Weird Skill Emotes
Has anyone noticed that while running a N/R and using the skill Ignite Arrows that upon completion of the preparation, your necro does an "no" emote?
Or is this just me? :P
Or is this just me? :P
David Lionmaster
I think that it's your character apologising to his team mates because you are having him use a bow.
Actually, I think I heard this before. Also, I'm all for trying out different builds. You get +1 points for being original.
Actually, I think I heard this before. Also, I'm all for trying out different builds. You get +1 points for being original.
I noticed this too, needs to be fixed.
Necros also still wield some stuff when doing certain emotes.
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
like my necro would still hold his Kole's Torment when dancing in a PvE area.
Former Ruling
Wierdest thing is then they don't give a certain type of monster an animation for certain skills (like its a class that type of monster usually isn't, except for the boss).
My favorite oddity in monster skill animation is the Charr Ranger Boss (dont think the charr stalkers and such do this) - He Basically has a seizure when he goes to use a preperation lol.
My favorite oddity in monster skill animation is the Charr Ranger Boss (dont think the charr stalkers and such do this) - He Basically has a seizure when he goes to use a preperation lol.
Ulivious The Reaper
i remember a while back EVERYTIME i laid a traped my character would do the /no emote and everytime i laid down a spirit i'd do a /shoo emote, but with the emotes box checked it wouldn't pick up anything,
Originally Posted by Lambentviper
Has anyone noticed that while running a N/R and using the skill Exploding Arrows that upon completion of the preparation, your necro does an apology emote?
Or is this just me? :P |
Marth Reynolds
my warrior always did the "/no" emote when i used a preparation on him :P
Cyan The Archer
Monks dont do any emote when using a Preparation.
Amity and Truth
It seems like Guildwars plays the "Sorry" Animation everytime there is something wrong with the Animation itself, for example it's not there. I had a real great time when every single preperation caused a warrior based char to disagree. The funny thing about that was that the animation didn't end when you started moving.
Absolutely hilarious to float over the ground, shaking your fist...
Another thing that got me laughing everytime was when the AI Mobs had the same problem with Animations. They would basically fall down to the ground repeatedly everytime they prepared something or trapped. I almost died from laughing when i saw the "Techno Dwarf" in front of the warcamp throwing himself to the ground every few seconds. Each time with a nice little Boomph when he fell down
Absolutely hilarious to float over the ground, shaking your fist...
Another thing that got me laughing everytime was when the AI Mobs had the same problem with Animations. They would basically fall down to the ground repeatedly everytime they prepared something or trapped. I almost died from laughing when i saw the "Techno Dwarf" in front of the warcamp throwing himself to the ground every few seconds. Each time with a nice little Boomph when he fell down
yeah it sucks and really needs to get fixed
it would be nice if the warriors do like the
wardens when they use spirits
it would be nice if the warriors do like the
wardens when they use spirits
I remeber charr rangers disabling themselves by using a preparation. They would basicaly jump up and down all the time allowing u to finish them off without getting hit once
Originally Posted by Cyan The Archer
Monks dont do any emote when using a Preparation.
Ghull Ka
Yeah, male necros, when casting a Nature Ritual, do their standard "long cast" animation (arched back, hands out, shaking violently) and then at the very end, they snap upright and do a "/no" emote.
They seem to say, "I'm not a freaking ranger!" :-)
They seem to say, "I'm not a freaking ranger!" :-)
I think my necro prefers to shoot himself just to stop the humiliation for all the ranger stuff I make him do.
well at least i know im not going crazy.
I just went N/R with bow because i felt like bringing Virulence, Ignite Arrows, condition attacks, AND MM skills all at once for the Random Arenas
I just went N/R with bow because i felt like bringing Virulence, Ignite Arrows, condition attacks, AND MM skills all at once for the Random Arenas