A small suggestion for Observer Mode
I don't know how the nuts and bolts of observer mode work, so I don't know if this would be a simple or monumental task, but I think it would be a really nice thing if guilds could observe their own gvgs all the time. Observer mode is hugely helpful as is already, but people grow faster by being able to critique themselves and watch themselves play. I think it would be a huge boost to competitive GvG if guilds were able to watch their own gvgs always, instead of only when they face a top 100 guild.
That's a great idea. I think it would help a lot.
This will probably be locked since it has been suggested before many times.
If you're suggesting they put all gvg's in observer mode so people can watch all gvg's even those between rank 3000+ guilds then no. I think it might cause problems with the server or something with all those vidoes. IMO only the best guilds deserve to be put in observer mode.
If you're suggesting they put all gvg's in observer mode so people can watch all gvg's even those between rank 3000+ guilds then no. I think it might cause problems with the server or something with all those vidoes. IMO only the best guilds deserve to be put in observer mode.
I am not suggesting they put all gvgs in observer mode. I am suggesting that each guild gets 1 additional gvg added to observer mode (their own). This is different from everyone being able to watch all gvgs. I wasn't able to find a thread detailing this particular suggestiong. Anyway, if that proves to be too problematic, limit it to the guild ladder would also be acceptable (top 1000 guilds get to watch their own gvgs, top 100 everyone can see). I dunno, just an idea.
Been suggested before to help train the guild to watch how to GVG.