anyone else get this problem too?
Grasping Darkness
Accross all characters,you have played for 3,674 hours 43 minutes over the past 13 months.
in this time i have been in many guilds.not lasting for more than a few weeks at the most because i have issues with the members.
>can anyone run me to???
>ts servers with creepy people that usually sit in quiet til they get a girl member and very creepily(<is that a word? lol)harass them with rude comments
>people that act like friends til they cant use the person for anything else and then become randomly rude to them
>does anyone have some ??? i can have?
and so on and so on
do guilds with cool people that provide for thier own exist?
O.O i just heard a msg ping while game minimized
dude- you wanna join a guild?
dude-can you ff?
me-ya i do brauer with my ranger with henchys and frozen soil
you have just recieved a guild invitation from(i wont say name)
dude- ok you now represent(i wont say name)
(i didnt join)
me- im busy atm
i would just like to have access to good farm partners that i can trust to split drops. good pvp players and people to bs the time away with havin fun with gw
am i just crazy and im the a-hole?
im not taking it to heart really im just like " people are all O.o" can you quote a facial expression? idk i just did lol im such a dork
in this time i have been in many guilds.not lasting for more than a few weeks at the most because i have issues with the members.
>can anyone run me to???
>ts servers with creepy people that usually sit in quiet til they get a girl member and very creepily(<is that a word? lol)harass them with rude comments
>people that act like friends til they cant use the person for anything else and then become randomly rude to them
>does anyone have some ??? i can have?
and so on and so on
do guilds with cool people that provide for thier own exist?
O.O i just heard a msg ping while game minimized
dude- you wanna join a guild?
dude-can you ff?
me-ya i do brauer with my ranger with henchys and frozen soil
you have just recieved a guild invitation from(i wont say name)
dude- ok you now represent(i wont say name)
(i didnt join)
me- im busy atm
i would just like to have access to good farm partners that i can trust to split drops. good pvp players and people to bs the time away with havin fun with gw
am i just crazy and im the a-hole?
im not taking it to heart really im just like " people are all O.o" can you quote a facial expression? idk i just did lol im such a dork
Huh? Must be FWUTI.
(Foruming While Under The Influence)
(Foruming While Under The Influence)
Feminist Terrorist
If it's FWUTI, then for the first time I get it. lol
No, I totally understand the OP's frustration. It's hard to find a guild that doesn't consist mainly of leechers, beggers, and just plain jerky people. I've been in a few guilds, and only found one that I really liked. Unfortunately they disbanded. I haven't been in a PVE guild group since then. I think a lot of people are looking for the same thing, Grasping. Don't give up, there must be some guilds out there that have what you want.
No, I totally understand the OP's frustration. It's hard to find a guild that doesn't consist mainly of leechers, beggers, and just plain jerky people. I've been in a few guilds, and only found one that I really liked. Unfortunately they disbanded. I haven't been in a PVE guild group since then. I think a lot of people are looking for the same thing, Grasping. Don't give up, there must be some guilds out there that have what you want.
Sagius Truthbarron
The guilds I have been in only do things when they feel like it (which is more often than not, just sitting around). You'de think bigger, more active guilds would more easily accomedate people to their own needs, but they don't. Everyone is off doing their own thing.
I've never really been in a guild where I can't trust people (perhaps becuase I am natrually trusting+ I don't care what happends to my stuff).
The solution to creepy people on TS could be to join guilds that already have several women in them (or have very untolerant female leaders). I've never really heard those kind of people on TS, though.. If they do, just give me the TS/Vent adress, I'll tell them off
Maybe you just atract all the weirdos?
Perhaps you should just find a smaller group of people you like to be with, join their small guild or something? Becuase large guilds, especially PvE guilds are just full of idiots and beggars that the administrators just don't deal with.
"Can you run me to drok's!?" "Can i have your weapons!?" "Can you give me money to buy that too?!" "POWER LEVEL ME!!" -.-'
I've never really been in a guild where I can't trust people (perhaps becuase I am natrually trusting+ I don't care what happends to my stuff).
The solution to creepy people on TS could be to join guilds that already have several women in them (or have very untolerant female leaders). I've never really heard those kind of people on TS, though.. If they do, just give me the TS/Vent adress, I'll tell them off

Maybe you just atract all the weirdos?
Perhaps you should just find a smaller group of people you like to be with, join their small guild or something? Becuase large guilds, especially PvE guilds are just full of idiots and beggars that the administrators just don't deal with.
"Can you run me to drok's!?" "Can i have your weapons!?" "Can you give me money to buy that too?!" "POWER LEVEL ME!!" -.-'
While I do know how the OP feels, this is why you always join a new guild as a guest to see what their like first. Only use TS or vent after a few weeks once your use to them, and lastly never donate faction/money/items or anything to the guild when you first start.
And yes a girl who is a mate of mine left her guild due to harrasment from guys in it, but sadly there are some people like that. She found a new guild and keeps of TS, all is well.
OP can you please not use shorthand like that, this is a forum, not a chat room. Thanks.
And yes a girl who is a mate of mine left her guild due to harrasment from guys in it, but sadly there are some people like that. She found a new guild and keeps of TS, all is well.
OP can you please not use shorthand like that, this is a forum, not a chat room. Thanks.

Been there, done that, seen it, done it... ect. ect.
First off : If people bug you too much on TS, either tell them to clean their $%#@ act
or stop useing it all together.
Second : Big guilds usually = big trouble
because of all the pesky beggers, pretenders, and so on and so forth. Go with small or medium-ish guilds
. No matter how much I would LIKE to agree with the guest option... it dosen't truly show what the guild is. For instance being a guest dosen't show that guild's chat so you can see the more immature players and beggers around there and so on and so forth, not to mention the offline players that could annoy or bug you to no end.
Third : Could start your own guild and only try to get your friends to join, but from what you say I guess this is not going to be a good option for you (no offense).
Fourth : Suggest don't join guilds that invite you for no reason at all or right away. SEARCH for a guild YOU like.
What I mean by that is actually try and go friend hunting... like a few players who you hang with some/most of the time, join their guild and play with them and hopefully others.
Anyway... mostly how you play and what you do determines what guild you'll like. Guild Leechers are always going to be a part of this game, good news is they leech off the bigger guilds more than the smaller ones. Well good luck, hope you find some motivation in some words of mine and others.
First off : If people bug you too much on TS, either tell them to clean their $%#@ act

Second : Big guilds usually = big trouble

Third : Could start your own guild and only try to get your friends to join, but from what you say I guess this is not going to be a good option for you (no offense).
Fourth : Suggest don't join guilds that invite you for no reason at all or right away. SEARCH for a guild YOU like.

Anyway... mostly how you play and what you do determines what guild you'll like. Guild Leechers are always going to be a part of this game, good news is they leech off the bigger guilds more than the smaller ones. Well good luck, hope you find some motivation in some words of mine and others.
I wasnt lucky in my first few guilds, but the one im in now is awesome. we play together alot, people are always asking if OTHER people need help, and we basicly go out of the way to help each other, and are nice in giving eachother items (unless really expensive we refuse to take money for stuff), and for the most part, people know when to not ask for too much help so it gets anoying.
its just teh matter of finding the right guild. there are alot of bad ones out there, but you cant really tell till you give them a chance.
its just teh matter of finding the right guild. there are alot of bad ones out there, but you cant really tell till you give them a chance.
4 months, 500+ hours, one guild and don't intend to leave any time soon.

Started playing my first toon and met two cool people that helped me out. Well, since I am always polite and such I got an invite. They gave me a good bow to start with and all that. I got lucky with this guild because they're very mature and helpful. Sometimes a tad too uptight perhaps. I made a dirty joke and someone got offended. I apologized but I still thought it was funny. 
I don't ever ask for their help but they offer it. I help out with them too when I'm not doing much. I give out anything I don't use which is good. If no one wants it then I'll keep it and perhaps sell it later. I have been with this guild since the beginning and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

I don't ever ask for their help but they offer it. I help out with them too when I'm not doing much. I give out anything I don't use which is good. If no one wants it then I'll keep it and perhaps sell it later. I have been with this guild since the beginning and I don't see it changing anytime soon.
Tark Alkerk
Originally Posted by Grasping Darkness
O.O i just heard a msg ping while game minimized |
Silent Kitty
I have tried several guilds. I can't play very well, because my internet connection tends to stagger and freeze on the most awkward moments, which makes me worthless in pvp and to fight difficult bosses. That means I am either way behind my other guildies (Giving me the feeling that we are not playing the same game), or the guild members get tired of teaming up with me because they already did that quest to many times.
An other guild had a lvl 7 leader who was online almost 24/7, just like me, and I got tired of just chatting with him. I don't play this game for meaningful conversations or getting to know each other. I don't trust internet people.
I have my own one-woman guild now, and I'm slowly adding more npcs to the hall.
Don't get me wrong. I like doing quests with people, but face it; Most pugs you encounter either don't have their minds on the quest or spam every form of tactical converstation away by constantly telling health, weapon, energy and level.
I like a guild who consist of relaxed people who really like to do every quest in this game, don't mind losing guild battles and dying during quests, and don't beg for money and items. Preferably one who is neutral on the Canta Kurzics and Luxons. I don't want to be forced to choose sides. Most guilds are way to eager to get to the end of the game, spoiling it for other who aren't that far yet.
Also, the fact that your guildies really like to help you, doesn't mean you can skip great parts of the game. If you are tired of doing the same quest over and over again, you belong in an PvP guild and not a PvE one.
An other guild had a lvl 7 leader who was online almost 24/7, just like me, and I got tired of just chatting with him. I don't play this game for meaningful conversations or getting to know each other. I don't trust internet people.
I have my own one-woman guild now, and I'm slowly adding more npcs to the hall.
Don't get me wrong. I like doing quests with people, but face it; Most pugs you encounter either don't have their minds on the quest or spam every form of tactical converstation away by constantly telling health, weapon, energy and level.
I like a guild who consist of relaxed people who really like to do every quest in this game, don't mind losing guild battles and dying during quests, and don't beg for money and items. Preferably one who is neutral on the Canta Kurzics and Luxons. I don't want to be forced to choose sides. Most guilds are way to eager to get to the end of the game, spoiling it for other who aren't that far yet.
Also, the fact that your guildies really like to help you, doesn't mean you can skip great parts of the game. If you are tired of doing the same quest over and over again, you belong in an PvP guild and not a PvE one.
You have to choose a side to join an alliance, so not many guilds are going to be neutral.
Well, I recently disbanded my 2 person guild. I got tired of having my only guildie always expecting me to drop everything to help him the moment he logs on. Sure, it was only once a week tops, but I just wanted to be in a guild that wasn't like that. I joined a guild that I had been questing with on a regular basis for a few months now. They are great! Everyone(including me) is always asking if anyone needs help. The small talk is interesting and the jokes are great too. Very friendly helpful guild and I am so glad I finally decided to join. Of course since my other guildie is my boyfriend, he came along too.
Are you actively looking for a guild? Guru does have a directory. Read some of the descriptions, visit some of their web sites. If you find some that look interesting talk to guilds leader and officers online. (There has to be more than just my guild where officers are willing to talk to new prospects online.)
I think there is at least one guild that would be a good fit for you.
I think there is at least one guild that would be a good fit for you.
Ure Maker
i got this problem with the fist ever guild i was in, they were crapm they were never online, and when they were they never helped us "noobs" and they tried to sell us stuff
the second guild was great, they were all helpfull, and i was eventually made a officer, we helped people, if some1 needed something we would go out and farm it for them, or give them it, WE NEVER SOLD EACH OTHER ITEMS ETC FROM GUILD MEMBER TO GUILD MEMBER <--a rule alot of guilds have, but some invite you for a month saying this rule just do they can take your items, they guild was heavy GvG which i loved and we would go over tactics all the time, well as our members progressed they began to leave, and every officer knows how difficult it is ro recruit so unfortunatly more left than what was joining so thew guild disbanded, but i keep in touch with all my mates from it
The guild im in atm is propably the last guild i'l be in, sure i love to GvG and such, but i prefer to be with friends playing GW, and this guild is made up of all my friends, we farm, helpout as much as possible, which is great and we have a great laugh,
sure finding a guild that is good, and fun is hard to do, but when you find one its great, dont go for a guild that does blind invites and asks you, if a guild is recruiting they will say, they wont ask you wanna be in a guild then you get a invite.
the second guild was great, they were all helpfull, and i was eventually made a officer, we helped people, if some1 needed something we would go out and farm it for them, or give them it, WE NEVER SOLD EACH OTHER ITEMS ETC FROM GUILD MEMBER TO GUILD MEMBER <--a rule alot of guilds have, but some invite you for a month saying this rule just do they can take your items, they guild was heavy GvG which i loved and we would go over tactics all the time, well as our members progressed they began to leave, and every officer knows how difficult it is ro recruit so unfortunatly more left than what was joining so thew guild disbanded, but i keep in touch with all my mates from it
The guild im in atm is propably the last guild i'l be in, sure i love to GvG and such, but i prefer to be with friends playing GW, and this guild is made up of all my friends, we farm, helpout as much as possible, which is great and we have a great laugh,
sure finding a guild that is good, and fun is hard to do, but when you find one its great, dont go for a guild that does blind invites and asks you, if a guild is recruiting they will say, they wont ask you wanna be in a guild then you get a invite.
Hey man, just to answer your question, which is the second paragraph next to the end of your post:
If you're in a group, and having fun with someone, add him/her to your friendlist. Go join his/her group more often, if it really works out, join the guild, simple as that
1800 hours spent now, of wich maybe 50 hours not in a guild, the rest in 2 great ones

demon dantes
I understand your pain lol. I am in a guild with only people i know and am very comfortable with. we are a guild of like 8 people. We stay alone because we hate the drama you get from other guilds. We do everything together from farming to missions. I just like it better this way then hey you... go get us 10k faction everyday or your out! I really cannot wait till chapter 3 hopefully this faction bull chit ends and all this alliance crap goes to hell.
I've played this game since the day it was released here (UK) and have been in my current guild for 7 months. To put some of your points into context within my guild:
a) TS - we all use it but mainly to gossip and chat. There are always some ppl on as we have members from Europe, Australia and North America. Any abuse of any kind means kicked from guild;
b) We do not allow selling from one member to another. We encourage ppl to give items to members. Of course some items are too valuable to give away, that's understandable. We also have a "guild storage" - a separate account that our leader bought which is used only for storing materials and items. All officers have access to this account which is opened for a certain amount of time every day so members can take what they need (and of course put in anything they dont need to keep it topped up).
c) Running ppl places doesn't take long, is it really a problem if ppl ask?
a) TS - we all use it but mainly to gossip and chat. There are always some ppl on as we have members from Europe, Australia and North America. Any abuse of any kind means kicked from guild;
b) We do not allow selling from one member to another. We encourage ppl to give items to members. Of course some items are too valuable to give away, that's understandable. We also have a "guild storage" - a separate account that our leader bought which is used only for storing materials and items. All officers have access to this account which is opened for a certain amount of time every day so members can take what they need (and of course put in anything they dont need to keep it topped up).
c) Running ppl places doesn't take long, is it really a problem if ppl ask?
The guilds your after definatly exist !
I try to make ours as mixed as possible so that every kind of member can get involved..
But definatly go for one that has a website and forums, you gotta shop around..
One thing you must surly do is goto the websites of guilds advertising for members!... I always put our website address up but rarly do people bother to visit it before actually joining.
I try to make ours as mixed as possible so that every kind of member can get involved..
But definatly go for one that has a website and forums, you gotta shop around..
One thing you must surly do is goto the websites of guilds advertising for members!... I always put our website address up but rarly do people bother to visit it before actually joining.
I have been leader of for over a year now, and have had the same core members for about that same time. Players like you speak of do exist, but not in our guild! Before anyone joins us we generally like to play with them a bit before we invite them, it's as easy as that. I'm not allowed to recruit here, so I wont...but I would say don't give up - the guild for you, and others like you is out there

Yup, in my guild, same as with any decent guild: any abuse = kick.
On our website we clearly list our rules: sexism, racism, ageism (to list a few) are all taboo.
The problem we have is that out of 45 members we only have around 15 signed up to the guild's forum. As this is the medium we use to arrange GvG, you would assume that the people who complain that "we never GvG" would recognise this fact, but noooo. I've seen a post in "Looking for a Guild?" where someone said "I don't want to have to sign up to a forum." Why not, for pete's sake? Why do people have a problem with signing up to forums? Mind you, I guess a forum is not the best place to be asking that question!
[edit]eep - just re-read this. Started out as a comment and ended up a rant. At my own guildies
On our website we clearly list our rules: sexism, racism, ageism (to list a few) are all taboo.
The problem we have is that out of 45 members we only have around 15 signed up to the guild's forum. As this is the medium we use to arrange GvG, you would assume that the people who complain that "we never GvG" would recognise this fact, but noooo. I've seen a post in "Looking for a Guild?" where someone said "I don't want to have to sign up to a forum." Why not, for pete's sake? Why do people have a problem with signing up to forums? Mind you, I guess a forum is not the best place to be asking that question!
[edit]eep - just re-read this. Started out as a comment and ended up a rant. At my own guildies

Originally Posted by Silent Kitty
I have tried several guilds. I can't play very well, because my internet connection tends to stagger and freeze on the most awkward moments, which makes me worthless in pvp and to fight difficult bosses. That means I am either way behind my other guildies (Giving me the feeling that we are not playing the same game), or the guild members get tired of teaming up with me because they already did that quest to many times.
An other guild had a lvl 7 leader who was online almost 24/7, just like me, and I got tired of just chatting with him. I don't play this game for meaningful conversations or getting to know each other. I don't trust internet people. I have my own one-woman guild now, and I'm slowly adding more npcs to the hall. Don't get me wrong. I like doing quests with people, but face it; Most pugs you encounter either don't have their minds on the quest or spam every form of tactical converstation away by constantly telling health, weapon, energy and level. I like a guild who consist of relaxed people who really like to do every quest in this game, don't mind losing guild battles and dying during quests, and don't beg for money and items. Preferably one who is neutral on the Canta Kurzics and Luxons. I don't want to be forced to choose sides. Most guilds are way to eager to get to the end of the game, spoiling it for other who aren't that far yet. Also, the fact that your guildies really like to help you, doesn't mean you can skip great parts of the game. If you are tired of doing the same quest over and over again, you belong in an PvP guild and not a PvE one. |
My current guild consists of my brother and a couple of our friends along with a nice mixture of MATURE people who help each other out with anything. We like doing all the quests and missions and will do them over and over again so someone working on the Protector title can eventually get it. I trust all of them and have so far probably given out over 300 plat and 30 or 40 gold items or high end mods to these people I call friends. The return has been good also. We are a small guild (25-30 members) and prefer to keep it that way. We are VERY selective on who we allow to come into our circle. We still have our debates, but we want it that way, otherwise it would be boring. In the end, we still come out smelling like gold because we can come to a democratic solution every time without anyone getting overly pissed off. Respect is our motto. So, hey, put me on your friends list if this is what you are looking for and come and play with us. We have a fully functional guild hall and Vent. And a LOT of experience behind us with builds and what-not. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.
-Drakyn Stryke
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
Drakyn that almost sounds like an invte O.o but I have to admit I am one of hte guys that ask "you guys have any?? that I can have??" but I do return the favor, I also tend to be the enforcer in guilds when it comes to rudeness etc. I also cna smell a bad player/leader when I see one, got me demoted and ended with me leaving from my last guild. Now I am in BlackBlades and I am extremely happy with it, even though I have to deal with a few idiots along the way I have made a couple very good friends, and one of them helped my sin get his 15k imps which I am still working on.
hmmmmm it sounds like some people are having problems with the guilds they have joined..i would just like more of the guild im in to actually be online playing when i am
as im a complete noob at this sort of thing i did not know you could leave a guild once you had joined, as it would be nice to have more players in the guild to help out with the odd quest, but having said that the one i'm in seem a nice bunch, being an older female gamer i have not had any problem with any comments rude or otherwise, and it seems a shame that some people feel the need to be like that maybe they should stop gaming and try talking to people face to face for a change to imporve their people skills.
as im a complete noob at this sort of thing i did not know you could leave a guild once you had joined, as it would be nice to have more players in the guild to help out with the odd quest, but having said that the one i'm in seem a nice bunch, being an older female gamer i have not had any problem with any comments rude or otherwise, and it seems a shame that some people feel the need to be like that maybe they should stop gaming and try talking to people face to face for a change to imporve their people skills.
Well my guild cleared the first 10 hurtles you have up there >_>
My husband only harrasses the men.... (don't ask but he is also willing to share his love freely with anything that walks - he's just wierd not a perv o_O I think >_>)
errm we only ask that if our guildies expect something out of us they repay that kindness later and never anything major... Harrassing is annoying (about to chew a newbie out for it as we speak -_- Course I just pretend he isn't there >_>)
All giving of stuff is your right, not ours and normally we won't ask for anything unless we lack like one flippin tanned hide and then its whoever responds in guild chat first lol.
We love to BS, its what we are best at... Some don't get it -_- or can't handle it and so they leave letting us know that they will find a guild that will go to number one cause they are just that skilled and I say, that's great! Let me know when ya do eh so I can give you a cookie! (we don't care about being #1 lol)
Errm... And not to turn you down because I feel like you have nothing to offer, I just don't think we have ALL the qualities you are looking for:
the farming thing isn't really us most of the time tho we have one or two that love to do UW and FoW (altho 98% of our guildies are trustworthy even tho they might pick on ya about something especially if you are dead - I just tell em to hand it over or you will tell their mommy or worse send our horny guild leader/my husband after them).
We pvp/gvg only rarely.
*shrugs* keep looking hun there are a few rare guilds that would meet all of your expectations. A really good guild is hard to find and you will NOT find one that has no issues - it's just impossible. Heck a couple of our guildies practically hated each other for months... It just eventually passed and neither cared or remembered why it was to start with. Drama is going to happen in every guild and a couple of times I thought some of our core officers would leave, it was just not pretty. Finally I told them to lodge a formal complaint or shut the heck up! The bickering was stupid and petty because all it was and usually ever is, is a simple misunderstanding! You are always going to get at least a little drama. (Most of our officers have been internet friends of ours for years and a few members we've met in person.)
i would suggest checking the guild forum here (not sure if that has been mentioned... for once I am being lazy and not reading the whole thread so bite me). Good Luck!
My husband only harrasses the men.... (don't ask but he is also willing to share his love freely with anything that walks - he's just wierd not a perv o_O I think >_>)
errm we only ask that if our guildies expect something out of us they repay that kindness later and never anything major... Harrassing is annoying (about to chew a newbie out for it as we speak -_- Course I just pretend he isn't there >_>)
All giving of stuff is your right, not ours and normally we won't ask for anything unless we lack like one flippin tanned hide and then its whoever responds in guild chat first lol.
We love to BS, its what we are best at... Some don't get it -_- or can't handle it and so they leave letting us know that they will find a guild that will go to number one cause they are just that skilled and I say, that's great! Let me know when ya do eh so I can give you a cookie! (we don't care about being #1 lol)
Errm... And not to turn you down because I feel like you have nothing to offer, I just don't think we have ALL the qualities you are looking for:
the farming thing isn't really us most of the time tho we have one or two that love to do UW and FoW (altho 98% of our guildies are trustworthy even tho they might pick on ya about something especially if you are dead - I just tell em to hand it over or you will tell their mommy or worse send our horny guild leader/my husband after them).
We pvp/gvg only rarely.
*shrugs* keep looking hun there are a few rare guilds that would meet all of your expectations. A really good guild is hard to find and you will NOT find one that has no issues - it's just impossible. Heck a couple of our guildies practically hated each other for months... It just eventually passed and neither cared or remembered why it was to start with. Drama is going to happen in every guild and a couple of times I thought some of our core officers would leave, it was just not pretty. Finally I told them to lodge a formal complaint or shut the heck up! The bickering was stupid and petty because all it was and usually ever is, is a simple misunderstanding! You are always going to get at least a little drama. (Most of our officers have been internet friends of ours for years and a few members we've met in person.)
i would suggest checking the guild forum here (not sure if that has been mentioned... for once I am being lazy and not reading the whole thread so bite me). Good Luck!