IYO which is easier/faster??



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Tiger Tail


IYO which is easier/faster??

Urgoz or the Deep


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Never done Urgoz but I heard it's pretty hard, which explains why the items from Urgoz are worth more.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Tiger Tail


Any other opinions???


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Did Urgoz over the weeken with guildies. We ran a trapper build. Took about 5 hours....i'm not kidding. We start about 7pm and done by 12:15am. I also went to the Deep once, group took about 3-4 hours (didnt timed it) to get to the boss but he glitched out so we couldnt kill him. In my opinion the Deep is much easier and faster. Urgoz is way harder. There is a room in Urgoz that is a maze, good thing my guildies knows the way so we passed it pretty easy. One of the guildy said he stuck there for 3 hours one time Hope this help.

P.S got me the Urgoz Flatbow



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yah Urgoz is probably the longest. Only do Urgoz if you have a guild group that does it regularly. I did Urgoz with a random group once and I left and got food, and when I came back they were still in the same area.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



The warren is the longest but also seems to have better drops at least when I've done it.




Join Date: Apr 2006


Croatian Maniacs [CM]


listen to me:

urgoz is longer,but boss is easier to kill. deep is shorter but boss is harder.

urgoz take about 2h-4h (my best time is 2 hours and 5 minutes),deep takes 1.5h - 3h (my best time is 1 hour 45 min). time depends on team only.

perfect teams:
a) urgoz: 3 monk,1 tank,3 trappers (one need to have eoe),1 rt (for the wall),3 nukers, 1 necro (bip)

b)deep: 4monk,3 warriors,3 ele,1 trapper,1 necro (bip)

thats all

if you have any question PM me...i have dont both elite mission many time



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


Originally Posted by tmarosi
listen to me:

urgoz is longer,but boss is easier to kill. deep is shorter but boss is harder.

urgoz take about 2h-4h (my best time is 2 hours and 5 minutes),deep takes 1.5h - 3h (my best time is 1 hour 45 min). time depends on team only.

perfect teams:
a) urgoz: 3 monk,1 tank,3 trappers (one need to have eoe),1 rt (for the wall),3 nukers, 1 necro (bip)

b)deep: 4monk,3 warriors,3 ele,1 trapper,1 necro (bip)

thats all

if you have any question PM me...i have dont both elite mission many time
The perfect build is whatever one a group of people can play well together. Yours is not the only "perfect" solution.