knights of Hades [SKH]
The Stock Market [TSM]
The Next Chapter [TnC]
The Nights Watch [Crow]
Time is Running [Out]
Tower of High Sorcery [ToHS]
Tribal Instincts [TRIN]
Tribal Terrors [TT]
Untouchable Souls [MSK]
Valkyrie Einherjer [VE]
Veneratio Tutela [VETU]
Vengeful Outcasts From Below [VoB]
Vx Nine [Vx]
We Plunder You Now [Yarr]
West Brom Boyz [WBB]
Wolf Guard [WOLF]
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS]
Note to self: The Council of Demigods [TCoD]
Saborath Gilgalad
Guild Name: Faction for Jade [Jade]
Faction Alignment: Luxon
Apart of the dth Alliance
Faction Alignment: Luxon
Apart of the dth Alliance
Guild name: Shinigami Keys [SHIN]
Faction: Luxon
Faction: Luxon
Priest Of Sin
Guild name: The Nerf Stick [ANET]
Faction: Kurzick
Faction: Kurzick
Guild Name: Requiem Lords [ReQ]
Faction Alignment: Luxon
Part of the Urban Heros [UH] Alliance.
Faction Alignment: Luxon
Part of the Urban Heros [UH] Alliance.
exiled mat
Guild Name: Fratres In Aeternum[FIA]
Faction Alignment: Treehuggers.. err.... Kurzick
(I´m in that guild )
Faction Alignment: Treehuggers.. err.... Kurzick
(I´m in that guild )
Feng Leung
Guild Name: We Plunder You Now [Yarr]
Faction Alignment: Luxon
Faction Alignment: Luxon
Guild Name: Heroes Unlimited (HaCK)
Faction: Mostly Kurzick (Haven't pledged allegiance yet! Why not play both sides for a while!)
Faction: Mostly Kurzick (Haven't pledged allegiance yet! Why not play both sides for a while!)
Sagius Truthbarron
Guild Name: Animal Factory [ZoO]
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
CORRECTION: Our tag is [ZoO] like XoO's tag.
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
CORRECTION: Our tag is [ZoO] like XoO's tag.
Guild Name: Chaotic Visions(cv)
Faction: Kurzick
Faction: Kurzick
Guild Name: The Stock Market [TSM]
Faction: Luxon
Faction: Luxon
Guild name: Premade Paladins [Mend]
Faction: kurzick
Faction: kurzick
guild name: scars meadows [sms]
faction: kurzick
i will post on behalf of our allies as well, since they are also automatically kurzick.
fifteen over fifty [rare]
burning sun [sun]
progeny of the jyhad [potj]
united farmers inc [ufi]
faction: kurzick
i will post on behalf of our allies as well, since they are also automatically kurzick.
fifteen over fifty [rare]
burning sun [sun]
progeny of the jyhad [potj]
united farmers inc [ufi]
Guild Name: The Ironblades [IRON]
Faction Alignment: Luxon
our allies, also luxon:
Hall of Zeros [HoZe]
King Black Cobras [KC]
Tribal Terrors [TT]
Faction Alignment: Luxon
our allies, also luxon:
Hall of Zeros [HoZe]
King Black Cobras [KC]
Tribal Terrors [TT]
Calico Swift
Guild Name: Girl Power [GP]
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
AW Lore
Guild Name: Ancient Warriors Gaming Clan. (forgot: the tag is just AW)
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
Guild Name: Bounty Hunters of Tyria [HUNT]
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
Some of our Allies (I forget the names of the other two )
Elite Crew [EC]
Brotherhood of the Granite Wolf [BOGW]
Sacred Forge Knights [SFK]
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
Some of our Allies (I forget the names of the other two )
Elite Crew [EC]
Brotherhood of the Granite Wolf [BOGW]
Sacred Forge Knights [SFK]
Guild Name: Remnants of Ascalon [RoA]
Alliance: Kurzick
Part of Knights Templar Alliance [KT]
Alliance: Kurzick
Part of Knights Templar Alliance [KT]
Guild Name: Gathering of Tweakers [GOT]
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
Alliance guilds:
Gathering of Tweakers II [GOT]
Daunting Tempest [DT]
Survivors Squad [SS]
Hardkore Clan [HKK]
Helmguard Elite [HELM]
Rise of the Forsaken [RotF]
Survivor Squad [SS]
Tainted Few [TF]
We Are All One [ONE]
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
Alliance guilds:
Gathering of Tweakers II [GOT]
Daunting Tempest [DT]
Survivors Squad [SS]
Hardkore Clan [HKK]
Helmguard Elite [HELM]
Rise of the Forsaken [RotF]
Survivor Squad [SS]
Tainted Few [TF]
We Are All One [ONE]
Guild name: Diety of the Black Rose [BuRn]
Alliance: Kurzick
Part of the Nine O Too One Owned Alliance [ownd]
Alliance: Kurzick
Part of the Nine O Too One Owned Alliance [ownd]
damn double post -__- sorry.
Guild Name: Emissaries Of Justice [EoJ]
Faction Allignment: Luxon
Faction Allignment: Luxon
Name: Super Cute and Fluffy [scF]
Alliance: Luxon
Own alliance, with other guilds (2 of which are my own)
Alliance: Luxon
Own alliance, with other guilds (2 of which are my own)
Merry Madrigal
Alliance: XoO (Xen of Onslaught)
^note about above, if you really want all the names of the guilds in our alliance(which is full btw,lol)
Xen of Onslaught
Xen of Sigils
Onslaught of Xen
Xen of Heroes
Xen of Europe
Xen of Pacific
Reign of Xen
Alliance of Xen
Onslaught Of Heroes
Xen of Onslaught Ladder
(all with the XoO tag, but yeah huge kurz guild)
Xen of Onslaught
Xen of Sigils
Onslaught of Xen
Xen of Heroes
Xen of Europe
Xen of Pacific
Reign of Xen
Alliance of Xen
Onslaught Of Heroes
Xen of Onslaught Ladder
(all with the XoO tag, but yeah huge kurz guild)
Ure Maker
Guild Name: Suicide Bunnies [SB]
Alliance: Kurzik
Alliance: Kurzik
Stalker Haras
Guild: Rank Three Plus Pug [Deer]
Alliance: Kurzick
Alliance: Kurzick
Savage Seduction [SS]
Faction: Luxon
Also in our alliance:
Darkness Within [Dark]
Dork Knights of Doom [DnD]
Hearts and Rainbows [HnR]
Runners of Fury [RUN]
The Little Italy Mob [TLIM]
Faction: Luxon
Also in our alliance:
Darkness Within [Dark]
Dork Knights of Doom [DnD]
Hearts and Rainbows [HnR]
Runners of Fury [RUN]
The Little Italy Mob [TLIM]
Count to Potato
Guild Name: Kingdom of the Titans [king]
Alliance: Luxon
Part of Trojans Reborn Alliance
Alliance: Luxon
Part of Trojans Reborn Alliance
Guild Name: The Shadowknights [SK]
Part of The Lotus Alliance.
Part of The Lotus Alliance.
Nocere Moriari
Guild name: Ancient of Days AoD
Alliance: Denver Broncos &/or Steelers
Alliance: Denver Broncos &/or Steelers
Guild Name: Guild of Xtraordinary Gentlemen [Xtra]
Alliance: Kurzick
In alliance with no other guilds.
Alliance: Kurzick
In alliance with no other guilds.
Guild: Hic Sunt Leones [HiC]
Cherng Butter
Originally Posted by Cartoonhero
^note about above, if you really want all the names of the guilds in our alliance(which is full btw,lol)
Xen of Onslaught Xen of Sigils Onslaught of Xen Xen of Heroes Xen of Europe Xen of Pacific Reign of Xen Alliance of Xen Onslaught Of Heroes Xen of Onslaught Ladder (all with the XoO tag, but yeah huge kurz guild) |
Guild Name: Eyes of God [EoG]
Alliance: Kurzick
Ken Dei
Guild Name: Knights of The Trinity [KOTT]
Alliance: Luxon
Alliance: Luxon
Ariana Of Damia
Guild Name: Aurelio Furor [AUR]
Faction Alignment: Luxon
Faction Alignment: Luxon
_,.-+=’* ♥ Aurelio Furor [AUR] ♥ *’=+-.,_
Ariana Of Damia (Mo/Rt) ♥ Electra Of Damia (W/Mo) ♥ Lexa Of Damia (E/Mo)
Lily Of Damia (R/Mo) ♥ Mia Of Damia (Me/Mo) ♥ Zarina Of Damia (N/Mo)
Ariana Of Damia (Mo/Rt) ♥ Electra Of Damia (W/Mo) ♥ Lexa Of Damia (E/Mo)
Lily Of Damia (R/Mo) ♥ Mia Of Damia (Me/Mo) ♥ Zarina Of Damia (N/Mo)
My Guild: The Order of the Dragon and Pheonix
Faction: Luxon
Faction: Luxon
Alathys Tylderaan
Guild: A Crowd of Invisible Ducks [ACID]
Faction: Kurzick
Ghostly Zeroes [zEn]
Fame Factory [FF]
Faction: Kurzick
Ghostly Zeroes [zEn]
Fame Factory [FF]
Guild Name: Death Never Blinks [dnb]
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
head of alliance with 8 other guilds
Faction Alignment: Kurzick
head of alliance with 8 other guilds
Guild: Trans Tasman Alliance [TTA]
Faction: Kurzick
Australian Vengeance Alliance [AvA]
Morporkian Mercenaries [MM]
Wyld Dingo Tribe [AUST]
Australia And NZ United [AuNz]
Blue Note Cafe [BNC]
Aussie Wars [aW]
Great Lords Of The Sith [GLS]
Trans Tasman Alliance Il [TTA]
Faction: Kurzick
Australian Vengeance Alliance [AvA]
Morporkian Mercenaries [MM]
Wyld Dingo Tribe [AUST]
Australia And NZ United [AuNz]
Blue Note Cafe [BNC]
Aussie Wars [aW]
Great Lords Of The Sith [GLS]
Trans Tasman Alliance Il [TTA]