Weird armor question (factions)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006



iv seen this before so i know that it can happen i just cant work out how, my guild is Luxon and i eventually want to be luxon too, however my friend and I both want 15k Kurzick armor for at least one of our characters, but then after getting it we want to go back to the Luxons, how do we do this, (basicly how do we get to vasburg armory but then still be able to then go to the leviathen pits) cos iv seen luxon warriors runin around in kurzick armor but still fighting in allience battles with the luxons, plz help as we reallllly want to know




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Elevandar
iv seen this before so i know that it can happen i just cant work out how, my guild is Luxon and i eventually want to be luxon too, however my friend and I both want 15k Kurzick armor for at least one of our characters, but then after getting it we want to go back to the Luxons, how do we do this, (basicly how do we get to vasburg armory but then still be able to then go to the leviathen pits) cos iv seen luxon warriors runin around in kurzick armor but still fighting in allience battles with the luxons, plz help as we reallllly want to know

This is really simple:

If you want the 15k kurzick armor you just do all the missions and quest on the kurzick side till you get to Vasburg Armory. Then you get enough amber (get faction or buy amber); buy the armor; you make sure you get rid off all your kurzick faction and you map to Cavalon. From there you do all the luxon missions and quests, and once you have like 1k luxon faction BAM you are LUXON and can talk to npc's!

Cause it goes like this: once you have more luxon than kurzick faction you are luxon and if you have more kurzick than luxon faction you are kurzick and you can talk to the respective npc's.

Good luck!




Join Date: Dec 2005

Il Power Overwhelming Il [HaX]

I like how daena said he had a simple explanation, then typed 2 paragraphs.

To get kurzick armor when you are in a luxon guild: step by step.
Step 1: Spend as much of your Luxon faction as possible.
Step 2: Do kurzick-side quests or AvA until your kurzick faction > luxon faction
Step 3: Buy your kurz armor and look goth.




Join Date: Jul 2005

You don't actually have to spend the luxon faction, unless you have 10K. You only need more kurzik faction to talk to NPC's, and you need 10K to get into Vasburg anyway (befriending quest needs to be completed).