Ok, about a year ago, I purchased the origional Guild Wars and I was absolutaly amazed, not to mention addicted. At first I played pretty much exclusively PvE, but I did enjoy my share of PVP with my guild(s). In november, I joined a Guild, and the PvP with that guild became the sole reason i continued to play.
However, frankly, I have become bored with Guild Wars. I have beaten through the storyline twice in Prophecies, and NO ONE playes Prophecies pvp. Its empy and barren.
Lately, ive been considering picking up Factions. On one hand, I remember how much fun Pvp and PvE were, but on the other hand, it's just moer of the same that I'm bored with.
1) Is the PvP in factions similar to Prophecy's PvP at it's height, with tons of people, and tons of guilds etc?
2) is factions overrun with cookie-cutter FOTM builds like IWAY?
3) How much new content would i experience in PvE by bringing over two ascended prophecies characters? How much content would i miss by not bring a character up from level 1?
thank you
State of Factions PvP (and other Q's)
Greedy Gus
What are you talking about, prophecies pvp being 'barren'? The PvP of all games are linked.
AW Lore
yeah, what greedy gus said.
the pvp content is linked in both games, so you will be facing one of the next three types of oponents:
1.- prophecies only skills characters
2.- canthan only skills characters
3.- propheices and canthan skills characters.
faction has introduced a "new" form of pvp where there is no DP, alliance battles, as well as fort aspenwood and jade quarry.
the pvp content is linked in both games, so you will be facing one of the next three types of oponents:
1.- prophecies only skills characters
2.- canthan only skills characters
3.- propheices and canthan skills characters.
faction has introduced a "new" form of pvp where there is no DP, alliance battles, as well as fort aspenwood and jade quarry.
unda dawg
well the uh watcha ma call its...uh arenas like in ascalon and yaks, hey arent linked, cuz thats just prophecies
Originally Posted by unda dawg
well the uh watcha ma call its...uh arenas like in ascalon and yaks, hey arent linked, cuz thats just prophecies
Also there is a good amount of lvl 20 PvE content in Factions which I am finding quite fun to pound through and farm in with my Tyrian Lvl 20s (haven't done it all yet.) It is very different as you can NOT run much. You have to complete missions and quests to move into the next region.
AW Lore
oh yeah, i had forgotten about the lowbie arenas, after the twinkies invasion i stopped playing on them completely, and yes they are only for prophecies (unless the ascalon arena is linked to the shing jea arena, though i doubt it) those low level arenas will have less traffic, if they have any at all.
to reach the lvl arenas is through balthazars island ( i think), and also you can do HA there as well.
to reach the lvl arenas is through balthazars island ( i think), and also you can do HA there as well.
well if the pvp is all interconnected, why are there only 3 random-team districts and only one district for heroes ascent? Is heroes ascent the new HoH?
Yes. It is.
well; there was only one district open when i was just there. that seems strage; there used to be over 10 back in the origional GW's glory days...
The district code has also been improved in the past few months.