Generic questions from a complete n00b

Seraphic Divinity

Seraphic Divinity

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes Ascent


Forgive me if the questions I ask are mundane and extremely boring for some of you older players, but I would truly appreciate it if anyone could help me out a little...
I just bought GW P and GW F today. I created a Monk/Ritualist and he is level 6 right now. I did most of the orientation things (I believe) and am now supposed to be getting my 'insignia' by completing several tasks. I completed most all the tasks save for the 'chaining' skill thing and the 'disruption' skill thing... It's quite annoying considering they are vague with the rules... or maybe I'm just not interpreting them well... When I take the test its me (a MONK level 6) fighting 2 level 12 NPCs and I have been unsuccessful. I have tried chaining skills and tried several combinations that have worked, per se, yet they're DEFINATELY not enough to pull me a victory. Despite all of my efforts thus far I have been unable to figure out how to overcome this obstacle... Any and all help would be appreciated

Also, I'm interested in leaving the island I'm on and going to the mainland type area... do I have to complete certain things before that option is available, or can I just go there whenever I want... I'm sorry if my questions seem random and don't make any sense, but as I said before, I am a complete n00b right now and would LOVE some help from some of you experienced players ^_^


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

The Farts and The Hearts


I've taken two characters through all of Shing Jea Island, and I generally found the best thing was to wait until you're level 12-14 to do the insignia quests. Try doing a couple of the other quests first to gain quick XP. As for getting off the island, I think there are two missions you have to complete first, and then you can talk to the boatmaster in Seitung Harbor and he'll take you to the mainland. Hope that helps.

Kool Pajamas

Kool Pajamas

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mage Elites [MAGE]

I *think* you do need those quests to move on. Been a little while since I've done those. I would try leveling up a bit more. Sometimes its better to use skills other than the ones they give to you. Might want to just try some different things out. I think with the chaining one you just need to keep spamming skills and maybe get one of the npc's down to half health or something like that.

Hot Dead

Hot Dead

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

You dont need to get your "insignia" to move on, however, the tasks give you free skills. To get off the island you need to do to missions (Minister Cho's Estate, Zen Daijun) and then talk to the boatmaster in Seitung Harbor, he takes you to the mainland. I got my assasin to mainland, got to level 20, then got my "insignia".

Seraphic Divinity

Seraphic Divinity

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes Ascent


Oh, Awesome! Thanks a ton for the help ^_^
Oye... forgive me for being ignorant again, but by any random chance do you remember where to go to in order to fo the Minister Cho's estate quests?

You've all been a LOT of help!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


please do me a favor and dont call yourself a "complete noob", its a stupid insult, and ur not a noob. why does everyone have to call themselves noobs?

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

you know, you can go outside and explore and fing new towns, you have to get to the Village (forgt name) and do a few qusts there first. oh yea, you should know that you shouldnt get of the island before you are AT LEAST lvl 15. so relax, do all the quests that you find, and level up. when at level 12 go do the insignia, because you still have a long wy to go before hitting the main land

Daemon Dremora

Daemon Dremora

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Millington, TN

Seele Erntemaschine {Nein}

you are not a noob. :shudder: i hate that word. you are merely someone who has just started to play and has no idea what he/she is doing. just do some runnin around you have a while to go before you get off of the island so settle in and make it your second home...ok dont go that far... just relax kick back and enjoy the game...

Astraea Zopyros

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Save the Ascalonian Rabbit [STAR]


Oh man. I remember when I took my Rit/mo through the Insignia tests. Since I had focused on Restoration/Healing, I did almost no damage...and I was too stubborn to leave and try it again. So, I just sat there for half any hour trying to fight those guys, though I was probably more healing those guys to half health. I think the best way is, as the others say, go and train a little more until you are a little stronger, then try it again. Basically, both of those mini-missions require to you get your opponent to about half-health (if I remember correctly), which is much easier with stronger weapons, armor, and more levels!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

Snakes on an Airplane


Even if you know what you want your secondary profession to be, it's very helpful to do all the secondary profession quests. Get them all at once from Master Togo, then go out and do them. Most of the trainers are grouped up somewhat, so you can finish things up fairly quickly.

Ari Shiningstar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006



You really don't have to do anything special..just do enough dmg that they will turn green again and say you passed. I've done it with several characters..and once I figured that out it was cake.

one thing you can do..since you have rit is put up spirits before you trigger it...that way you get a jump start.

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


I had this problem with my first Factions character - at Rt/Mo. Basically level 6 is too low - you will have trouble. Go back at level 10 or later, and pack damage spells and all your spirits. Spawn your spirits before talking to the npc, and respawn each time they run out. You will find the npc will attack the spirit instead of you which makes it much easier. then just lay on the smiting till they get to half health.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Press "L". If you do everything that is listed under "Primary Quest", you will move in the right direction.

The are 2 mission towns on the island. They are represented by shields on the map once you reach them. While in a mission town, form a group or get henchemen. At the bottom of the party window is an "Enter Mission" button. Click on that to do the mission.

As long as you follow all of the Primary Quests and do all the missions, you will reach the main land. It is a good idea to do some of the other quests as well. You will gain much needed experience before hitting the main land.