Everybody knows when you play a sin if you use a skill where you do not meet the requirements for your char goes through the motions anyway, missing with the attack and using the energy.
Well there are 3 ways this could be changed / fixed.
At worst: It interupts the attack but still uses the energy (like spells on spellbreaker). This way you can get onto your next attack sooner.
Getting better: It uses the energy but a message "You do not meet the requirements to perform this attack" just appears and you keep attacking.
Logically best and easiest to do: The message appears, uses no energy, keep attacking (like if you try to use a sword attack with an axe equipped).
I see this as more of a bug than an aspect of the game, with all the ways to mess up a combo this just seems like a logical correction. Sign it, bump it, somebody at Anet read this and make a quick fix.
Sin skills and "missing"
It's not a bug, it was designed that way. Assassins are supposed to be complex, why do you think so many people suck with them
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
EHL OH EHL Dargon so funny but I do agree with you, this is why I like being a Sin me being insanely good surprises people.
yah i hate that shit with my assassin when u get price of faliure on urself and the monk your attackin tosses up ageis and guaridian and ur hitting ur skills and then u notice wtf? and then ur like shit there goes my energy.... hate that shit.. lol
its good as it is and i just love when assassins come up and go like:
frenzy jagged strike moebious strike
frenzy jagged strike moebious strike