petition to give all players all skills
I made this petition because I think it's very unfair for those who only bought factions that they cant get all the skills, this makes them alot weaker in pvp/pve. I hope anet reads this and give all players all skills, so they dont feel stupid that they bought factions and not prophecies
Just buy Prophecies! 
ArenaNet is a "business." ArenaNet wants to make money in any way they can.

ArenaNet is a "business." ArenaNet wants to make money in any way they can.
i hope you realize what you are demanding does do much sense.. its a moo point ><
anet wants their money
its only fair
anet wants their money

Yeah, and then while they're at it, they should give us Chapter 3 for free, too.
What would be the point of releasing Factions then? New armors and weapons and some PVE only? Please understand, the skills are a part of a chapter are a part of it, if you didn't pay $50 for it, there's no reason you should have it.
Song Rui
Whatever happened to the 'You don't need to purchase any expansions, you'll always be equal in pvp' motto Anet had going huh?
Its not gonna happen though.
Its not gonna happen though.
I laughed when I read the title.
It's not going to happen.
It's not going to happen.
Terra Xin
Originally Posted by Song Rui
Whatever happened to the 'You don't need to purchase any expansions, you'll always be equal in pvp' motto Anet had going huh?
Its not gonna happen though. |
You don't need to purchase any expansions, you'll always be equal in pvp |
If you can't PvP with only one Guildwars game against players with both or the other game, then you're not as good at PvP as you should be. And yes, I have played with skills from only one GW and vice versa.
Unkillable Cat
if they did that then it would only open the way for people to demand chapter 3 skills for chapter 2 players, and for prophecies players to have acess to canthan skills. If you want it buy it, its your own choice not to
Welcome to capitalist economics. Oh, and /notsigned.
konohamaru heaven
/not signed
This is the balance of playing an MMO with no monthly fee. If you don't buy all of the chapters, you don't get all of the content.
Just buy Prophecies. They recently cut the price to $40 since Factions was released.
Just buy Prophecies. They recently cut the price to $40 since Factions was released.
most of the good skills have duplicates anyway
I have both factions and prophecies, so that isnt the problem. This game should be always balanced in skill ways in pvp, though i find it a bit unfair for those who only own factions that they have less pvp possibility's and having less ways of diversity. Or am I that wrong and do factions only owners really have enough skills?
Originally Posted by elavro
I have both factions and prophecies, so that isnt the problem. This game should be always balanced in skill ways in pvp, though i find it a bit unfair for those who only own factions that they have less pvp possibility's and having less ways of diversity. Or am I that wrong and do factions only owners really have enough skills?
Cyan The Archer
Doomlord: And if you would be good enough to join a high level pvp, you should be so interested in the game that you already bought both.
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
big ehl oh ehl here, hey I got an idea why don't they just not release anynmore games and start charging a monthly fee. OH OH and then they could start being buttholes and not communicating anything to us, OOOH THEEEEN they could turn off GW then half the complaining losers would die..(sorry only way I could think of it)
/notsigned due to lack of thought
/notsigned due to lack of thought
@OP: lol
If this idea were to go ahead, how would that be fair to those of us who bought both prophecies and factions? Just go out and buy prophecies if you want the skills so bad, cheapskate!
Hidden in the Mist
This is flamebait.
The Great Al
/not both chapters, problem solved
/notsigned, how else would Anet make money. All the serious PvPers (easily half the game community) wouldn't have any incentive to buy new chapters.
I didnt buy factions and now in pvp im like "what the hell, what skill is that?!?"
But i knew that would happen cause i didnt buy factions. so suck it up.
But i knew that would happen cause i didnt buy factions. so suck it up.
Bane of Worlds
it's not going to happen and never will since Anet is a for-profit company and that suggestion defeats the purpose of buying other GW chapters
it's not going to happen and never will since Anet is a for-profit company and that suggestion defeats the purpose of buying other GW chapters
Originally Posted by Song Rui
Whatever happened to the 'You don't need to purchase any expansions, you'll always be equal in pvp' motto Anet had going huh?
Its not gonna happen though. |
As long as they do a good job balancing different chapter skills, there should be no issues with there being varying skills between chapters.
lambda the great

I don't think he noticed/knows that prophicies-only accounts don't get Factions-only skills...
Amity and Truth
I don't really understand why this thread is still open. The suggestion is just dumb, not even worth discussing plus this thread has spawned nothing but harsh comments and downright flames.
They are equal, the prophecies only have the same balance against factions only. You want more skills your gonna have to dish out more money!
plz make it so i can farm urgoz bow from devourer's outside of ascalon as well
i don't think its unbalanced, it is a simple strategy to get you to want the other chapters that you don't have and therefore make them money. Personally, I remain unaffected from such a strategy as I was going to buy factions anyways. I see it's working on you because you think its unfair and therefore you want the factions...its great
i don't think its unbalanced, it is a simple strategy to get you to want the other chapters that you don't have and therefore make them money. Personally, I remain unaffected from such a strategy as I was going to buy factions anyways. I see it's working on you because you think its unfair and therefore you want the factions...its great
I'm against it like pretty much everyone else. That said, I do think that if you borrow/steal a hex/elite/skill/etc from someone in a chapter you don't have, that you should be able to use it. I also believe that the PREMADE pvp characters should be useable by all, nomatter what chapter(s) they own, with all their skills available. A newbie with no skills unlocked can use a premade with all the skills, so long as all those skills belong to the chapter they own, but right now, if they try to use say the assassin premade but only own prophecies, they are kinda crippled. The premades are one more form of advertising to get people to buy other chapters, let them actually do that.
Originally Posted by elavro
I made this petition because I think it's very unfair for those who only bought factions that they cant get all the skills, this makes them alot weaker in pvp/pve. I hope anet reads this and give all players all skills, so they dont feel stupid that they bought factions and not prophecies
/unsigned as well
Dark Suoon
um no....totaly fine the way it is, they need to buy the other game
Lets Get to Healing
Originally Posted by Esprit
I laughed when I read the title.
It's not going to happen. |
If they let everyone have the skills then they'd pretty much be giving the game away. What else is in Factions? Armor, missions proffesions? This si to add more features to it. Besides, have r clones anyways.
I think its obvious.
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Actually, all players already can have access to all skills, provided that they purchase both Prophesies and Factions.
Malice Black
/hell no
OMFG Gimme free internet connection, too!
Originally Posted by Hidden in the Mist
This is flamebait.
The skills are infact part of each campaign. If you could have all factions skills without buying factions then why buy it? Anet would lose money.
Brother Gilburt
The skills are infact part of each campaign. If you could have all factions skills without buying factions then why buy it? Anet would lose money.
Brother Gilburt