Where do I get magik haat?
Song Rui
Where do you get magik haat?
i heard you get it from something named magi maliquire, but i am not sure, i dont have one myself
Where is the magik hat too i dont know where it is
Where do you get this so called "magik haat"? Plz, tell me, it seems like an interesting topic of conversation to which I would like to partake in.
Isaac Lunoa
Att Magee Maleekire!!1!1
why thank you Mr. Isaac, I shall visit this "Magee Maleekire" and purchase one of these magical hats that you people speak so highly of.
Song Rui
wher magee malikere?
on a hill in lions arch is what i have heard
Isaac Lunoa
on hil lin loiens aerch
Song Rui
wher du u g3t magik haat?
Isaac Lunoa
att magee maleekire!!1!1 i jsut toeld u nub
Song Rui
wtf dun flame me i just ask question omfg i get u banned gaile gray haer bout dis
Thank you all for informing me so much on this interesting topic, I shall visit Magee Maliquire and get one of these highly sought after Magik Haats. These Haats sound like they should benifit me greatly in my mending and wammoing endeavours.
dude, dont get gaile involved in this,
Isaac Lunoa
lol i thnk not gael grai i smy ssiter i wel tel her 2 b7 u
Song Rui
omfg i wiill. ill see dis hersy banned and hoep ne never poster agaibn
Isaac Lunoa
u no wat i wel b mor matur prsion nd stopp poesting her.
How funny how 2 guildies used this topic to increase their post rating hmm?
Song Rui
WTF I cant understund u stop talking liek a noob. lol u suk
Song Rui
Originally Posted by Yanman.be
How funny how 2 guildies used this topic to increase their post rating hmm?
omfg u gies r the nube loplx plx stp ptosign hre pls ro i tlel on u bichtes
Song Rui
omfg stop posting bad
stop fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok? lets all just be freinds
W H A I R D U U G 3 T M A G I K H A A T!??!!?!?
Song Rui
i would if he would stop bing mean. until dem im gona ignore him ingame. lamer
Originally Posted by Song Rui
i would if he would stop bing mean. until dem im gona ignore him ingame. lamer