Originally Posted by Bad Apache
Sanctioned as in authoritised?
I thought so, as i'm not an english native speaker, i look it up in answers.com and:
The adjective sanctioned has 3 meanings:
Meaning #1: conforming to orthodox or recognized rules
Meaning #2: formally approved and invested with legal authority
Meaning #3: established by authority; given authoritative approval
Does it mean that we'll be seeing "anet approved" tournies in the future? That would be great: GW is a great game, but needs more "showrooming"... many people asked me in forums if there`s a free trial key because in the PvP weekend and Factions Preview Event you can just access cookie cut standard template builds and you can`t experience the strength of a char without unlocking some skills.
Whats more: many people were discouraged to buy GW because of this, as they were owned in arenas with those builds.