Will restore Rits become the next healing monks? your opinion!
Fox Reeveheart
Simple question i would like your opinion on o.o.
Ever since factions its just been a FLOOD of A's and Rits, many groups have ONLY been those two. But onto the real question
With everyone and his best friend's uncle making a ritualist, do you think that ritualists maxed out in restoration will become the next healing monks? Or better yet, which one does better?
Ever since factions its just been a FLOOD of A's and Rits, many groups have ONLY been those two. But onto the real question
With everyone and his best friend's uncle making a ritualist, do you think that ritualists maxed out in restoration will become the next healing monks? Or better yet, which one does better?
Restore Rits can be useful holding the team together, but I have yet to see them keep up with a real monk. Monks have large healing, (Word of Healing, Heal Other), and more support attributes. Ritualists have one support attribute.
Real monks>Ritualists, in healing.
EDIT: btw, where do you see this flood? I've never seen too many assasins, when I finished the game with my monk, I was only in a group with an assasin twice, once for the temple, and once for unwaking.
Real monks>Ritualists, in healing.
EDIT: btw, where do you see this flood? I've never seen too many assasins, when I finished the game with my monk, I was only in a group with an assasin twice, once for the temple, and once for unwaking.
I think that it will be the logical second choice, as there already was a deficiency of monks in most towns before Factions.
With the fad of Factions, most parties are looking for any type of healing...
With the fad of Factions, most parties are looking for any type of healing...
The next healing monks? I doubt it. However, I think they give Prot monks a good run for their money.
I see ritualists as more group support and monks as more ally-specific support. Each does their own thing quite well, but dabbles in the other's job too.
I see ritualists as more group support and monks as more ally-specific support. Each does their own thing quite well, but dabbles in the other's job too.
No, just because Rit is unique to factions and not everyone is going to own it once 2-3 more chapter's are out.
Not only that the developer mention that the campagin jobs (Rit/Sin) are for more specialized and not designed to replace the Monk core job.
Monks have the Divine attribute and can out heal, that being said nothing wrong with a rit healer either (same as e/mo).
Not only that the developer mention that the campagin jobs (Rit/Sin) are for more specialized and not designed to replace the Monk core job.
Monks have the Divine attribute and can out heal, that being said nothing wrong with a rit healer either (same as e/mo).
Rits are good team heal/protectors, while monks are good individiual heal/prot. you need both.
Astraea Zopyros
I've played both a Ritualist (Mostly as a Ritmo, otherwise I have trouble finding a group! :P) and a Monk. A Ritualist is very capable, and is a very versatile character that can take on a supportive role easily. However, most times, when I am working as a Ritmo, I find myself relying primarily on Healing Prayers for my healing power--not restoration. Restoration comes into play with the prevention of damage--like protection prayers, but in Ritualist format. Healing will probably always be done best by a Healing monk, who has the opportunity to max Healing with runes and scalp designs, as well as Divine Favor.
konohamaru heaven
Ritualists make better Stablity healers over monks, but when it comes to massive heals a Monk still tends to be king/queen.
Restoration heals aren't that great, al ot need buffing. Maybe they will become big, but not because they are better, just because there are more ritualists

Mustache Mayhem
divine favor makes monks better at healing =] but a ritual lord caps damage on the whole team better than a protection monk can do in pve.. they kinda like ranger spirit spammers with a really fast recharge
Having both a Ritualist and a Monk I think the Ritualist will eventually become more of a type of insurance for group. The primary healer of the game is the Monk and I think that'll just be the way it is. But including a Rit into a group should allow Mo players do load up a few skills they might not have had room on the skillbar for before (more condition removal, for example).
Amity and Truth
With the use of Ritual Lord i'd say that a Ritualist easily outmatches a protection based monk (honestly, we will probably see either Ritual Lord or Boon of Creation getting the Nerfstick, due to their sheer power and necessity in almost every spirit spamming build) while pretty much any Primary Monk (Minus Smiter) outmatches the ritualist when it comes to healing... though the ritualist can pull of some insane party healing when he is prepared for it.
Basically imo a monk is better at spike healing, whereas a rit is better at pressure.
A monk has to be careful not to overheal or he will have energy problems, but a rit can jsut sit and spamhiw spells all day long ithout stopping (well in my buidl anyway) with the only roblem being recharge.
The other problem with rits as healers is the casting time of most of their spells, quite often the heal is too slow to actually stop heal the person.
Basically imo a monk is better at spike healing, whereas a rit is better at pressure.
A monk has to be careful not to overheal or he will have energy problems, but a rit can jsut sit and spamhiw spells all day long ithout stopping (well in my buidl anyway) with the only roblem being recharge.
The other problem with rits as healers is the casting time of most of their spells, quite often the heal is too slow to actually stop heal the person.
I disagree with everyone in this topic
Ritualists are better Healers than Monks.
Three words: Attuned Was Songkai
That nearly halves energy costs (at 13 Spawning). In theory, that would give Ritualists nearly a double Energy Pool and nearly double the Energy Regeneration.
Also factor in Soothing Memories. For Ritualists with an urn, that's a FREE HEAL. For Ritualists with AwS, you GAIN ENERGY
Rits may not defeat Monks w/ Divine Favor, but they can last much, much longer.
Ritualists are better Healers than Monks.
Three words: Attuned Was Songkai
That nearly halves energy costs (at 13 Spawning). In theory, that would give Ritualists nearly a double Energy Pool and nearly double the Energy Regeneration.
Also factor in Soothing Memories. For Ritualists with an urn, that's a FREE HEAL. For Ritualists with AwS, you GAIN ENERGY
Rits may not defeat Monks w/ Divine Favor, but they can last much, much longer.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
I disagree with everyone in this topic
Ritualists are better Healers than Monks. |
But any decent monk in pvp has good energy managment skills so should never really run out of energy.
"I disagree with everyone in this topic
Ritualists are better Healers than Monks.
Three words: Attuned Was Songkai
That nearly halves energy costs (at 13 Spawning). In theory, that would give Ritualists nearly a double Energy Pool and nearly double the Energy Regeneration.
Also factor in Soothing Memories. For Ritualists with an urn, that's a FREE HEAL. For Ritualists with AwS, you GAIN ENERGY
Rits may not defeat Monks w/ Divine Favor, but they can last much, much longer."
^^^ Last longer? Longevity is not the issue here. A propery built monk will quite literally never run out of energy and will be able to heal indefinitely (unless mesmers start messing with them).
The issue here isn't longevity, it's potency.
A ritualistst lacks a monk's potencty when it comes to healing, simple as that. A Monk with maxed out healing prayers and divine favor will absolutely destroy a ritualist and/or E/Mo in healing potency.
And the energy pool argument for ritualists is irrelavant as well, for the same reason it's irrelavant for E/Mo's.
Again, a propery built monk never runs out of energy, so their lower energy pool is irrelavant.
Don't get me wrong, the ritualist class is a fantastic support class, but don't confuse them for monk-usurpers.
Ritualists are better Healers than Monks.
Three words: Attuned Was Songkai
That nearly halves energy costs (at 13 Spawning). In theory, that would give Ritualists nearly a double Energy Pool and nearly double the Energy Regeneration.
Also factor in Soothing Memories. For Ritualists with an urn, that's a FREE HEAL. For Ritualists with AwS, you GAIN ENERGY
Rits may not defeat Monks w/ Divine Favor, but they can last much, much longer."
^^^ Last longer? Longevity is not the issue here. A propery built monk will quite literally never run out of energy and will be able to heal indefinitely (unless mesmers start messing with them).
The issue here isn't longevity, it's potency.
A ritualistst lacks a monk's potencty when it comes to healing, simple as that. A Monk with maxed out healing prayers and divine favor will absolutely destroy a ritualist and/or E/Mo in healing potency.
And the energy pool argument for ritualists is irrelavant as well, for the same reason it's irrelavant for E/Mo's.
Again, a propery built monk never runs out of energy, so their lower energy pool is irrelavant.
Don't get me wrong, the ritualist class is a fantastic support class, but don't confuse them for monk-usurpers.
Originally Posted by Fox Reeveheart
With everyone and his best friend's uncle making a ritualist, do you think that ritualists maxed out in restoration will become the next healing monks? Or better yet, which one does better?
Monks are better, hands down. At least in terms of healing. The only kind of defensive monk that is worse than a ritualist is passive prot which has been completely obsoleted by ritual lords.
All it boils down to is efficiency. Not just energy efficiency, but time efficiency as well. Restoration rits can be very energy efficient, I'll give them that much -- Songkai + Soothing Memories is a very potent combination. However, it isn't time efficient. Longer casting times, longer recharges, less health per heal, and most importantly the lack of divine favor says that although you'll be doing more healing per point of energy you'll be doing alot less healing per second. This is why boonprot is so popular -- it is very inefficient with their energy and must bring MoR/EDrain/OoB to counteract that, but is extremely time efficient, allowing it to stop spikes and simultaneously keep the team healed while kiting enemy warriors. (Also, although off topic, boonprots are popular because they're applicable against nearly any team. This inherent flexibility when combined with time efficiency is what makes boonprots so powerful.)
Additionally, restoration rits are alot less flexible. They only have a handful of different healing spells and these spells have very little overlap. Soothing Memories is only amazing when you've holding an urn, Mend Body and Soul and Spirit Light only when you bring spirits, Vengeful Weapon and Weapon of Warding only against warriors, Wielder's Boon only when using weapon spells, etc. etc. All of their healing spells are heavily conditional and the conditions have too little overlap.
As a final note, restoration rits only have one decent elite -- Songkai. Monks are not limited to this at all. Beyond energy managment elites, monks have WoH, BLight, RC, SBreaker, Life Sheathe, and Shield of Deflection, in addition to many more experimental elites that could be played with. Restoration rits are railroaded into Songkai.
All these things add up to say that restoration rits are more or less completely inferior to real monks. They aren't time efficient, they aren't flexible, they have no options with their builds, their heals are too conditional and in general they just don't compare.
That said, I loves me some ritual lords. Now THAT's what I like in a defensive character. I'd gladly use one WoH or BLight heal monk + one ritual lord in a PvE setting.
3> ritual lords.
All it boils down to is efficiency. Not just energy efficiency, but time efficiency as well. Restoration rits can be very energy efficient, I'll give them that much -- Songkai + Soothing Memories is a very potent combination. However, it isn't time efficient. Longer casting times, longer recharges, less health per heal, and most importantly the lack of divine favor says that although you'll be doing more healing per point of energy you'll be doing alot less healing per second. This is why boonprot is so popular -- it is very inefficient with their energy and must bring MoR/EDrain/OoB to counteract that, but is extremely time efficient, allowing it to stop spikes and simultaneously keep the team healed while kiting enemy warriors. (Also, although off topic, boonprots are popular because they're applicable against nearly any team. This inherent flexibility when combined with time efficiency is what makes boonprots so powerful.)
Additionally, restoration rits are alot less flexible. They only have a handful of different healing spells and these spells have very little overlap. Soothing Memories is only amazing when you've holding an urn, Mend Body and Soul and Spirit Light only when you bring spirits, Vengeful Weapon and Weapon of Warding only against warriors, Wielder's Boon only when using weapon spells, etc. etc. All of their healing spells are heavily conditional and the conditions have too little overlap.
As a final note, restoration rits only have one decent elite -- Songkai. Monks are not limited to this at all. Beyond energy managment elites, monks have WoH, BLight, RC, SBreaker, Life Sheathe, and Shield of Deflection, in addition to many more experimental elites that could be played with. Restoration rits are railroaded into Songkai.
All these things add up to say that restoration rits are more or less completely inferior to real monks. They aren't time efficient, they aren't flexible, they have no options with their builds, their heals are too conditional and in general they just don't compare.
That said, I loves me some ritual lords. Now THAT's what I like in a defensive character. I'd gladly use one WoH or BLight heal monk + one ritual lord in a PvE setting.
3> ritual lords.
Former Ruling
Well Lets compare.
Flesh of My Flesh - Faster than most monk rezzes, at the cost of half your health. I think it beats SOME monk rezzes...but monks still have the best pve rez (Rebirth).
Now for real heals:
Mend Body and Soul - Gives a 90 heal, and a conditional condition removal. for a 3/4 5e cast, and 3 recharge. I really think this is the only one that is truly better than comparable monk spells. for only 1 sec more than most healing prayers, Orison is gonig to heal more because of Divine Favor, but you get a faster cast time, and some healing that actually has a chance to remove conditions (no Healing Prayers do that).
Resilient Weapon - For 10e on a 4 recharge, you can get conditional +6 regen and some armor for ~20 secs. This is going to be compared with Healing breeze. Giving an unconditional +9 regen for the same cast and cost, recharges alittle faster, and only lasts 12 secs (factoring in 20% longer). Most people are going to prefer Healing Breeze. Resilient might last alittle longer and give some armor to softies, but the Regen is totally conditional on them having a condition (which is better for you to just remove), and that regen most of the time barely out regens the degen from most conditons.
Soothing Memories - Has a decent heal of 106, on a 5 sec recharge. And it only costs you little energy if you are holding an item. Holding most items already lowers your max energy, so I think this is merely a coverup ability for this skill...It costs less energy, but you also have less energy in the first place. Orison is going to give you about the same heal (factoring in Divine) on only a 2sec recharge.....
Spirit Light - Their "big heal", on 10e, 1sec cast, and 4 recharge. Heals about 162, and you take a health sac if not near a spirit. HORRIBLE compared to its closest monk skill - Heal Other. Heal other is faster casting, for MUCH MORE HEALING (even before divine), smaller recharge, and no health sac.
Spirit Light Weapon - An elite. on a 5/1/5. I best compare this to Healing Breeze myself, healing has faster recharge though. 10 secs each, though Breeze is an enchant so it can be made last longer but can also be stripped. 16 each sec from Light is +8 regen where healing gives +9 but degen can make Breeze less effective. Light up to this point is smelling like roses because it costs less, and as SLIGHTLY better things going for it, but then you read the last sentence..Ends if they arent near a spirit. OHHHHH...So at first its a slightly better Healing Breeze Elite, I could deal with that, but they had to give it a negative "end early" condition (which BTW, makes this less than an effective healing spell for warriors).
Spirit Transfer - This is where it is for Ritualists, their BIGGEST heal. healing 237 (conditionally) for 10 1/4 10. lets compare to Heal Other. This casts slightly faster, but has a WAY longer recharge. Factoring in Divine Favor, this SLIGHTLY outheals Heal Other. But again...its conditional...You HAVE to have a spirit near you, and if that spirit doesn't have atleast 79 health left by the end of this casting, this spell is totally wasted. Its recharge already makes this the worse of the two, but they had to go and give it a condition for healing that much too.
Vengeful Weapon - A better Reverse of Fortune without divine factoring in. One of the few gems for the Restoration Ritualist. Its not that effective as a heal (63 at 16) but that health is likely to outdmg the attack, and strike the enemy for alittle too. RoF auto heals for your Divine Favor, but its actual healing is dependent on the enemies strength, but has the potential to heal more.
Weapon of Warding - all in all, its cost outweighs its advantages. LONG cast, decent recharge. regen is almost nothing (especially under a degen condition), and is 50% "block" really worth 2 sec cast and 10e...
Wielder's Boon - 105 heal conditionally for 5 1 4. Again...Orison factoring Divine is going to heal around the same UNCONDITIONALLY and recharges faster....
Flesh of My Flesh - Faster than most monk rezzes, at the cost of half your health. I think it beats SOME monk rezzes...but monks still have the best pve rez (Rebirth).
Now for real heals:
Mend Body and Soul - Gives a 90 heal, and a conditional condition removal. for a 3/4 5e cast, and 3 recharge. I really think this is the only one that is truly better than comparable monk spells. for only 1 sec more than most healing prayers, Orison is gonig to heal more because of Divine Favor, but you get a faster cast time, and some healing that actually has a chance to remove conditions (no Healing Prayers do that).
Resilient Weapon - For 10e on a 4 recharge, you can get conditional +6 regen and some armor for ~20 secs. This is going to be compared with Healing breeze. Giving an unconditional +9 regen for the same cast and cost, recharges alittle faster, and only lasts 12 secs (factoring in 20% longer). Most people are going to prefer Healing Breeze. Resilient might last alittle longer and give some armor to softies, but the Regen is totally conditional on them having a condition (which is better for you to just remove), and that regen most of the time barely out regens the degen from most conditons.
Soothing Memories - Has a decent heal of 106, on a 5 sec recharge. And it only costs you little energy if you are holding an item. Holding most items already lowers your max energy, so I think this is merely a coverup ability for this skill...It costs less energy, but you also have less energy in the first place. Orison is going to give you about the same heal (factoring in Divine) on only a 2sec recharge.....
Spirit Light - Their "big heal", on 10e, 1sec cast, and 4 recharge. Heals about 162, and you take a health sac if not near a spirit. HORRIBLE compared to its closest monk skill - Heal Other. Heal other is faster casting, for MUCH MORE HEALING (even before divine), smaller recharge, and no health sac.
Spirit Light Weapon - An elite. on a 5/1/5. I best compare this to Healing Breeze myself, healing has faster recharge though. 10 secs each, though Breeze is an enchant so it can be made last longer but can also be stripped. 16 each sec from Light is +8 regen where healing gives +9 but degen can make Breeze less effective. Light up to this point is smelling like roses because it costs less, and as SLIGHTLY better things going for it, but then you read the last sentence..Ends if they arent near a spirit. OHHHHH...So at first its a slightly better Healing Breeze Elite, I could deal with that, but they had to give it a negative "end early" condition (which BTW, makes this less than an effective healing spell for warriors).
Spirit Transfer - This is where it is for Ritualists, their BIGGEST heal. healing 237 (conditionally) for 10 1/4 10. lets compare to Heal Other. This casts slightly faster, but has a WAY longer recharge. Factoring in Divine Favor, this SLIGHTLY outheals Heal Other. But again...its conditional...You HAVE to have a spirit near you, and if that spirit doesn't have atleast 79 health left by the end of this casting, this spell is totally wasted. Its recharge already makes this the worse of the two, but they had to go and give it a condition for healing that much too.
Vengeful Weapon - A better Reverse of Fortune without divine factoring in. One of the few gems for the Restoration Ritualist. Its not that effective as a heal (63 at 16) but that health is likely to outdmg the attack, and strike the enemy for alittle too. RoF auto heals for your Divine Favor, but its actual healing is dependent on the enemies strength, but has the potential to heal more.
Weapon of Warding - all in all, its cost outweighs its advantages. LONG cast, decent recharge. regen is almost nothing (especially under a degen condition), and is 50% "block" really worth 2 sec cast and 10e...
Wielder's Boon - 105 heal conditionally for 5 1 4. Again...Orison factoring Divine is going to heal around the same UNCONDITIONALLY and recharges faster....
Vermilion Okeanos
No, monk are not better at healing (aside boon prot, since they dont really "heal").
Generally, any kind of healing method is inferior to boon prot, and that's that. Aside boon prot, rit heal not only just compete with monk heal, they can far outlast and out heal the monk. The ritualist energy management is far superior than monks' and many other classes. However, in terms of enchantment heals, the monk is far superior than ritualist (turning something into a tank); while that, monk is also far better in removing hex.
If you go PvE, you can actually rely on rit to be more effective in healing than a monk (if that monk isn't boon prot). While in PvP, boon prot is basically the only way to go (with a little alternation by the guild).
Also... e/mo is the best healer for raisu palace. You can nuke AND heal... perfect world.
Generally, any kind of healing method is inferior to boon prot, and that's that. Aside boon prot, rit heal not only just compete with monk heal, they can far outlast and out heal the monk. The ritualist energy management is far superior than monks' and many other classes. However, in terms of enchantment heals, the monk is far superior than ritualist (turning something into a tank); while that, monk is also far better in removing hex.
If you go PvE, you can actually rely on rit to be more effective in healing than a monk (if that monk isn't boon prot). While in PvP, boon prot is basically the only way to go (with a little alternation by the guild).
Also... e/mo is the best healer for raisu palace. You can nuke AND heal... perfect world.
Former Ruling
I dont get peoples argument that ritualists outlast monks. Sure they have that elite item that works basically like their own personal Expertise, but at the cost of having lower max energy in the first place, and no weapon to have cast time and recharge mods on.
Ritualists have way less options in Restoration than a Healing monk does in Healing Prayers, Ritualists are (like i said) restricted to basically a few spells that on a whole have longer recharges or cast times (that isnt helped because you arent holding a weapon), and heal for less than comparable monk spells (even before divine is factored in, and WAY less factoringin divine). You can find yourself spending way more than monk just to compansate for damage that WoH on a monk woulda taken care of...
Ritualists have way less options in Restoration than a Healing monk does in Healing Prayers, Ritualists are (like i said) restricted to basically a few spells that on a whole have longer recharges or cast times (that isnt helped because you arent holding a weapon), and heal for less than comparable monk spells (even before divine is factored in, and WAY less factoringin divine). You can find yourself spending way more than monk just to compansate for damage that WoH on a monk woulda taken care of...
Rt/Mo or Mo/Rt. Duh! Use both. I'll usually haul around a Monk elite on a Rt/Mo, like "Life Sheath" or "Word to your Mother," etc.
I'm about to go try out some Mo/Rt stuff... I don't think it would work as well as Rt/Mo because Rt primys have better spirit management, and therefore, benefit more from Restoration's real heal spells. But I don't know, it's going to be another one of GW's matter-of-play-style things. But for true healers, or even prot guys, Rt/Mo or Mo/Rt is the way to go.
It all depends on your type of play.
I'm about to go try out some Mo/Rt stuff... I don't think it would work as well as Rt/Mo because Rt primys have better spirit management, and therefore, benefit more from Restoration's real heal spells. But I don't know, it's going to be another one of GW's matter-of-play-style things. But for true healers, or even prot guys, Rt/Mo or Mo/Rt is the way to go.
It all depends on your type of play.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Soothing Memories - Has a decent heal of 106, on a 5 sec recharge. And it only costs you little energy if you are holding an item. Holding most items already lowers your max energy.

I've only played a restoration styled ritualist setup while playing pve. I dont think that there is a need for one in pvp. When playing a rit with restoration skills, ill typically only bring 1-2 direct healing spells. Mend body and soul for the small stuff and spirit transfer or spirit light to spot heal larger damage. Things like spirit transfer and soul feast arent bad while using spirits like life, where you essentally double up on the healing when you ace out the spirit. Even simple things like recuperation take the sting out of either of the big heals, while also largely stopping the damage from party wide degen effects like disease without needing to spot remove each instance of it.
While playing the restoration ritualist, it feels like im playing a prot monk. The only difference is that i dont have to worry about mesmers as much because there are less skills designed to stop spirits specifically.
I do not think rits replace monks at all, but i do think that they complement each other well in pve. I have been in teams where the insisted on having 2 monks and a rit. The sad thing was, there was so little to do for the monks and myself. We ended up comparing how full our energy was throughout the mission. With proper aggro management, stacking union and shelter on top of basic warrior defense, feels like he doesnt take any damage really. Of course without it, union and shelter also protect all the soft targets better than single person coverage can as well.
While playing the restoration ritualist, it feels like im playing a prot monk. The only difference is that i dont have to worry about mesmers as much because there are less skills designed to stop spirits specifically.
I do not think rits replace monks at all, but i do think that they complement each other well in pve. I have been in teams where the insisted on having 2 monks and a rit. The sad thing was, there was so little to do for the monks and myself. We ended up comparing how full our energy was throughout the mission. With proper aggro management, stacking union and shelter on top of basic warrior defense, feels like he doesnt take any damage really. Of course without it, union and shelter also protect all the soft targets better than single person coverage can as well.
Ariana Of Damia
I personally Love the Rt/Mo combo. I dont have a ritualist but some of my guildies do and they are good at keeping the group alive

_,.-+=’* ♥ Aurelio Furor [AUR] ♥ *’=+-.,_
Ariana Of Damia (Mo/Rt) ♥ Electra Of Damia (W/Mo) ♥ Lexa Of Damia (E/Mo)
Lily Of Damia (R/Mo) ♥ Mia Of Damia (Me/Mo) ♥ Zarina Of Damia (N/Mo)
Ariana Of Damia (Mo/Rt) ♥ Electra Of Damia (W/Mo) ♥ Lexa Of Damia (E/Mo)
Lily Of Damia (R/Mo) ♥ Mia Of Damia (Me/Mo) ♥ Zarina Of Damia (N/Mo)
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Well Lets compare.
Flesh of My Flesh - Faster than most monk rezzes, at the cost of half your health. I think it beats SOME monk rezzes...but monks still have the best pve rez (Rebirth). Now for real heals: Mend Body and Soul - Gives a 90 heal, and a conditional condition removal. for a 3/4 5e cast, and 3 recharge. I really think this is the only one that is truly better than comparable monk spells. for only 1 sec more than most healing prayers, Orison is gonig to heal more because of Divine Favor, but you get a faster cast time, and some healing that actually has a chance to remove conditions (no Healing Prayers do that). Resilient Weapon - For 10e on a 4 recharge, you can get conditional +6 regen and some armor for ~20 secs. This is going to be compared with Healing breeze. Giving an unconditional +9 regen for the same cast and cost, recharges alittle faster, and only lasts 12 secs (factoring in 20% longer). Most people are going to prefer Healing Breeze. Resilient might last alittle longer and give some armor to softies, but the Regen is totally conditional on them having a condition (which is better for you to just remove), and that regen most of the time barely out regens the degen from most conditons. Soothing Memories - Has a decent heal of 106, on a 5 sec recharge. And it only costs you little energy if you are holding an item. Holding most items already lowers your max energy, so I think this is merely a coverup ability for this skill...It costs less energy, but you also have less energy in the first place. Orison is going to give you about the same heal (factoring in Divine) on only a 2sec recharge..... Spirit Light - Their "big heal", on 10e, 1sec cast, and 4 recharge. Heals about 162, and you take a health sac if not near a spirit. HORRIBLE compared to its closest monk skill - Heal Other. Heal other is faster casting, for MUCH MORE HEALING (even before divine), smaller recharge, and no health sac. Spirit Light Weapon - An elite. on a 5/1/5. I best compare this to Healing Breeze myself, healing has faster recharge though. 10 secs each, though Breeze is an enchant so it can be made last longer but can also be stripped. 16 each sec from Light is +8 regen where healing gives +9 but degen can make Breeze less effective. Light up to this point is smelling like roses because it costs less, and as SLIGHTLY better things going for it, but then you read the last sentence..Ends if they arent near a spirit. OHHHHH...So at first its a slightly better Healing Breeze Elite, I could deal with that, but they had to give it a negative "end early" condition (which BTW, makes this less than an effective healing spell for warriors). Spirit Transfer - This is where it is for Ritualists, their BIGGEST heal. healing 237 (conditionally) for 10 1/4 10. lets compare to Heal Other. This casts slightly faster, but has a WAY longer recharge. Factoring in Divine Favor, this SLIGHTLY outheals Heal Other. But again...its conditional...You HAVE to have a spirit near you, and if that spirit doesn't have atleast 79 health left by the end of this casting, this spell is totally wasted. Its recharge already makes this the worse of the two, but they had to go and give it a condition for healing that much too. Vengeful Weapon - A better Reverse of Fortune without divine factoring in. One of the few gems for the Restoration Ritualist. Its not that effective as a heal (63 at 16) but that health is likely to outdmg the attack, and strike the enemy for alittle too. RoF auto heals for your Divine Favor, but its actual healing is dependent on the enemies strength, but has the potential to heal more. Weapon of Warding - all in all, its cost outweighs its advantages. LONG cast, decent recharge. regen is almost nothing (especially under a degen condition), and is 50% "block" really worth 2 sec cast and 10e... Wielder's Boon - 105 heal conditionally for 5 1 4. Again...Orison factoring Divine is going to heal around the same UNCONDITIONALLY and recharges faster.... |
Recuperation - The same as + 3 mending on the whole group which helps a little bit, especially against degen. But taking time out to recast it during a heated battle if often a bad idea.
Life - Massive heal party after 30 secs, but is that when the party is going to need it? Again, taking the time to recast it during battle can be costly.
Preservation - A pretty big (+ 122) heal every 4 seconds, but it heals a random party member and has a small range. Not worth an elite, imo.
A defensive spirit spamming Rit Lord is more helpful to the team than a Resto rit, and matches or outdoes a prot monk in PvE. An Attuned Healer is a much better pure healer than an Attuned Resoration Rit.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
I disagree with everyone in this topic
Ritualists are better Healers than Monks. Three words: Attuned Was Songkai That nearly halves energy costs (at 13 Spawning). In theory, that would give Ritualists nearly a double Energy Pool and nearly double the Energy Regeneration. Also factor in Soothing Memories. For Ritualists with an urn, that's a FREE HEAL. For Ritualists with AwS, you GAIN ENERGY Rits may not defeat Monks w/ Divine Favor, but they can last much, much longer. |
The only massive money effect in the Ritualist arsenal, in my opinion, is Shelter. Shelter has no viable equivalent in the Prot line, and survives long enough that you can reasonably keep it up a good proportion of the time with Lord/Twisting.
Union is nice, but it dies so fast that in practice it's just a more efficient Heal Party with a long recharge.
The Restoration spirits are a bit of a joke, and of the Restoration spells the best use I've found has been using Weapon{s} of Warding, Shadow, and Vengance as utility spells on a Rit secondary.
...Though Mend Body and Soul is pretty efficient condition removal if you're swinging with spirits anyway.
Union is nice, but it dies so fast that in practice it's just a more efficient Heal Party with a long recharge.
The Restoration spirits are a bit of a joke, and of the Restoration spells the best use I've found has been using Weapon{s} of Warding, Shadow, and Vengance as utility spells on a Rit secondary.
...Though Mend Body and Soul is pretty efficient condition removal if you're swinging with spirits anyway.

Originally Posted by Vermilion Okeanos
No, monk are not better at healing (aside boon prot, since they dont really "heal").
Generally, any kind of healing method is inferior to boon prot, and that's that. Aside boon prot, rit heal not only just compete with monk heal, they can far outlast and out heal the monk. |
The monk's recharge speed on healing spells beats the Ritualists' and with Divine Favor, the overall healing ability is greater. The main thing that the Ritualists have is that their spells arn't anywhere near as balanced as Monk spells are, or Monk spells are too nerfed. Either way.
The ritualist energy management is far superior than monks' and many other classes. |
If you go PvE, you can actually rely on rit to be more effective in healing than a monk (if that monk isn't boon prot). While in PvP, boon prot is basically the only way to go (with a little alternation by the guild). |
Also... e/mo is the best healer for raisu palace. You can nuke AND heal... perfect world. |
Darth Malak
Monks Specialise in healing/Protection
Ritualists do not, how ever good they are there will be a "physcoligical" Barrier that they wont' be accepted as healers.
Plain and simple, Monks are monks and rits will stay rits.
To answer you directally is NO, just no.
sorry for spelling errors
Ritualists do not, how ever good they are there will be a "physcoligical" Barrier that they wont' be accepted as healers.
Plain and simple, Monks are monks and rits will stay rits.
To answer you directally is NO, just no.
sorry for spelling errors
No chance in hell. A healing rit is comparable to a healing e/mo. First, Monk's divine favour makes heals more efficient and more straightforward. Second, rit's healing is conditional one way or another which forces rits to do other stuff when heals are required (ex. set up a spirit before healing).
Plus, monks have hex removal, condition removal and spells like seed and hands. IMO restoration is currently severely underpowered. At best, it's not a viable primary line for a ritualist, just like inspiration for a mes. At worst, it's trash.
Currently in PvP the most popular rit job is communing-based spirit spam. I've seen some attempts at ritualist spike, but those disappeared in the first month after the release of factions. There might be some potential for channeling rits, but I really see no future for a healing rit/mo.
Plus, monks have hex removal, condition removal and spells like seed and hands. IMO restoration is currently severely underpowered. At best, it's not a viable primary line for a ritualist, just like inspiration for a mes. At worst, it's trash.
Currently in PvP the most popular rit job is communing-based spirit spam. I've seen some attempts at ritualist spike, but those disappeared in the first month after the release of factions. There might be some potential for channeling rits, but I really see no future for a healing rit/mo.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
Unless that item is Mighty was Vorizun, which gives you +20 Energy (and 15 armor to boot)...
![]() |
and anyway, 99% of the people that are glorifying ritualists are basing their entire argument on using Attuned to half the cost of the spells. Which is very limiting in your elite and item usage.
Imo, Rits serve more along the lines as prot monks, they seem to be best at reducing the damage the team takes as a whole and make it possible for monks to heal members without them being spiked before a spell can be cast as well as reduce the amount of healing needed.
I don't think Rits really replace monks, but they definately enhance them.
I don't think Rits really replace monks, but they definately enhance them.
Lets Get to Healing
No. Just no.
I play a healing Ritualist and I am no match to a healing Monk. Sure I can provide support and all but that won't simply overdo' it. Weapon Spells are great support with good recharge time and casting time and of top of that, they can't be removed like many monk enchancements.
I played a Restoration Healer For all of the Master rewards (minion Bomber beforehand).
We had Great trouble finding monks who could keep up with us, even those i consider to be very good would run out of energy after 5 or 6 mins of solid combat (we would only run one healer at a time). when i tried a restoration ritualist out, i found that i could keep the entire team alive indefinatly.
In PVP The resto ritualist will never replace a Monk *Healer* because the monk can throw around more healing per second, even if not for as long. damage in PVP tends to be done in much larger spikes, giving an edge for the monk.
In PVE however, there tends to be much more pressure type damage, with mass degen, and often damage spread over an entire team, in PVE, the Ritualist Reigns Supreme, no question.
Short Answer, Yes, a Ritualist Healer is an Equal to the healing monk for PVE play, and if only one healer is being taken for a high stress area, the Ritualist Comes out tops
Long Answer, No, as a ritualist healer doesnt compare as well in PVP, And the general public is generally too stupid to realise that the Ritualist an do more than just spam spirits all day long
Mr T Bot: If your going to call the Ritualists energy management ridiculous, i suggest you actually back it up with some numbers, as Attuned Is the strongest casters Energy Management in the game (And attuned+Channeling= More Energy Than you could possibly *Ever* use)
We had Great trouble finding monks who could keep up with us, even those i consider to be very good would run out of energy after 5 or 6 mins of solid combat (we would only run one healer at a time). when i tried a restoration ritualist out, i found that i could keep the entire team alive indefinatly.
In PVP The resto ritualist will never replace a Monk *Healer* because the monk can throw around more healing per second, even if not for as long. damage in PVP tends to be done in much larger spikes, giving an edge for the monk.
In PVE however, there tends to be much more pressure type damage, with mass degen, and often damage spread over an entire team, in PVE, the Ritualist Reigns Supreme, no question.
Short Answer, Yes, a Ritualist Healer is an Equal to the healing monk for PVE play, and if only one healer is being taken for a high stress area, the Ritualist Comes out tops
Long Answer, No, as a ritualist healer doesnt compare as well in PVP, And the general public is generally too stupid to realise that the Ritualist an do more than just spam spirits all day long

Mr T Bot: If your going to call the Ritualists energy management ridiculous, i suggest you actually back it up with some numbers, as Attuned Is the strongest casters Energy Management in the game (And attuned+Channeling= More Energy Than you could possibly *Ever* use)
Lord Oranos
Attuned is a good elite, but, a monk will be able to heal for more, and at a faster rate. Ive been looking at Healing Light, its almost free for a huge heal, and with a 4 second recharge. Rits are good, but, to be honest leave the healing to the Monks.
Hehe, snipped out due to ignorance.
Hehe, snipped out due to ignorance.
Former said it good. I think the communing ritualist is more useful than the restoration rit (though if theres no monks around, a restoration rit could be handy).
Originally Posted by Vermilion Okeanos
No, monk are not better at healing (aside boon prot, since they dont really "heal").
Generally, any kind of healing method is inferior to boon prot, and that's that. Aside boon prot, rit heal not only just compete with monk heal, they can far outlast and out heal the monk. The ritualist energy management is far superior than monks' and many other classes. However, in terms of enchantment heals, the monk is far superior than ritualist (turning something into a tank); while that, monk is also far better in removing hex. If you go PvE, you can actually rely on rit to be more effective in healing than a monk (if that monk isn't boon prot). While in PvP, boon prot is basically the only way to go (with a little alternation by the guild). Also... e/mo is the best healer for raisu palace. You can nuke AND heal... perfect world. |
I've been playing a restoration rit, and I got to say it is really good in healing. It just depends how you want to play it.