Noticed anything about male War FoW?
Was just messing around in LA when i saw this (sure this has been pointed out but hey). Underwater the male warrior FoW helm looks the same as the female one, just thought i'd show.
That looks so much better than the actual helmet :/
X of Thulcandra
I personally prefer closed helmets.
Mr D J
I noticed it too... looks very ugly imo
It's because you cannot breath underwater with the male fow helmet
It looks ugly either way.
Eragon Dragonslayer
UGLY lol
LiQuId StEeL
Originally Posted by Ray
It looks ugly either way.
Not a fan of the helmet... with or without the rest of the set
Not a fan of the helmet... with or without the rest of the set
Jiao Yang
I think the closed helmet looks good on the male warrior, but I quite like the open version for the female warriors.
Imo the female fow helmet is really ugly lol.
there was a thread about this awhile back. i personally hate it, it makes the armor look incomplete
Vahn Roi
Yeah, water is fun.
Too bad it can't fix your tiny feet and hands though :\
Too bad it can't fix your tiny feet and hands though :\