Cut-Scene for Ascholon City


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006


Hey everyone,

I've been leveling up in Post-searing Ascholon for a while and left there a few minutes ago at Level 8. I'm now in the actual ruins of the Old Ascholon City. *It's so sad!...yep, i'm a newbie.*

Anyway, i was just wondering, after talking to Sir Tidus and him telling the character that you can never come back here again, then do the battle and die; theres this cut scene that takes you to Ascholon City, which is now in ruins, 2 years later. My question is, does anyone know where i can view that cut-scene at? I think it's about the Charr or something. The reason is, i wanted to watch it but i missed it due to a important phone call i had to take...gahhh, lol. Now i don't know what happened cause the poor city is all dead.

So if any of you could let me know, that would be great, thank you so much in advanced!!


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Ayumi*
Hey everyone,

So if any of you could let me know, that would be great, thank you so much in advanced!!
start another character as a temp character.

choose warrior do 1st warrior quest

get secondary mesmer just to your right as you exit than kill rogue bull.

go to academy die and then watch the scene again.

takes about 15 minutes start to finish


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006


Oh wow, lol, okay, thank you so much! I'll do that right now.

konohamaru heaven

konohamaru heaven

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Some where in Cantha beyond the Petrified Forest and the Jade Sea

The Amazon Basin

Originally Posted by Ayumi*
Hey everyone,

I've been leveling up in Post-searing Ascholon for a while and left there a few minutes ago at Level 8. I'm now in the actual ruins of the Old Ascholon City. *It's so sad!...yep, i'm a newbie.*

Anyway, i was just wondering, after talking to Sir Tidus and him telling the character that you can never come back here again, then do the battle and die; theres this cut scene that takes you to Ascholon City, which is now in ruins, 2 years later. My question is, does anyone know where i can view that cut-scene at? I think it's about the Charr or something. The reason is, i wanted to watch it but i missed it due to a important phone call i had to take...gahhh, lol. Now i don't know what happened cause the poor city is all dead.

So if any of you could let me know, that would be great, thank you so much in advanced!!
You left Pre Searing Ascalon to the Post Searing Ascalon (the ruins one). Anyways unless you makea new character you are not able to view that cut-scene a second time. Also sorry for the correcting its a bad habbit of mine



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



In Ch2: factions, you are able to view previous cutscenes by talking to the main NPC of the town after the cutscene.

Not sure why Anet does not add this feature in Ch1



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


A Doomlord synopsis of the cutscene:
  1. Sky tuns red
  2. Charr launch giant crystal bombs of death
  3. Pretty much everyone dies from the crystals of death because they blow everything up (peasants go flying everywhere)
  4. Wide panoramic shot of how screwed Ascalon is now
Just in case you don't want to deal with the idiots in Pre-Searing again.