Dye, 1gp
not signed
it's all part of economy...
though i think new aspect should be added to experiemnt before u buy... able to 'test' ocmbination free of charge or s th....
it's all part of economy...
though i think new aspect should be added to experiemnt before u buy... able to 'test' ocmbination free of charge or s th....
I think the preview armour and dyes is a great idea, and you can leave the economy as it is now. This way the people who can't afford to experiment with dye mixing are happy, because they can do it for free. And the people who want dye to be worth something are happy, because it still is. The end result is you will have some more variety because people can see what a mix will look like on their armour, and think "ok, I need 2 of this colour and one of this, I will start saving".
Ariana Of Damia
That wont really change much anyway, people will make custom dyes and still sell them to other players to make money rather than give the recipie.
I think player driven prices are good
I think player driven prices are good
_,.-+=’* ♥ Aurelio Furor [AUR] ♥ *’=+-.,_
Ariana Of Damia (Mo/Rt) ♥ Electra Of Damia (W/Mo) ♥ Lexa Of Damia (E/Mo)
Lily Of Damia (R/Mo) ♥ Mia Of Damia (Me/Mo) ♥ Zarina Of Damia (N/Mo)
Ariana Of Damia (Mo/Rt) ♥ Electra Of Damia (W/Mo) ♥ Lexa Of Damia (E/Mo)
Lily Of Damia (R/Mo) ♥ Mia Of Damia (Me/Mo) ♥ Zarina Of Damia (N/Mo)
Originally Posted by Rikimaru
I've never seen a character with mixed black.
I like the previewer idea because the charts are useless, mixes have all sorts of different effects on the different armours. I don't know how easy a previewer is to implement or how useful it would be; often it takes me an hour of jogging around in a new colour to make my mind up if I like it or not

Black by itself isn't that hard to get, I've burned through enough of the stuff to know. What gets tricky is mixing it with various others in 3 or 4 dye combinations like that lovely dark blue my mesmer had. I think I burned 80k to find that colour. I'd like to do more colour research just to use on 1.5k armours, but anything involving wasting a lot of Black or Silver in failed attempts isn't worth thinking about unless I get another windfall.
1gp is too cheap, make it 200gp (black dye being say 500gp). Seriously, I've spent around 50k buying black dyes just so my guys can look 'cool'. Yet I'm still killed by so called "newbs" in servers with PvP armor and such.
Really a waste of time.
And economy based on dyes is just stupid
1gp is too cheap, make it 200gp (black dye being say 500gp). Seriously, I've spent around 50k buying black dyes just so my guys can look 'cool'. Yet I'm still killed by so called "newbs" in servers with PvP armor and such.
Really a waste of time.
And economy based on dyes is just stupid
Vahn Roi
All dyes were 100g at one point, as people buy and sell, the prices change.
All dyes were 100g at one point, as people buy and sell, the prices change.
1gp??? I think 500g (5*500g=2.5plat for all 5 pieces) would be more realistic. And the black/silver ought to be the same price as the other ones if it were to be sold at the merchant or any other NPC because people would obviously use the more expensive ones (some people buy black dye just because it is the most expensive, not because it is how they like their armor).
All in all, it would work, only if the prices were reasonable (not 1g or 5plat per vial). Right now black is insanely expensive, and that is only because of demand.
All in all, it would work, only if the prices were reasonable (not 1g or 5plat per vial). Right now black is insanely expensive, and that is only because of demand.
zealot of many faces
Originally Posted by ID_Roto
Uhh... Dyes don't show who is "1337"... for all you know the person had a string of good luck while they were possibly in Pre-searing Tyria. Or wherever else they got it. Others basically bought it because its a rare find and they liked black. Personally I want to find a bloody-red color for all armors. The only one that's close to me seems like assassin armor with regular red because its already so dark.
I prefer the test before you dye type thing. As for 1gp... Well... whats the point in keeping dye if they were 1gp? All dyes you would find it would be still on the ground unless you really wanted to start a 1k collection thing. Theres me 3gp worth of dye for ya... |
Skyy High
Dyes are the cheapest they have been since...well, since a week or so after the game came out (excusing the random market hiccoughs/bugs). Black dye is the only one that's remained stable and expensive; you can mix the others to your heart's content and make some nice colors, but please leave the one vanity dye left alone.
storm of daeth
dyes shouldnt be so expensive i mean there dyes honestly. They should cost 1g per but for the players that stock up dyes give like an ingame message whenever someone logs on like 3 weeks before they implement it saying that all dyes will cost 1g per starting so and so. So players have time to sell all their dyes since when all dyes cost 1gp per not every noob will be running around in black because it won't be so "LEET" it would just be another color nothing special.
dyes shouldnt be so expensive i mean there dyes honestly. They should cost 1g per but for the players that stock up dyes give like an ingame message whenever someone logs on like 3 weeks before they implement it saying that all dyes will cost 1g per starting so and so. So players have time to sell all their dyes since when all dyes cost 1gp per not every noob will be running around in black because it won't be so "LEET" it would just be another color nothing special.
But not 1gp maybe 100 or so. I mean lets not kill their value. The costs of dye+armor costs=broke, unless your a farmer/runner. Black dye cost is outrageous, and in my opinion only the newer (see i didnt say noob) players set their sights on such a pit. Besides id rather have a darker green/or a more metaly silver then black.
But not 1gp maybe 100 or so. I mean lets not kill their value. The costs of dye+armor costs=broke, unless your a farmer/runner. Black dye cost is outrageous, and in my opinion only the newer (see i didnt say noob) players set their sights on such a pit. Besides id rather have a darker green/or a more metaly silver then black.
I didn't read every post in this thread, so don't bother flaming me, this is just my opinion, and it could be wrong.
What I think is that people agreeing with this are just too lazy to go get the money for dyes...I invested a LOT into dying my armor sets, and I would personally be ticked if they made the prices set at an unchanging price, especially THAT low...
What I think is that people agreeing with this are just too lazy to go get the money for dyes...I invested a LOT into dying my armor sets, and I would personally be ticked if they made the prices set at an unchanging price, especially THAT low...
Dr Strangelove
Easier solution to the ridiculous costs of dying armor would be to add a dye preview. Dye charts on guildwiki are nice and all, but you never really know how most of the colors will look on your armor. For that, you'd need every set of armor dyed with every possible dye combination. THat's, uh,
*thinks back to stats class*
*Remembers skipping most of stats class to play GW*
a lot
*thinks back to stats class*
*Remembers skipping most of stats class to play GW*
a lot
Mars Dragonblade
I would like this, but sadly it's goin to stay a wish.
Half Blood Prynce
Pesronally, I liked the idea someone else suggested on a diffrent thread. Instead of making dye itself cheaper, just make it so that people don't waste 10k on a black dye, only to find they don't like the mix or how it apears on their armor. What should be is at the trader you pay a set amount, like 1k, and you then have as long as you wan to take dyes and use them on your armor, mix them around, whatever you want. These colors would not show up on your actual armor, but in the dye testing box, where you'd have a picture of your character like in your inventory. The dyes would never go inti your inventory, but would have to be mixed and applied in the dye testing box. As soon as you walked away from the trader, your time is up, and you'd have to pay another 1k to do it again.
I don't really see the problem with dyes being subject to the economy, with one exception. I am bothered by the fact that black dyes jumped in price, not because people want to actually use them, no. They jumped in price because people are buying up craploads of black dye to use as a trade medium since ectos have been fluctuating so much.
Originally Posted by Cirian
I must have spent 100's of plat on dye, mostly pouring it down the drain
![]() I'd love to mess around a lot more with dye combos, but "research" is prohibative - in DAoC I used to make my own dyes and it was a piece of cake to mess around with colour combinations. So I wonder what people would think if I suggested... 1gp for all dyes at the dye trader! Sane? yes / no? Personally I'd love to play with multi-black / other colour combos, but that's not happening at 10p per black! Even 100g for the cheapest colour really stacks up over an evening's mixing, argh! ![]() |
You need to have variations in the dye prices between red - black.
Otherwise everyone would buy black.
Black has status as a dye because its rare and its expensive, and you can usually assume those who have black armor have some experience behind them.
Unless they just got given it or sold something for stupid amount of money.
/not signed
Zeek Aran
Tryll among others had perfect ways to bypass economy crashes, and the black being bought by everyone WOULD end after a certain amount of time. Reasons I agree with this or the idea of a testing room:
Why would monsters carry dye? Why would black be more expensive? Honestly, purples and colors as such would be harder to make for someone who mixes juices and the like to get dyes, so the current dye ways are unrealistic in every way. You shouldn't have to waste another 80k finding good combos on armor you already payed 60k-800k on. We need more individuality!
Another thing that would be a great idea is if ANET themselves showed every armor on every class with both genders with all 1, 2, 3, and 4 dye combos. But that won't happen.
In reply to stopping and admiring black dyed armor, I usually think "You wasted 40k to look like everyone else, good job you conforming bleepity bleep."
This is a great idea, but we all know nothing will happen. *sigh*
Tryll among others had perfect ways to bypass economy crashes, and the black being bought by everyone WOULD end after a certain amount of time. Reasons I agree with this or the idea of a testing room:
Why would monsters carry dye? Why would black be more expensive? Honestly, purples and colors as such would be harder to make for someone who mixes juices and the like to get dyes, so the current dye ways are unrealistic in every way. You shouldn't have to waste another 80k finding good combos on armor you already payed 60k-800k on. We need more individuality!
Another thing that would be a great idea is if ANET themselves showed every armor on every class with both genders with all 1, 2, 3, and 4 dye combos. But that won't happen.
In reply to stopping and admiring black dyed armor, I usually think "You wasted 40k to look like everyone else, good job you conforming bleepity bleep."
This is a great idea, but we all know nothing will happen. *sigh*
A dye previewer, maybe.
1G for all dyes, no.
A dye previewer, maybe.
1G for all dyes, no.
I wanna see what I'd look like in different color armor, if everyone chose black, then w00t, it'd be cool to see everyone in matching colors.
I have 70k, get all my armor from max collectors no matter how ugly the armor is, and I still have second thoughts on buying dyes.
I wanna see what I'd look like in different color armor, if everyone chose black, then w00t, it'd be cool to see everyone in matching colors.
I have 70k, get all my armor from max collectors no matter how ugly the armor is, and I still have second thoughts on buying dyes.
Knightsaber Sith
i too am in favor of preview rather than low cost... one reasson is that dyes are a money sink so i doubt anet will want to lose this...
but a new screen where u could c ur armor and four slots to put dyes in... then it would give u a price for it...
black = uncreatice... try silver + purple + dye remover
but a new screen where u could c ur armor and four slots to put dyes in... then it would give u a price for it...
black = uncreatice... try silver + purple + dye remover

No... i have a stockpile of blacks.
Vahn Roi
1gp is a moronic request. 100-300gp per vail regardless of color is more realistic.
I would love to see the dye price reset and locked, I feel it would help the economy greatly. Face it, the only people who would be against this are those who make money by scamming newbies in pre ascalon.
The preview option would be nice, but rather useless if one could not preview mixes.
I would love to see the dye price reset and locked, I feel it would help the economy greatly. Face it, the only people who would be against this are those who make money by scamming newbies in pre ascalon.
The preview option would be nice, but rather useless if one could not preview mixes.
However, i wouldnt mind having dyes which cost less but only last 5 minutes after use. That way you could do your dye experimenting and it wont empty your pocket, at the same time as not ruining the dye market.
However, i wouldnt mind having dyes which cost less but only last 5 minutes after use. That way you could do your dye experimenting and it wont empty your pocket, at the same time as not ruining the dye market.
/signed for lower dye prices
Do any of you know what blue-black-black-black looks like? I would love to know but there is no way I'm going to spend 30k per piece of armor dyed...
Do any of you know what blue-black-black-black looks like? I would love to know but there is no way I'm going to spend 30k per piece of armor dyed...
Originally Posted by Relnor
/signed for lower dye prices
Do any of you know what blue-black-black-black looks like? I would love to know but there is no way I'm going to spend 30k per piece of armor dyed... |
If I wanted blue-black-black-black armor, it would be 10k x 3 for each piece of armor...
instead of this whole coding for previewing armor, interface, why cant there be new dyes
I'm talking about,
Dye Trader:
"Sample Dye [Blue]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Green]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Red]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Yellow]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Orange]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Purple]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Silver]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Black]" 10g
"Vial of Dye [Blue]" 250g
"Vial of Dye [Green]" 200g
"Vial of Dye [Red]" 250g
"Vial of Dye [Yellow]" 120g
"Vial of Dye [Orange]" 110g
"Vial of Dye [Purple]" 100g
"Vial of Dye [Silver]" 900g
"Vial of Dye [Black]" 10\\ 0g
[Request Quote]
[Buy] [Goodbye]
the apply time could last for just 5 mins, you buy your samples, mix what you think you want, try it, and see how it looks.
everyone WINS. dye prices would not shift at all. you still wont get perminate dye without a price, you get to try out colors cheaply, and the price you pay is, once sample evaporates/wears off/smears off you go back to undyed armor(anything you had on it prior will be gone)
solution found for a delima
I'm talking about,
Dye Trader:
"Sample Dye [Blue]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Green]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Red]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Yellow]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Orange]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Purple]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Silver]" 10g
"Sample Dye [Black]" 10g
"Vial of Dye [Blue]" 250g
"Vial of Dye [Green]" 200g
"Vial of Dye [Red]" 250g
"Vial of Dye [Yellow]" 120g
"Vial of Dye [Orange]" 110g
"Vial of Dye [Purple]" 100g
"Vial of Dye [Silver]" 900g
"Vial of Dye [Black]" 10\\ 0g
[Request Quote]
[Buy] [Goodbye]
the apply time could last for just 5 mins, you buy your samples, mix what you think you want, try it, and see how it looks.
everyone WINS. dye prices would not shift at all. you still wont get perminate dye without a price, you get to try out colors cheaply, and the price you pay is, once sample evaporates/wears off/smears off you go back to undyed armor(anything you had on it prior will be gone)
solution found for a delima
how bout anet making a website that would comletely show any character in any armor and you can freely mix and match armor all you want (or possibly in game)...point is, it wouldnt JUST be testing...but you could play with it ahead of time so that you knew what you wanted.
Mesmer in Need
heres my dye story. i was just starting gw, and my lvl 20 friend was helping me through the gnw. he went off to run the mission, while i stopped to fight the first group of devouers. i killed the last one and lone behold, a black dye!! i hade no idea what it was, so i asked my friend "can i use this dye i just found?' "what color" "black" "omg you found a black dye!! thats like 9k!!. i gavee it to him, he sold it, and he used it to buy his droks armour. i never saw one dime. great friend he is
Originally Posted by floppinghog
instead of this whole coding for previewing armor, interface, why cant there be new dyes
the apply time could last for just 5 mins, you buy your samples, mix what you think you want, try it, and see how it looks. everyone WINS. dye prices would not shift at all. you still wont get perminate dye without a price, you get to try out colors cheaply, and the price you pay is, once sample evaporates/wears off/smears off you go back to undyed armor(anything you had on it prior will be gone) solution found for a delima |
Kai Nui
I strongly endorse this product.
I strongly endorse this product.
/Not Signed, that's going to ruin the economy a bit.
Priest Of Sin
a "Dye Preview" window would be nice. Free of charge, just add a little "Preview" button, and a window would come up much like the Guild Cape screen! I <3 it.
But 1gp for all dyes? I'd get tired of seeing black.
But 1gp for all dyes? I'd get tired of seeing black.
/not signed.
The reason some of these dyes cost a lot is because they are rare. I do agree that black dye seems to cost too much, but that's the point. If you want black dye you have to save for it. It shows that you actually have something. I mean you cant show off your weapons in towns so all you have is your dyed armor, cape, and titles. Having black 15k armor IMO looks way better than FOW armor and it costs less. And to the people that said black dye is uncreative, so is every other dye, black dye just cost more. I think that they should have a set "high price" on certain dyes.
And all the dyes did not start at 1g, so where are you getting your facts?
The reason some of these dyes cost a lot is because they are rare. I do agree that black dye seems to cost too much, but that's the point. If you want black dye you have to save for it. It shows that you actually have something. I mean you cant show off your weapons in towns so all you have is your dyed armor, cape, and titles. Having black 15k armor IMO looks way better than FOW armor and it costs less. And to the people that said black dye is uncreative, so is every other dye, black dye just cost more. I think that they should have a set "high price" on certain dyes.
Originally Posted by Verlas Ho'Esta
They all started at 1 gp.
Originally Posted by Verlas Ho'Esta
They all started at 1 gp. It's a market economy, and player demand inflated the prices. You could reset the prices, but they'd just inflate again within a day or two.