Expert rits or Assassins? LAFF and best weapons ever? LAFF
Fox Reeveheart
the game has been out for about coming close to two months and already I see people calling themselves expert ritualists or assassins.... WTF IS THIS MADNESS!?
Look when you play the game for a year you can start to call yourself a expert ritualist or assassin IF YOU HAVE PLAYED THE PROFESSION THAT LONG.
Seriously now the gull of some people is just insane O_o I don't care how many times you killed shiro, from what I've heard its a really easy mission compared to hells.
Infact nobody is a expert at factions yet! only the devs and playtesters are! (not everyone who was in the preview event back in march or february (i forget when like I was) If you aren't one of them, you don't deserve to call yourself an expert yet, its earned through many painstaking hours of hardwork! Grind your way to the top, biznatches!
2nd rant/
I have seen an OVERLOAD of trade messages of people advertising a weapon or shield or w/e and then next to it... "BEST ______ IN THE GAME"
Like if its the new totem axe
let me get it straightened out that there is NO best weapon in the game of any type, there is only best weapons made for each build... and even with that most green weapons can be duplicated with the right weapon and the right mods.
Look when you play the game for a year you can start to call yourself a expert ritualist or assassin IF YOU HAVE PLAYED THE PROFESSION THAT LONG.
Seriously now the gull of some people is just insane O_o I don't care how many times you killed shiro, from what I've heard its a really easy mission compared to hells.
Infact nobody is a expert at factions yet! only the devs and playtesters are! (not everyone who was in the preview event back in march or february (i forget when like I was) If you aren't one of them, you don't deserve to call yourself an expert yet, its earned through many painstaking hours of hardwork! Grind your way to the top, biznatches!
2nd rant/
I have seen an OVERLOAD of trade messages of people advertising a weapon or shield or w/e and then next to it... "BEST ______ IN THE GAME"
Like if its the new totem axe
let me get it straightened out that there is NO best weapon in the game of any type, there is only best weapons made for each build... and even with that most green weapons can be duplicated with the right weapon and the right mods.
Ken Dei
Your first point is wrong. Your second point is right. There are expert Assassins and Rits. 1:500 ratio, I've met some.
Hidden in the Mist
First rant - People can be experienced with the Ritualist/Assassin naturally.
Second rant - It's to draw in buyers.
Second rant - It's to draw in buyers.
Former Ruling
The words "Expert" and "Assassin" being next to each other is an oxymoron in most people's opinions anyway 
I hate when people advertise their wares like that, and other stuff too.

I hate when people advertise their wares like that, and other stuff too.
I bet everyone who plays Ritualist in high-end PvP knows what they're doing (like me). Just because you havn't logged 200 hours on somthing doesn't mean your not good on it.
Legendary Battousai
yup... after playing an assassin in over 50 gvgs (in Forgotten Valor and other guilds... if you call that high end just because they are now top 100... iono), beating the game twice with it, running it in random arenas/alliance battles for hours on end, unlocking all skills on it, making numerous builds and understanding how they function using assassins, slaughtering evil and wm's assassins in alliance battles (using the same build... they were just slower at chaining and did not know how to insure that you hit first), and being able to take on air eles with blinding flash spam that still got rocked from other top ranked guilds doesnt mean im and expert according to you, then what does? Althought I do agree its about 99% of the gw players who have assassins know nothing how to run one does make it seem grim to find that 1%, but trust me, they are there. I do know that there are some things that I do not know about the assassin, and I will admit that, but I am pretty damn good reguardless.
Naturally? So you are saying that a newborn can pop out and be awsome at running assassins or ritualists? Your looking for a word more along the lines with good, talented and maybe lucky, but experience and nature are completely opposite. You might be thinking of innate skill, which is what you are born with... and I see no babys that play guild wars
*no offense to ya*
Originally Posted by Hidden in the Mist
First rant - People can be experienced with the Ritualist/Assassin naturally.

I've been shadow stepping and laying down the Phoenix Strike combo since I was 5 years old. My first target was my 1st grade teacher. I'm experienced... /sarcasm
But yeah I consider myself a pro, simply because I know just about everything there is about an Assassin. Personally if an Assassin doesn't know what an "AOD" build is, hes no good.
AOD build = Aura of Displacement -> Golden Phoenix Strike -> Horns of the Ox -> Falling Spider -> Twisted Fangs
But yeah I consider myself a pro, simply because I know just about everything there is about an Assassin. Personally if an Assassin doesn't know what an "AOD" build is, hes no good.
AOD build = Aura of Displacement -> Golden Phoenix Strike -> Horns of the Ox -> Falling Spider -> Twisted Fangs
ive seen the totem axe being sold as the best caster weapon in the game many times, and it usually just makes me laugh. all the totem has going for it is the nice skin and the %20 mod already there. you can CRAFT +5 energy weapons as well as find them, and personally im not ready to give up my FFS just yet- i still think its the best.
Originally Posted by Cash
ive seen the totem axe being sold as the best caster weapon in the game many times, and it usually just makes me laugh. all the totem has going for it is the nice skin and the %20 mod already there. you can CRAFT +5 energy weapons as well as find them, and personally im not ready to give up my FFS just yet- i still think its the best.

Blind Rage
Originally Posted by Nevin
But yeah I consider myself a pro, simply because I know just about everything there is about an Assassin. Personally if an Assassin doesn't know what an "AOD" build is, hes no good. P.S. AOD build = Aura of Displacement -> Golden Phoenix Strike -> Horns of the Ox -> Falling Spider -> Twisted Fangs |
Sagius Truthbarron
Originally Posted by Legendary Battousai
Naturally? So you are saying that a newborn can pop out and be awsome at running assassins or ritualists? Your looking for a word more along the lines with good, talented and maybe lucky, but experience and nature are completely opposite. You might be thinking of innate skill, which is what you are born with... and I see no babys that play guild wars
![]() |
Originally Posted by Encarta
3. by nature: as a result of a natural feature, talent, or quality that somebody possesses
a naturally gifted player Writing seems to come naturally to her. |
Ive Played allmost 300 hours on my ritualist, done the masters on all missions, Cleared the Deep, FoW, UW, and The Warren, Unlocked every Ritalist elite and skill, and dozens of secondary skills & Elites. played every build currently out, and made a good few of my own, i'd consider myself to be a ritualist "expert", i can out heal pretty much every monk ive encountered with my restoration build, if that counts for anything
(im not trying to sound smug, but you dont need to have played for a whole year to know a class well)
(im not trying to sound smug, but you dont need to have played for a whole year to know a class well)
Don Zardeone
"EXP PRO Warriormonk LFG" = 99% of the time a ******* who brings a sword to a gunfight.
"WTS BLAH, BEST POO IN GAME" = people I hate because they make nooblets think that it really is the best axe in game.
The purple poisonous axes on Wammos weren't enough already, they HAD to make every wammo in raisu use a totem now...
"WTS BLAH, BEST POO IN GAME" = people I hate because they make nooblets think that it really is the best axe in game.
The purple poisonous axes on Wammos weren't enough already, they HAD to make every wammo in raisu use a totem now...
Everyime I see someone spamming "pro xxx lfg" I always ask them what makes them pro. For some reason I never seem to get a proper answer...
An expert as someone who has enough experience to realize there is always more to learn, they'll never know everything, don't have to memorize answers to problems because they can find them by instinct, and finds repeatable solutions to problems by thinking "outside the box". An expert will be able to extend a concept in ways that seem almost like magic to non-experts. Being an expert is a state of mind; not something that you get after a certain amount of time.
Doing something for hours on end won't make you an expert. That makes you a very good, accomplished amateur at best. You can recognize these folks when they have to list out their accomplishments - usually in paragraph form - to prove they're "experts". There isn't anything wrong with being an accomplished amateur since those people can get quite a bit done. If you think you've "done it all" then you'll probably never progress passed this point.
You can recognize an expert because they listen, think, and when they have to talk it takes few words to get a new concept across. These people will build the new, revolutionary builds that change PvP or PvE and seek to share that knowledge with the rest of us. These people change the way everyone else thinks about something.
If you really want to be an expert then stop thinking about what you've done and start thinking about what you can do.
This isn't a slap at anyone on the forum. Just my thoughts on the subject.
Doing something for hours on end won't make you an expert. That makes you a very good, accomplished amateur at best. You can recognize these folks when they have to list out their accomplishments - usually in paragraph form - to prove they're "experts". There isn't anything wrong with being an accomplished amateur since those people can get quite a bit done. If you think you've "done it all" then you'll probably never progress passed this point.
You can recognize an expert because they listen, think, and when they have to talk it takes few words to get a new concept across. These people will build the new, revolutionary builds that change PvP or PvE and seek to share that knowledge with the rest of us. These people change the way everyone else thinks about something.
If you really want to be an expert then stop thinking about what you've done and start thinking about what you can do.
This isn't a slap at anyone on the forum. Just my thoughts on the subject.

I disagree with the op and agree with some posts in here.
Some people just click into the assassin and ritualist mindset faster and better than most people.
The problem is differentiating between the pretenders and the real deal.
Ive monked solo in an all assassin party. Its easy to tell whos good and whos dead.
2nd point: Salesmen say anything to sell
Some people just click into the assassin and ritualist mindset faster and better than most people.
The problem is differentiating between the pretenders and the real deal.
Ive monked solo in an all assassin party. Its easy to tell whos good and whos dead.
2nd point: Salesmen say anything to sell