Canthan Skills


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere cold

The Followers of the Messiah


Can you learn any skills if your from Tyria? I went to some skill trainers i think and they told me I wouldnt learn them. I'm talking about skills learned from doing a quest. Because I got screwed in Tyria, because this is my 1st character, and I bought a lot of skills that you could get from quests, AND I didnt know about axe and hammer quests in pre searing, and now every skill is 1K, and I've bought only like 10 skills that you can only buy, and bought 15 capture signets. Why couldnt they make those skills that are hidden somewhere in pre sear attainable by the quest person somewhere near ascalon give those quests, because I remember a quest person there that gives you 3 skills you get in pre sear, and 1 new skill. I would start over but my warrior has 15K armor, and good crystalline and war hammer customized for him.

So my question is... Can you learn any of these new skills in Canthan from a quest if your from Tyria? because, I need 60,000 gold to get those new skills + the elite, and thats WAYYYYY too much!!! I could buy a perfect Chaos axe with 15%^50% with 60K



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

House of Caeruleous [HoC]


All the basic skills from tyria are gettable in post-searing quests. Other than that you have to buy them. Makesure youve done all the quests, because my second char i basically skipped out of pre and i still have all the basic skills from quests.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


All the basic skills from tyria are gettable in post-searing quests
Not ALL skills... Theres usually 2-3 per class that you end up having to buy if you missed it.

For warriors, just like he said, I think you only get the first skills, and the sword skills from pre in post quests. Leaving you to buy the others you missed. another example: Healing Breeze for monks, if your a secondary monk, you gotta end up buying it.


Anyway - to answer you. Cantha doesn't have as many skill quests as Tyria. They have the same "pre style quests" that give you a few skills in the beginning - but after that you buy ALL YOUR SKILLS.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere cold

The Followers of the Messiah


You get executioner strike in pre sear only as a quest. but you cannot get it outside of presear without buying it. I got a little screwed because they hide skills, and I didnt know the skills you buy you can obtain from a quest at that time. So can a Tyrian get skills from Cathan skill quest givers?



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by quanzong

So my question is... Can you learn any of these new skills in Canthan from a quest if your from Tyria? because, I need 60,000 gold to get those new skills + the elite, and thats WAYYYYY too much!!! I could buy a perfect Chaos axe with 15%^50% with 60K

No, there are no quests that provide skills as rewards in Cantha. (FOR TYRIAN CHARACTERS AS BOLDED IN QUOTES ABOVE)

Edit in bold is for anyone that doesn't read the quoted section before replying.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


So can a Tyrian get skills from Cathan skill quest givers?

- No. The ONLY people that give skills in Cantha are for the "presearing" stage characters - newbies. Older characters can go back and do them.

No, there are no quests that provide skills as rewards in Cantha.
Not true, there are quests for skills, but only for new canthan born characters (like the Presear quests).


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere cold

The Followers of the Messiah


dang that sucks, thanks for answering my question, guess I gotta save 60,000 gold to get all them skills :/. No wonder why 55 HUNDRED, THOUSAND NPCS give you quests that give you 3K xp and 125 gold, because they expect people not to start over, which I'm not going to do and get the skills. I use to think if you did those quests you would eventually get a skill quest. Well guess I have something to do with my money now lol.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere cold

The Followers of the Messiah


Ok, heres another question. I started a character in factions, and only got 8 skills from each class, is there anymore skill trainers? I dont want to buy skills you recieve from a quest EVER again, because it gets really expensive. I got off the island, and didnt get any other skills besides the ones you get in the primary quest to leave the island.

So is there any other skills you can obtain from quests in Cantha? Or do you HAVE to buy them?

I went to skill trainer and saw 20 skills in each category, so wondering if I missed a lot of skills from a quest.