Need help buying 'rare' items?

Seraphic Divinity

Seraphic Divinity

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes Ascent


Hey, I'm very new to this game (as in I just got it today) and I won a LOT of gold in a random guild lottery/raffle.
Considering I know NOTHING about the game and have only recently created my character can you all suggest something to buy that would be worth it?
I have a monk/ritualist level 6... Any comments/suggestions would be EXTREMELY helpful.

We're looking at about a mil. so anything that you think is worth it that I can use or use in the future would be much appreciated ^_^!


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere cold

The Followers of the Messiah


wtf you won about a mil, way to go, lol. well, you could make 55 monk build but it takes practice to effectively use it. Any for weapons and stuff, DONT BUY ANYTHING, BUT do this, ask someone to run you for 10K to droknors, then buy weapon which VERY GOOD from weaponsmith, then go buy armor, if you wanna look like DA MAN, ask someone to run you to ToA, for 5K, do FoW run, then look at items you need for best armor, then teleport back to ascalon, buy things you need, and ka zam you got FoW armor, the best in GW, and you got a VERY GOOD weapon. spend rest your money on whatever else you want.

I Mean I

I Mean I

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

in my guild hall afk

Ar Vin Pvp[AMp]


wtf 10k run to drok from ascalon?a give me a break that worths at least 3-4k
wtf you have to be ascended to get on fow
wtf you have to reach forgemaster to see armors ...that will be pretty tough for a lvl 7

Seraphic Divinity

Seraphic Divinity

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes Ascent


Originally Posted by quanzong
wtf you won about a mil, way to go, lol. well, you could make 55 monk build but it takes practice to effectively use it. Any for weapons and stuff, DONT BUY ANYTHING, BUT do this, ask someone to run you for 10K to droknors, then buy weapon which VERY GOOD from weaponsmith, then go buy armor, if you wanna look like DA MAN, ask someone to run you to ToA, for 5K, do FoW run, then look at items you need for best armor, then teleport back to ascalon, buy things you need, and ka zam you got FoW armor, the best in GW, and you got a VERY GOOD weapon. spend rest your money on whatever else you want.
Awesome! That sounds like a good plan ^_^... I truthfully have no clue what those abbreviations stand for, but I'm sure I can figure it out... That was a lot of help!
Hmmm... First stop, droknors ^_^ *hopes he knows how to trade gold* XD...

-Any other suggestions would also be appreciated =)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

If it aint expensive, it aint worth buyin'.

Leading/Co-leading Bretheren Of Chaos [Dark]


to be fully honest, a mil wont get you that far in the world of rare items.



The Hotshot

Join Date: May 2006


International District [id???]

There's not much worth buying in this game if all you care about are stats. Your best armor is in/around Kaineng, and your best weapons scattered throughout Cantha.

The expensive items do not give you an advantage over their cheaper but max-armor and damage equivalents, as the above poster appears to suggest.

Personally, if I had that much money, I'd spend most of it unlocking all skills in the game - lets you play any build you want for PvP.

Seraphic Divinity

Seraphic Divinity

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes Ascent


Oh, cool. So... how do you unlock skills? Yes, I am a COMPLETE n00b...


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere cold

The Followers of the Messiah


If you still in Pre Sear, make sure you find them hidden trainers, because you CANNOT get the skills you get from hidden trainer without buying them. which whenever you buy a skill the value increases and stops at 1K, and if you want all the skills and you buy them all, it would be like 200K, which is completely insane! Most skills you see that you can get from skill trainer in Tyria are able to get from quests until Lion Arch I think. Are you by any chance in Factions? Because your M/Rt, so you cant really do what I said, and if your in Factions which I think you are, you have to buy 98% of the skills. Just goto skiller trainer. Also I believe you have to complete all the quests on that Island to get to mainland, and at mainland, thats where you get the best armor, its same as droknars, but different looks, if you want to be DA MAN, you gotta goto Tyria and get ascended and then goto FoW (Fissure of Woe, its a place in Temple of Ages) and buy THE BEST ARMOR IN THE GAME. Everyone knows your DA MAN when you have FoW armor, except for jealous people. But it would be wise to enjoy the game, instead of rushing it to be DA MAN, because if you rush it you wont learn how to effectifly play your class, and have hard times in PvP, which is the toughest thing in this game.

Seraphic Divinity

Seraphic Divinity

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes Ascent


Originally Posted by quanzong
If you still in Pre Sear, make sure you find them hidden trainers, because you CANNOT get the skills you get from hidden trainer without buying them. which whenever you buy a skill the value increases and stops at 1K, and if you want all the skills and you buy them all, it would be like 200K, which is completely insane! Most skills you see that you can get from skill trainer in Tyria are able to get from quests until Lion Arch I think. Are you by any chance in Factions? Because your M/Rt, so you cant really do what I said, and if your in Factions which I think you are, you have to buy 98% of the skills. Just goto skiller trainer. Also I believe you have to complete all the quests on that Island to get to mainland, and at mainland, thats where you get the best armor, its same as droknars, but different looks, if you want to be DA MAN, you gotta goto Tyria and get ascended and then goto FoW (Fissure of Woe, its a place in Temple of Ages) and buy THE BEST ARMOR IN THE GAME. Everyone knows your DA MAN when you have FoW armor, except for jealous people. But it would be wise to enjoy the game, instead of rushing it to be DA MAN, because if you rush it you wont learn how to effectifly play your class, and have hard times in PvP, which is the toughest thing in this game.
Awesome! That was VERY helpful ^_^ and I completely understand what you mean by saying that I don't need to be rushing anything. I definately need the experience but what you told me was Very helpful! I'm pretty sure that I'll follow that advice simply because it seems logical =D



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


if you want to develop as a good player, my honest suggestion would be to not listen to most of the suggestions here. keep that money in your bank, and learn a little more about the game yourself. later on, when you understand how the game works and know what YOU want to buy for your character (armor/equipment), then you will have the funds waiting for you.

at this point, if you randomly blow that money based on other people's suggestions, there may come a time later on that you will know what you want. if you've already spent that money, you'll regret it.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Seraphic Divinity
Awesome! That was VERY helpful ^_^ and I completely understand what you mean by saying that I don't need to be rushing anything. I definately need the experience but what you told me was Very helpful! I'm pretty sure that I'll follow that advice simply because it seems logical =D
Whatever you do, DO NOT listen to the above poster. He has no clue what he is talking about.

In order to become ascended in Cantha, you have to complete the Naphui Quarter mission. Then, if you have Kaenig City open, you can go to Lion's Arch. Get someone to run you to the Temple of Ages and you can get into the Fissure of Woe.

The Fissure armor is no better then the armor you can buy in Kaenig City though, so it is just a way to waste money.

Get a decent set of max armor and a good staff like Wenslauss' Faith. Get the runes you want. Then save the rest for any future characters you build or if you come across something you really want.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Zealand

Retired :)

My advice, play the game as if you dont have all that money.

Then once you got a feel for it, decide what you want to use it for. At level 20 you might want a couple of set of 15k armor, rare monk staffs etc. (In other words when you get experienced enough to know what YOU want to it

Disclaimer: The above information is only personal opinion, depends on your play style, you want to blitz thru it (like poster 2) by all means pay for runs through the game but its not much fun first time through.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Listen to LuckyGiant's advice. Play the game normally and get to level 20 with at least one character (It doesn't take long). See the sights and don't touch your money until you know what you want, not what other people think you may want. For example, I don't even like most of the FoW armor and wouldn't dream of paying the high price for even one set.

Congrats on the win though. Must be one heck of a generous guild to award a prize like that to a total newbie. =)


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005



echoing that point, you'll loose out on some of the basics (like kiting and agro management) if you buy the best armour, get through the game, (or at least to Droks forge by yourself, not run). At this point you'll be well into the game have a good grasp of what skills suit you and such.

Then you'll be best informed as to what to spend the money on. Also you wont spoil the first part of the game by being really over equiped (although it can be kinda fun at times...)

Seraphic Divinity

Seraphic Divinity

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes Ascent


Yeah, this seems to be the best advice:
LEARN to play the game, enjoy it, and save your money later on when you know what you want to buy.

^_^! Thanks everyone! The suggestions were all helpful! If anyone has anything else to say, or reccomends I buy something other than weapons for now, then please tell me =)
What do the mini-pets do?



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


Originally Posted by Seraphic Divinity
What do the mini-pets do?
Mini-pets do nothing useful. They're just a nice thing to have - when you double-click them in your inventory (outside of a town) they will follow you around making cute noises. They have no effect on gameplay.

To be honest, you should try looking at Guildwiki - there is information on EVERY aspect of the game, and a rather good beginners' guide.

Welcome to the addiction



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by Seraphic Divinity
What do the mini-pets do?
They reward you for keeping your characters alive for a year.

Again, I would say just keep your money and wait.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006




Originally Posted by Azmodan
Whatever you do, DO NOT listen to the above poster. He has no clue what he is talking about.

In order to become ascended in Cantha, you have to complete the Naphui Quarter mission. Then, if you have Kaenig City open, you can go to Lion's Arch. Get someone to run you to the Temple of Ages and you can get into the Fissure of Woe.

The Fissure armor is no better then the armor you can buy in Kaenig City though, so it is just a way to waste money.

Get a decent set of max armor and a good staff like Wenslauss' Faith. Get the runes you want. Then save the rest for any future characters you build or if you come across something you really want.
LOL you all are CLUELESS you can get in to Fissure of Woe from Cantha no need to get run to ToA, Go to Zin Ku Corridor in Kainang City and get in from there. Try to play the game the way it's supposed to be played, you can't buy knowledge and experience.

At least get your game facts straight before giving new ppl advise here, PLZ



Not far from Elite

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by striderkaaru
... keep that money in your bank, and learn a little more about the game yourself......if you've already spent that money, you'll regret it.
ya what he said.... i 100% agree w/ this post. Just take your time w/ the game. Save your money for the times you will need it. having that 500k gold item isn't going to help u develope as a player then an item you can craft for 5k.

I remeber getting a run to Droknars and I saw you can craft a perfect dmg sword, but i listened to my friend and use a "gold" damage sword instead with less dmg. man i'm stuipd!

j/w how did u join a guild that fast?


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


Since you are in factions, you won't be able to get the "runs" or "best armor" until you reach mainland(which is when you're supposed to get it). My advice is keep the money in your storage and go about as if you didn't have the million.

When you do actually get to mainland:

FoW armor costs about 1.3 mil if you get ectos at 8k each and shards at 4k each (105 ectos, 105 shards, required crafting materials and 60k if you're going for a set that doesn't have a helmet). The armor at Kaineng Center protects you just as well as FoW armor. The only difference is it cost about 1.29 million cheaper then FoW. Since you are loaded, check on guildwiki for armor and weapons. Find out what they look like and which ones you want, then head over to guildwarsguru's price check forum to find out what's the going rate for weapons you want to get.

Most important thing is to learn what your character can and can't do. I may sound like an a**, however "Da Man" with FoW armor still looks like an idiot if you're laying face down in the dirt 3 seconds into the battle while everyone still has over 90% health.



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

j/w how did u join a guild that fast?
duh? you haven't heard of the newest guild out there? its the ebay guild. they are always raffling of mill's. what a nice guild. j/k.

anyway, don't let that bankroll burn a hole in your pocket. like stated earlier, play like you don't have it, and get used to the game first. you will figure out what you want. fow armor is cool, but a total gold sink. you can get armor w/ the same stats in droks. GL


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Stockholm
LOL you all are CLUELESS you can get in to Fissure of Woe from Cantha no need to get run to ToA, Go to Zin Ku Corridor in Kainang City and get in from there. Try to play the game the way it's supposed to be played, you can't buy knowledge and experience.

At least get your game facts straight before giving new ppl advise here, PLZ
Hmmmm! And how many people are hanging around Zin Ku Corridor forming groups for the FOW or UW? Most people go to the Temple of Ages. So, even though it can be done without leaving Cantha, it's easier to do it in Tyria.

Seraphic Divinity

Seraphic Divinity

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes Ascent


Originally Posted by chessyang
ya what he said.... i 100% agree w/ this post. Just take your time w/ the game. Save your money for the times you will need it. having that 500k gold item isn't going to help u develope as a player then an item you can craft for 5k.

I remeber getting a run to Droknars and I saw you can craft a perfect dmg sword, but i listened to my friend and use a "gold" damage sword instead with less dmg. man i'm stuipd!

j/w how did u join a guild that fast?
How did I join a Guild so fast? Well, truthfully I want to be a 'Hard-Core' monk and just really want to be a player that helps the entire team earn a victory. I don't care about self-glory, I just want to learn to be an Amazing asset to the team, even if he doesn't get much recognition. I posted saying all this and that I was COMPLETELY new to the game and that I'm currently level 6 because of some basic missions @ orientation and since yesterday I've had 17 Guild invites ^_^!

Everyone's advice is VERY helpful! I am taking notes and am looking up what you guys are telling me =D!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006




Originally Posted by Azmodan
Hmmmm! And how many people are hanging around Zin Ku Corridor forming groups for the FOW or UW? Most people go to the Temple of Ages. So, even though it can be done without leaving Cantha, it's easier to do it in Tyria.
Not unless you have both games Hmmmmm! Factions only ppl hang around Zin Ku.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



You are extremely fortunate to have so much money and your just starting the game. Your luckier than 99.9% of the Guild Wars population that first started. To amass 1 million gold would normally take a complete noob months and months and months of playing the game and saving every penny. Since your not sure what to do with your money, the smartest thing to do is "nothing". Like many of the other posters already told you. Learn the game slowly and you will eventually figure out what you really want. I've found from experience that Nothing in this game is really worth having or getting. "ALL" of the really high end items and armor have the same stats as regular 1.5k armor and collectors weapons. Please be careful and save your money, there are many scammers in the game that would love to get their hand on you! A fool is soon parted with his money.

If your looking to get the FOW armor, that is quite a task. Yes, it's easier to get ascended in Factions, you don't need to do anything in Prophecies, other than get a run to the "Temple of Ages" from "Lions Arch". You will also want to be level 20 as well, or you will never find a group to get into the "Fissure of Woe" (you can gain access to the fissure of woe in the temple of ages. The FOW armor crafter is deep inside. You can use the search function in this forum and type in "FOW armor crafter" and you will find some old threads with screen shots of all the materials you will need for crafting that armor).

Okay, maybe that was to much info for ya

If you have more questions on what items cost, then its a good idea to check out the price check section of this forum before purchasing an item, just so you dont get taken.

Good luck, and welcome to Guild Wars.

Hash Mama

Hash Mama

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Saint Aggro


Originally Posted by Azmodan

In order to become ascended in Cantha, you have to complete the Naphui Quarter mission. Then, if you have Kaenig City open, you can go to Lion's Arch. Get someone to run you to the Temple of Ages and you can get into the Fissure of Woe.
Adding to this , you dont even have to go to Tyria to get to FoW.Just go to Zin Ku Corridor...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Stockholm
Not unless you have both games Hmmmmm! Factions only ppl hang around Zin Ku.
Well, considering I read his posts, I know that he said that he had both.

Oh, and I never said that going to ToA was the only way. I said it was the easiest.

I don't think I've ever see 8 districts around Zin Ku.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006




Originally Posted by Azmodan
Well, considering I read his posts, I know that he said that he had both.

Oh, and I never said that going to ToA was the only way. I said it was the easiest.

I don't think I've ever see 8 districts around Zin Ku.
He has a monk/Rit Hmmmmmmmmm! Factions?
No where does his original post say both games, I to read the post too.

Seraphic Divinity

Seraphic Divinity

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Heroes Ascent


I'm sure Azmodan is referring to another post of mine elsewhere on this site where I said I had both games. I thought I posted it in here, but I guess not.

Anyways, what are ectos and how do you get them...?



Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

your new best friend ~~~~~~>


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Seraphic Divinity
I'm sure Azmodan is referring to another post of mine elsewhere on this site where I said I had both games. I thought I posted it in here, but I guess not.

Anyways, what are ectos and how do you get them...?
Thank you very much.

Ectos are rare crafting material. You can get them from drops in the UW, rare material trader, or purchase from other players.

Coca Cola Lover

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Save the Dolyaks (NUKE)


Well done, kid. I've played the game since the release of the original, and no matter how hard I try, I've never even broken 200k. I'm no expert, so just listen to these folks - they know what they're talking about. =)

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


You joined a guild within hours of starting playing GW ( 100 ppl max ) and won a raffle for 1 million gold ? Yeah, sure... I'm thinking EBay all the way on this one. You probably bought a used acct with that amount on it already. I guess this is the way to get around the EBay trades that ANet is cracking down on. Just sell the accounts with the gold on them = no ingame trade that is obviously out of balance.

Yep. I just checked EBay, and there are merged accounts being sold with 1 million gold ( + ectos ).


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere cold

The Followers of the Messiah


Well 1 thing is, if you FoW you really are DA MAN, like I said earlier there are going to be a lot of jealous people, but just remember you have the most expensive armor in the game, which most expensive meaning very valuable. I would carefully decide which armor to get before you start getting the materials, because 15K armor for complete set costs around 100K, 1.5K armor set costs around 10K, and FoW, well never obtained it, so I'm guessing around a mil. Buy ecto from people, they normally sell it 1 or 2K below marketprice. Also check the market price in the morning or late at night, its normally lower. 9 months ago people use to buy sigils for 35K (price at night), then sell them durning day for 45K or even 50K when market price was 55K. Dont give your money to no one either, they thank you 1 day, and ignore you the next day. I'm quite new to Factions so dont know much, but when I started a factions character, at every mission area on newbie island, I heard "Looking for solo runner for 5K if you complete mission" so you can get runned in Factions. Just goto mission area, or get someone to run it for you for a price. And dont listen to most people here, monk best weapon is from a collector, or from a weapon merchant in kaineng city (spelling error), there might be a few weapons better than that, but its only a little better, you can add mods to a holy staff created by a collector, and it has good mods that you cant add to staves too, 20% 1/2 casting time, and skill recharge. I dont think GW put much effort into weapons for casters to use, so most of them are garbage. However a weapon not of a caster, thats what you should actually buy from a player, rather than create one from a weapon merchant.

Don Zardeone

Don Zardeone

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Seraphic Divinity
Hey, I'm very new to this game (as in I just got it today) and I won a LOT of gold in a random guild lottery/raffle.
Considering I know NOTHING about the game and have only recently created my character can you all suggest something to buy that would be worth it?
I have a monk/ritualist level 6... Any comments/suggestions would be EXTREMELY helpful.

We're looking at about a mil. so anything that you think is worth it that I can use or use in the future would be much appreciated ^_^!
I don't know if you ebayed or not but I'm just gonna shut up about that.

If you don't know what to do with the money YOURSELF.
As in, YOU don't know the value of it, YOU never farmed for it, YOU have to ask us..

Then you'll just get drained by those who do.

Ebayers and/or clueless millionnaires are juicy targets for powertraders, scammers and wiseguys.

If you get FoW (the most expensive armour today) and you play like you probably play now (newcomer style aka newb) then you'll get yelled at a lot for ebaying (even if you didn't, don't know) and probably reported.
You'll also give FoW a bad reputation, making the legit/worker/wiseguy fowers look bad.. which pisses those off too.

Anyway, back to you being drained by wiseguys.
^that axe is complete crap for warriors

^same complete crap

Now go out and look around. Everybody is selling this junk...
Just to prove that i'm not BSing on the draining thing..

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
You joined a guild within hours of starting playing GW ( 100 ppl max ) and won a raffle for 1 million gold ? Yeah, sure... I'm thinking EBay all the way on this one. You probably bought a used acct with that amount on it already. I guess this is the way to get around the EBay trades that ANet is cracking down on. Just sell the accounts with the gold on them = no ingame trade that is obviously out of balance.

Yep. I just checked EBay, and there are merged accounts being sold with 1 million gold ( + ectos ).
game point

this is the most likey explanation for the 1mill "gift"..ive been in many guilds with some of the games richest ppl and i can tell you 1 thing..they dont give anything away..the chances of standard guild giving away 1mill in gold to a noob is 1 in 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2006

Scars Meadows [SMS]

Originally Posted by Malice Black
game point
1 in 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000
+1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x 2

Lil Macabre

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

North Pole



Ebay gold FTW!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



Originally Posted by quanzong
Well 1 thing is, if you FoW you really are DA MAN
What a load of piffle. FoW is meant to be for people who worked their butts off to save for it, not for newbies that want to show off that they have loads of cash that they didn't earn. If one thing makes you "DA MAN" it's playing the game, learning how it works, being a competent player, and then, if you can afford it, reward yourself with shiny, high-end armour.

Seraphic Divinity - I'd listen to the guys advising you to wait before splashing out on any 15k armour, not just FoW. By all means, get the max AL gear from Kaineng City, or Droknar's Forge to help you through the game, but don't parade around wearing 15k stuff if you don't fully understand the workings of your character (unless you plan on using henchmen to accompany you on quests/missions). You'll get no respect that way and it's the fastest route to you losing interest in the game itself.
My advice is simply: save your cash, stick to the storyline as much as you can, enjoy the game for what it is because there's a lot more to GW than how "uber" your items are. Most importantly - have fun! Some of my most fun memories are from running round Kryta in Lion's Arch armour


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006
