then another guild mate gave him a nice axe and a nice shield. now the little dude who got owned by mobs lower levels than him, pwned hard and it gave him new motivation.
it sort of made me remember how much long time playing gamers can help new people out.
GW is a very hard game to understand and I think 80% of everyone who plays it never really takes the time to really learn it. its probably only a small fraction of people who actually use forums and learn about damage calculations and advanced builds.
It was just great seeing a new person who only meet defeats and got frustrated by his trial and errors, and managed to find a lighter path when he just got some help. I reallly hope that someday ArenaNet will implant more ways for advanced players to help beginners, in many ways.
maybe create an master - apprentice system were an advanced player would be able to take a newbie under his wing to train in certain dangerous places. that would be fun...