

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



Hi newb here. Tryed search this but no succes. Quick question :If a weapon is customized at the weapons dealer, is it worthless to sell after that??. I tryed to sell a gold bow,wich i customized for myself. Somebody wanted to buy but cancelt at last sec because it was customized. I personally asumed that the new owner could customize it again,he/she told me otherwise.

If it is worthless(after custom.) whats the point of customizing then, does it make the weapon better???

Thns for help
Mzzls $neekie


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Customizing cannot be undone, thus you should only customize weapons you intend to use for longer periods. It doesn't completely lose it's value, as merchants still will buy it for scrap iron price. Or you can try salvaging the weapon mods off it with expert salvage.

Customized weapon does 20% more damage, so that's the point in it.

edit: hurr, fine, 20%! I can't remember everything, especially at work :P

I love coffee

I love coffee

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

NC ( Noob City)


i think u can do 20% more dmg all the time w/out any negative effect instead of 15%


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



Thnx for quick reply

Mzzls $neekie

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


It ADDS 20% more damage unconditional - It doesnt replace the damage mod like another post sort of implied (intended or not).

At the cost of never being able to sale it.

demon dantes

demon dantes

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


Iyanden Wraithguard


Best bet is to customize the higher req items or the 14% ones. With the way the market is things that were rare at one point become not rare. This also works the other way around things that were not rare become rare. So as someone had said before me you only customize a item1-that you would never resell. 2-that would not fetch a dime at the trader.