should you get an e-boy/girlfriend in guildwars?
mhenlo got 2. why dont you?
Sounds like a threesome in the making...
Mhenlos a stud.
Nonono, he's a pimp
Vahn Roi
Doesn't the whole Mhenlo-Cynn thing totally defeat the chastety of being a monk?
LiQuId StEeL
Replace Jamei with Alesia, and then it could get interesting :P
Dodo The Extinct
Claire Wolf
Originally Posted by LiQuId StEeL
Replace Jamei with Alesia, and then it could get interesting :P
That could qualify as a horror/drama film. ..Mostly horror.
Riken Chrono
omg hes a playa!
Naxohs Seralna
I always thought that Dunham was da pimp of the group!
technically they aren't e-boyfriend/girlfriend as the fact that is real life to them
Who wouldn't go for Thom's rugged good looks... Really.
The Son Of Morgoth
Mhenlo is a pimpZor.
thor hammerbane
Mhenlo knows how to pimp teh bischez...They should fix his dialogue to suit his character..I could imagine this in Ch3
Mhenlo:Cynn, Don't hate da playa, Hate da Game! Brap brap.
Mhenlo:Cynn, Don't hate da playa, Hate da Game! Brap brap.
Isn't Cynn a mage? Maybe Mhenlo and Jamei are better off together. xD
The way Mhenlo talks reminds me of someone I know. lmfao.
The way Mhenlo talks reminds me of someone I know. lmfao.
mhenlo ftw.
mhenlo is hawt ;[
mhenlo ftw.
mhenlo is hawt ;[
I'd totally do know....if you could do monks. >.>
Eragon Dragonslayer
isnt Mhenlo supposed to be "Divine" not out late at night with sluts?
If you carry on He finds another two "Friends" of his who are twins! Healing touch anyone?
too bad he doesnt use "Dwayna's Kiss" :|
Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by TurinPT
too bad he doesnt use "Dwayna's Kiss" :|
hey wait a few male monks have been using that on me....
hey wait a few male monks have been using that on me....
Guillaume De Sonoma
I've been told that Devona is a lesbian.
lol... creepy!!
Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
Doesn't the whole Mhenlo-Cynn thing totally defeat the chastety of being a monk?
I thought I was the only one thinking that..
I guess chastity wasn’t in his Monk vows. :/
Oooh, hot monk on monk action. *shivers*
Apparently Tyrian/Canthan monks aren't required to become celibate. =)
Apparently Tyrian/Canthan monks aren't required to become celibate. =)
Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
Doesn't the whole Mhenlo-Cynn thing totally defeat the chastety of being a monk?
Mhenlo just wants to solve the problem of there never being monks for group
ya...mhenlo just loves that healing touch >.>
His character design is kinda cute ^^;
The whole love triangle thing...i wonder why he even puts up with cynn. >.> even though i love cynn cause shes such a bitch, come on.... ~_~
His character design is kinda cute ^^;
The whole love triangle thing...i wonder why he even puts up with cynn. >.> even though i love cynn cause shes such a bitch, come on.... ~_~
Moa Bird Cultist
*Says nothing about Mhenlo's Healing Hands...
Mhenlo, the monk, is dating a girl whose name is pronounced "sin". I'd say it's a given they play 'Doctor' together, he might even show her his Holy Rod from time to time.
Mister Muhkuh
some1 makes a nice suggestion(i dont find it bad at all but can live without it )
and everything people are talking about mhenlo and his girlfriends xD
btw, do u think there's something goin on between thom and stefan?
some1 makes a nice suggestion(i dont find it bad at all but can live without it )
and everything people are talking about mhenlo and his girlfriends xD
btw, do u think there's something goin on between thom and stefan?
Thom and Stefan ? nah he likes swords, he likes axes no way that works out
Lol, i saw this when i first did this quest too. Cynn is so Jealous! She wants all the mhelno stud to herself. I think mhelno likes the asian meat. (sorry if that went over the line lol )
yup he really gets around. a girl in every port.
Nuh uh... Mhenlo is a 'milk'man, 'Mhenlo is using Healing Seed' anyone?
I feel dirty discussing this. this thread gonna get closed soon if we don't tone it down.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
kinky lol
I don't recall anything about priests/priestesses having any sort of vow of celibacy whatseover. Come to think of it, weren't Mhenlo's parents a priest of Balthazar and a priestess of Dwayna?
Plus, there's a whole bunch of monk skills that sound lascivious when you want them to.
Plus, there's a whole bunch of monk skills that sound lascivious when you want them to.
Mister Muhkuh