Alt+Ctrl+S is making GW minimize???
Since the last update, this key combination (alt+ctrl+S) all at the same time is making the game minimize. Please check this out guys and see if it happens to you, keep in mind that GW must be Maximized for this to happen. Please try it guys, if it does not happen let me know so i can look further into my os for the problem, if it does happen then we need to find a way to disable it. I will have to change the way i play if we cannot. In GVG when i am moving backwards while showing others and showing my party it happens, very frustrating indeed!
nope doesnt minimise mine
are you sure you aren't accidently bumping your Windows key and/or your TAB key? I tend to do that at times while using ctrl+alt alot....
I also bet that while you are doing all of that in GvG, you are also hitting tab every now and then to cycle through targets, which in turn will produce an alt+tab, which will globally minimize any program. But, if for some reason you have tested it by just hitting those three buttons and it minimizes, then I don't know wtface is up with it. I would look into it for you though if this were the case.
I had a similar problem, ctrl+shift+space was causing the ATI Catalyst console to open behind GW. While it didnt minimze the game, it was annoying. Turns out it was a shortcut key to open the console.
I know this is not the answer, but at least it gives you an idea of what to look for.
I know this is not the answer, but at least it gives you an idea of what to look for.
You may have 'Sticky Keys' turned on. Go into your Control Panel and then to Accessability, and if the Keyboard tab is not already selected then select it. There will be a Sticky Keys option shown, and if the box for it is ticked you will want to untick it.
If Sticky Keys is not turned on, the only other thing I can think of it being is something already mentioned above - ctrl+alt+s is a global hotkey for one of your other running programs.
If Sticky Keys is not turned on, the only other thing I can think of it being is something already mentioned above - ctrl+alt+s is a global hotkey for one of your other running programs.
GW is being really annoying when i try to alt+tab. It messes up half the time and i get a black GW window with just the cross at the top righthand corner, i have to reselect the window and alt+tab again to fix it ><.
Thanks for the replys guys. Well, it is obviously an isolated problem that i am having, so that is good. It is definetly those three keys only. Sticky Keys is not enabled. The only changes to my system that are "coincidental" are the last update to GW, and..........I @#$%@ installed AOL 9.0 against my better judgement. I knew i should never have infected my comp with that nonsense!