im trying to add a prophecies collectors edition key but when i try to add the access key to get the "divine aura" in game feature the game says it can not add it because i will already have the rights this key provides, what must i do to get the divine aura?
i previously have the guild wars special edition and the guild wars factions collectors edition on my account
any help will be much appreciated thank you.
im having problems with adding a collectors edition access key to my account
Stupid Shizno
possibly the cd key was already registered. im not sure, i know my friend bought a cdkey (non-ce) from, then later a friend gave him CE and he ripped the box open to get the cd key, and added it to the same account. worked fine for him.
mm.. i have successfully added a special ed key to my CE account with no problems.. if you have issues, it may be worth getting in touch with anet to see what the problem is.. out of curiosity, you do know the "divine aura" feature are the "sparkles" that appear when you perform an emote? I only ask, cos when I 1st got my CE edition, I was really miffed that I didnt have this suppossed aura.. later i discovered it was just on emotes
[EDIT: just to clarify, the key I added was for unlocking the PVP stuff for free, not the actual game account, i used that key to create my account]
[EDIT: just to clarify, the key I added was for unlocking the PVP stuff for free, not the actual game account, i used that key to create my account]
thank for your advise I've tried to contact Anet but i still haven't had a reply yet, i have no idea why it wont work its almost as if the Cd key may just be a standard edition key im not sure but yeah i know that divine aura are the sparkly things.
Originally Posted by scottad
thank for your advise I've tried to contact Anet but i still haven't had a reply yet, i have no idea why it wont work its almost as if the Cd key may just be a standard edition key im not sure but yeah i know that divine aura are the sparkly things.
If your talking about Chapter 1 collectors edition that is.
Basically your CD-Key has been disabled, since the copy of the game is so old.
Give support so time. Basically they will ask you to provide proof the box currently CD-key.
They should then give you a brand new working one to add, they may also ask for proof-of-purchased, which they did ask for me.
Originally Posted by scottad
thank for your advise I've tried to contact Anet but i still haven't had a reply yet, .
open a support ticket dont try to email them.
on the support ticket the first response is always automated and to get a live person and keep the ticket open you must respond in less than 24 hours or it is auto closed as solved and you start over.
to the people who've added a CE key to a regular edition, did the divine aura show up on all the existing characters, or will it only show up on new characters created from that point on?
Originally Posted by izodiaki
to the people who've added a CE key to a regular edition, did the divine aura show up on all the existing characters, or will it only show up on new characters created from that point on?
applies to future new professions as well