Yea its ownage you know it....Pimpin anit easy
Seriously I hope they fix this soon.
I Cut A Hole In My Armor For My PonyTail o.O
Same thing happens with the necro collector armour.
my have found a worse one, purely for the fact i think it effects all 15k kursik attires.
for some reason the back curls and glitchs through itself, and her hands rest on her knees like normal but they glitch through the dress. i would have thought somthing like that should have been picked up, but when afk now i hit /dance :P
zura x
for some reason the back curls and glitchs through itself, and her hands rest on her knees like normal but they glitch through the dress. i would have thought somthing like that should have been picked up, but when afk now i hit /dance :P
zura x
That happens pretty much with all armors while ur char is moving. For example, my 15k glad leggings are... hm "penetratable" when my male warrior sits or whatever, than his knees go tru the armor. It could be annoying if you paid more attention to it.... :0
Vahn Roi
Nothing to really "fix" it's just a general layering issue.
My Male Mesmer's Drok's Domination mask glitches similarly as well on my Canthan Char. The male Canthan Mesmer faces seem to be slightly larger than that of the Tyrian male Mesmers. The face protrudes through the mask at the cheeks and chin.
Daft Frik
I saw some Necro armor that has horns sticking right through the Guild Cape.
Looks pretty bad, especially when you can't hide the thing in pvp.
Looks pretty bad, especially when you can't hide the thing in pvp.
Originally Posted by Daft Frik
I saw some Necro armor that has horns sticking right through the Guild Cape.
Looks pretty bad, especially when you can't hide the thing in pvp.
Looks pretty bad, especially when you can't hide the thing in pvp.