What's better for bow Damage? Enchaneting or preparation



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]



Basically the build I mostly use is a Ranger/Elementalist using a Combo of Conjure Flame + Kinder Arrows.

I do know many use a Ranger/Monk which uses Judges Insight + Read the Wind.

So I'm wondering which is the better overall combo for damage, as I want to improve my damage output for PvP.

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Judge's insight is better... but, it comes with energy cost. While you also may face prot spirit delima with judge's insight + read the wind. (judge's insight won't calculate read the wind's extra damage, if you were wondering)

Generally, if your number is high, you want to go for % modification; if your number is low, you want to go + number modification.

So if you only got like 5 bow mastery, kindle + conjur would do more damage. While 15 bow mastery, judge's insight does more.