Fell Out Of My Seat!
Former Ruling
In Lion's Arch, and This popped up:
Thats all he/she said.
Worked for like....a minute....Then everyone jumped back in All Chat lol.
Thats all he/she said.
Worked for like....a minute....Then everyone jumped back in All Chat lol.
The Son Of Morgoth
Lol this is why guildwars should come under Facist rule, if i was the admin i would bann em all. And then i would go Soviet Russia on them and then bann their friends, their freinds and so on. And then i would execute my underlings because they might turn against me.
X of Thulcandra
Nice. Could that be Gaile? :P
Thats REALLY strange, usually the admins never reveal their names.
Its wtfunny though, i always knew the all-chat selling would make them angry.
Its wtfunny though, i always knew the all-chat selling would make them angry.
Lol @ not listning to admins.
Hidden in the Mist
He should of just disabled "! All" for a little while...
Sorry about any confusion, I just didn't think this admin needed to be whisper spammed by us here at the GWGuru.
But thats actually quite hilarious...too bad nobody listened...
But thats actually quite hilarious...too bad nobody listened...
They need to sell their petty items that should be merch'd for 30~50K.
It’s like a rule of being a dick and pushing you're wares.
It's kinda like how senators and homeland security now get telemarketing calls.
It’s like a rule of being a dick and pushing you're wares.
It's kinda like how senators and homeland security now get telemarketing calls.
Cyan The Archer
I bet all people was like: "OMG! GAILE! what is teh next chapter? tell me everyting!!!"
The old yellow text allowed them to speak without revealing their usernames.
I think anything with the sentences with WTS and WTB need to be put automaticly into the trade channel. Thats kinda what its there for.
Astro Pubes
Originally Posted by Mavrik
I think anything with the sentences with WTS and WTB need to be put automaticly into the trade channel. Thats kinda what its there for.
actually one of the updates did that, it's a chat filter.. but it's easy to get around such as \/\/TS or W 2 S or W.T.S. W TS| it's ghey, people should use the trade channel when trading, i refuse to sell or buy from anyone who uses all channel to trade. I guess some people don't think that their ad wont be noticed unless it's in the all channel, personally when i'm trading and selling i turn off the all and trade channel and spam my message endlessily like everyone else, and respond to everyone's whispers. Aside from that if something is really worth it, sell it at the auction here on guru, i've sold a lot of crap that away.
Former Ruling
Yay, Rezzed the thread. Thought this was too funny to die because of a name in a screenshot
Funniest comment afterwards was: "Whats he gonna do, ban us?" Which started off about a minute of NOONE using the All chat lol.
Funniest comment afterwards was: "Whats he gonna do, ban us?" Which started off about a minute of NOONE using the All chat lol.
i noticed that yesterday in pre searing i could not say WTS, but i could say Selling
yea i jst noticed that as well...was it always like that?
You people are soo slow to notice crap, read the updates for god sakes.