Was does my connection fail, and then it reloads in 20 seconds? I have this montorla surfboard cableone internet connection. Is this my computer fault or do you think its something else? Whenever I come here, my chances of it failing is kinda high, do you think it fails because so many users online and it cuts me off? Also in GW, mostly at the end of every clip is where I get error 7 issue, I think they should cut you off, if your connection went down for a minute, not 15 seconds.
Any idea why my internet connection fails then reloads? The parts of it that fail are the Send, and Online.
Internet Connection
That sounds like your modem/router is losing synch and then re-training again. It could be down to fluctuations in the SNR and attenuation levels on your line. Does your modem have an opton to pull up your line stats? If so, post them.
I never toke Cisco class so dunno how to lol.
It seems it reset whenever I goto a website, while i'm in a game or on AIM.
It seems it reset whenever I goto a website, while i'm in a game or on AIM.