Where can I get my character the 30 extra attribute points?
Factions: 30 extra attribute points?
There are 2 seperate quests you'll need to do, and both are after each of the co-op missions. After the first mission, take all the quest in the town you end up in. One of them is something about "treasure", and that's your first 15 att quest. The second comes after you complete the second co-op mission. Go up to the bell in the harbor town and ring it, then take the quest from the Kirrin there. I think it's "Unwelcome Guests" or some such.
Do note however that only a Canthan character may take these quests.
Do note however that only a Canthan character may take these quests.
just some more info on the first one, it's called "Lost Treasure" and if you just finished up with the first mission, the quest giver is down off to your right. he looks like a guard.
Can a tyrian get +30 attribute points? I think a Cathan can get +30 attribute points in Tyria.
Swinging Fists
Originally Posted by quanzong
Can a tyrian get +30 attribute points? I think a Cathan can get +30 attribute points in Tyria.
A Canthan can NOT get +30 attribute points in Tyria.
Characters have to do the quests in their native continent.