When Are People Expected To Grow Out Of Games??
king hidalgo
i have just realised how so many people have such broad and intresting views and opinions over a GAME i find myself intreiged by the game however i come from a generation of younger gamers, i believe these strong opinions that adults posess over a GAME are humerous however slightly disturbing i have spent a few months now, thinking about when a child is expected to grow out of playing games and i am now in a position where im asking myself,
will i grow out of games and why, young gamers= me prospechs of going out to work are quickly put aisde when i see this most enchanting game its imaginative storyline and the option to almost become your character as it may, however when will i no when computer gaming is being taken too seriously is it when i start to believe i am in the GAME. I find myself asking are there people like this that have became so infatuaited by a game that infact they believe they are a part of it.
At this point this game is already starting to consume my life i find it hard to draw myself away from the computer and this game but will i be the same when im working will i still be drawn to this magical game or will the ideas of money and a job persuade me away?
alot of my freinds are older gamers oftern with jobs and sometimes familys i ask myself if they are still playin games will i be still beatsing out on the playstaion 10 when im that age. my main concern is that this game will consume my life although i adore games is it time for me to step away from games and grow up??
sorry if this offended anyone it wasnt intetional im mearly expressing my thoughts i would like to hear the opinions on others about where we are expected to grow out of the whole gaming thing ??
will i grow out of games and why, young gamers= me prospechs of going out to work are quickly put aisde when i see this most enchanting game its imaginative storyline and the option to almost become your character as it may, however when will i no when computer gaming is being taken too seriously is it when i start to believe i am in the GAME. I find myself asking are there people like this that have became so infatuaited by a game that infact they believe they are a part of it.
At this point this game is already starting to consume my life i find it hard to draw myself away from the computer and this game but will i be the same when im working will i still be drawn to this magical game or will the ideas of money and a job persuade me away?
alot of my freinds are older gamers oftern with jobs and sometimes familys i ask myself if they are still playin games will i be still beatsing out on the playstaion 10 when im that age. my main concern is that this game will consume my life although i adore games is it time for me to step away from games and grow up??
sorry if this offended anyone it wasnt intetional im mearly expressing my thoughts i would like to hear the opinions on others about where we are expected to grow out of the whole gaming thing ??
I will never grow out of games. Ive been playing for over 18 years now >.>
king hidalgo
cool welldone im 16 nearly im gorwing out of them
Malice Black
tough 1 really...many ppl make a living out of gaming of some sort be it a game tester/devloper
imo most ppl expect u to stop playing these such games when u hit your 20's..this is the time u are suppose to find a nice girl/boy and go about making a living for yourself, i know gaming is mainly a pastime but it has and always seen to be something for kids.
adult gamers in the public view are "geeks" "social rejects" ect..
my opinion and views
imo most ppl expect u to stop playing these such games when u hit your 20's..this is the time u are suppose to find a nice girl/boy and go about making a living for yourself, i know gaming is mainly a pastime but it has and always seen to be something for kids.
adult gamers in the public view are "geeks" "social rejects" ect..
my opinion and views
David Lionmaster
You aren't anywhere near the average age of a gamer, which i believe is the mid twenties. You shouldn't stop playing games at that age, you're still young. As for the obsession, that could be a problem

Many adults have gaming hobbies. Gaming like any mature hobby can be an important element of a healthy well rounded life. Obviously priorities change as you get older, but I know several professionals in their 40's who enjoy gaming of various types.
At some point you'll realize that while you mature, you don't really grow up. If you feel like you won't enjoy something when you are older, why are you doing it now? How you enjoy games may change, but it isn't like you will wake up one day and not care.
At some point you'll realize that while you mature, you don't really grow up. If you feel like you won't enjoy something when you are older, why are you doing it now? How you enjoy games may change, but it isn't like you will wake up one day and not care.
king hidalgo
david cna u hear me i wish to hear the specs of your guild im intresting in joing a hgihly active guild!! with many freidnly members
thom i dodnt think ill enjoy games when im older becuase by them they will of consumed my life!! and thus they wont be fun anymore just like crack a good bit of fun the adictive!!
Carry On The Convo
thom i dodnt think ill enjoy games when im older becuase by them they will of consumed my life!! and thus they wont be fun anymore just like crack a good bit of fun the adictive!!
Carry On The Convo
First, it is rude not to capitalize someones name. It is Thom, not "thom".
Obviously if your gaming isn't healthy you should move on. Don't be suprised if one additive behavior is replaced by another.
Obviously if your gaming isn't healthy you should move on. Don't be suprised if one additive behavior is replaced by another.
In moderation, there's absolutely no reason to grow out of video games. If they're done well they're at least as worthy of your time as any other form of entertainment - take, for example, listening to music or watching a movie or television. Hell, a great game beats most books. It's like a combination novel/movie/symphony/play/sports contest all at once.
And when it's done really well? It becomes more than a game. It becomes the Mona Lisa of games, the Godfather of games, the Good Vibrations of games. It is no less than a work of art. There are paintings I could stare at for hours. There are compositions I could listen to many times over. There are movies I could watch repeatedly. And there are also games that I could play forever.
Yes, I like games. Did you notice?
And when it's done really well? It becomes more than a game. It becomes the Mona Lisa of games, the Godfather of games, the Good Vibrations of games. It is no less than a work of art. There are paintings I could stare at for hours. There are compositions I could listen to many times over. There are movies I could watch repeatedly. And there are also games that I could play forever.
Yes, I like games. Did you notice?
People grow out of it because when your older theres more things for you to do. You can get buys fast and it may not just appeal to you as much anymore.
As for me, I may be busy, but I know I will always find time to play games no matter how old I get :P
As for me, I may be busy, but I know I will always find time to play games no matter how old I get :P
I am now 20 and almost to the point to completely stop playing games period. In my younger years I was an avid gamer. Nowadays I can barely turn on a video game and play for more than 10 minutes. Guild Wars is currrently the only game I play and I'm slowly fading away from this game...Hopefully the new Zelda will salvage what little gamer instincts I have left in me.
I have no idea what all the OP's other posts are about, but I think most people from the generation of the parents of most gamers are just not familiar with games. It's kinda like the same culture clash as music in the 60's, they just don't understand it, so they assume it's something for children. What they don't see is that it's not going away, just like music or movies doesn't go away when you grow up. Games are a new medium that has just very recently (let's say mainstream in the early 80's) has been introduced (admittedly, as a toy at first). A lot of people who haven't been young in this period will think or assume it's a kid thing. I don't think there's going to be a moment when you grow out of it. Of course other things might become more important or demand more time, but nobody will feel they've outgrown games, because they grow and will continue to grow with their audience.
my wife wonders the same thing about me but if I find out the answer I'll let you know. Haven't outgrown them yet and I'm 28 years old.
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
Hmm about the OPs post, thinking you are IN the game? psychward time, dude what the op has been saying has kinda freaked me out O.o
Anyway I don't intend on growing out games and I intend on making them my career. About the whole public thing, screw the public, if I let their views run my life than I am no more than a sheep. I have kinda gotten bored of console games just because of the social element of internet games like GW myself, but I am attached to GW as ever. BTW I am 15 so I am still a kiddie-poo hehheh.
Anyway I don't intend on growing out games and I intend on making them my career. About the whole public thing, screw the public, if I let their views run my life than I am no more than a sheep. I have kinda gotten bored of console games just because of the social element of internet games like GW myself, but I am attached to GW as ever. BTW I am 15 so I am still a kiddie-poo hehheh.
I'm 22 right now and I've been gaming for many years now. Probably 10+. I don't think I'll 'grow out' of games. Once in a while, I'll get bored but I always find a game to play somewhere.
It's much harder for me to find a game where I can't stop playing anymore but I still play games often.
It's much harder for me to find a game where I can't stop playing anymore but I still play games often.
Malice Black
im not really into games as such..i did get kinda addicted to this for a while but now..there is nothing to keep my interest
my first and prob last online game..unless they bring out a RTS online thats good
my first and prob last online game..unless they bring out a RTS online thats good
I've been gaming since PONG came out in the 70's. Don't see myself growing out of it anytime soon.
Originally Posted by Memnon
I've been gaming since PONG came out in the 70's. Don't see myself growing out of it anytime soon.
Don't see any end to my love for video games in the near (or far) future. Don't think I ever crossed the mental line into absorbtion, though. Addiction, yes, and GW has sure got me there.
I do not understand the concept of "too old to play games" or "when I grow up". Well I’m in my mid 30's I play D&D on Friday nights (for 17 years). I have a job and work hard at it. I have a wife and family and throw large BBQ's on weekends. I travel in the summer and vacation to exotic places. I ALSO PLAY GUILD WARS because it’s FUN. When I retire... I will play games; I will enjoy life, and live life to the fullest.
Originally Posted by Memnon
I've been gaming since PONG came out in the 70's. Don't see myself growing out of it anytime soon.
I may only be fifteen, but I agree with Lexar. Gaming is relatively new, compared to many other things. I mean, what kind of games did we have only twenty years ago? Arcade games, pong, and Atari. Gaming hasn't been around for awhile. So naturally, anyone who hasn't had the chance to be exposed to it won't understand it. I know my mom used to think games were horribly stupid, but then she played one, and she's more addicted to Mario Kart now than I ever was to any game
So really, twenty to thirty year olds are about the oldest generation that was exposed to video games at a young age, it's only logical that they are the oldest generation to actively participate in them. That's not very old when you consider it. I'll admit I'm only in high school, but I'm quite convinced of this. I know as I grow up I'll have other priorities, I may not game as much, but I'll certainly never stop having fun playing them.

So really, twenty to thirty year olds are about the oldest generation that was exposed to video games at a young age, it's only logical that they are the oldest generation to actively participate in them. That's not very old when you consider it. I'll admit I'm only in high school, but I'm quite convinced of this. I know as I grow up I'll have other priorities, I may not game as much, but I'll certainly never stop having fun playing them.
The fact is, you are as young as you feel. If you are still a game freak in your 70s GOOD FOR YOU! (even if it does seem creepy to some).
I'm 25, my husband 21, my kids 5, 2.5, 1, and 14wks pregnant. Kids, jobs, and the sort take away from a lot of gametime. I don't regret it and I don't mind. Sometimes I set my kids up with their own learning toys and enjoy a few hours extra play time in the evening. Usually I don't play till after they are in bed *shrugs* and Saturday and Sunday are freeforall so yeah ^_^
I'm 25, my husband 21, my kids 5, 2.5, 1, and 14wks pregnant. Kids, jobs, and the sort take away from a lot of gametime. I don't regret it and I don't mind. Sometimes I set my kids up with their own learning toys and enjoy a few hours extra play time in the evening. Usually I don't play till after they are in bed *shrugs* and Saturday and Sunday are freeforall so yeah ^_^
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
first of all Commodore 64 FTW I remember that one frustrating gmae I thinkit was something bros. or dodgers, you were in a ship and you had to blast through the level and beat bosses and it wasnt a side scrolling, your POV was that of the plane's that game was fun but exasperatingly hard, I got close but never managed to beat it. Hey urban we're the same age hehheh
My dad at 40 was still a gamer, till he got that one problem where your extremities like your fingers and such go numb so then he just switched to using the comp and maybe a little gameboy.
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
Hey eviance congratulations 3 kids another one coming, GL with that. I also do believe I remembered the name of the condition Peripheral......awwww fudge..forgot the second part.
From what I understand, at some point in your life you are supposed to stop enjoying yourself and devote a significant majority of your waking hours to making as much money as you can. This money is used to buy stuff, which is used to attract a woman. The rest of your waking hours should be dedicated to maintenence of your pile of stuff and your woman. At some point you realize that you do not enjoy your life, at which point you have children, which you can live vicariously through.
I've concluded that this is a raw deal and that I don't want anything to do with it.
I've concluded that this is a raw deal and that I don't want anything to do with it.
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
lol ensign I don't want that deal either, ima get my wife and kids to play GW with me, I hope this games around for the next ten years lol. Lol that's 20 more chapters BWAHAHAAHAHAHAHA
When are people expected to grow out of games?
I don't know when society expects you to have grown out of games, really.
I'm sure there's some period in everyones life that people think he/she "has outgrown" games.
Obviously in the context of this forum, we're talking about computergames.
but the question doesn't specifally state that. So when are people expected to grow out of games, in the broadest sense?
Practical answer says: Never.
People don't stop playing games when they grow older. I bet each and everyone of you could name a few stereotypical sports and games for each age category.
The next time someone tells you "those games are for kids... aren't you a little too old for that?" You'll probably know this person well enough to list some of the games he or she plays and, ofcourse, politely inquire "What the hell happened to you that made you too old to play?"
I don't know when society expects you to have grown out of games, really.
I'm sure there's some period in everyones life that people think he/she "has outgrown" games.
Obviously in the context of this forum, we're talking about computergames.
but the question doesn't specifally state that. So when are people expected to grow out of games, in the broadest sense?
Practical answer says: Never.
People don't stop playing games when they grow older. I bet each and everyone of you could name a few stereotypical sports and games for each age category.
The next time someone tells you "those games are for kids... aren't you a little too old for that?" You'll probably know this person well enough to list some of the games he or she plays and, ofcourse, politely inquire "What the hell happened to you that made you too old to play?"
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
"What the hell happened to you that made you too old to play?"
Big Fat LOL
Man I just thought about this, go around so much defending anet and sins, I would love a new title instead of councillor.
"Defender of Anet" or "Sin Lover"
Big Fat LOL
Man I just thought about this, go around so much defending anet and sins, I would love a new title instead of councillor.
"Defender of Anet" or "Sin Lover"
games creates an illusion, a new "world" so that you can be what you cannot in real life. achieves things you cannot in real life, experience a life you yearn so much, but cannot achieve in reality
games to me is more of a portal to escape from reality...
as long as you still yearns for some thing (be it role playing, wielding a feiry dragon sword, casting a maelstorm), that reality cannot offer, but games can, you can ever truly escape from games...
games to me is more of a portal to escape from reality...
as long as you still yearns for some thing (be it role playing, wielding a feiry dragon sword, casting a maelstorm), that reality cannot offer, but games can, you can ever truly escape from games...
Originally Posted by Ensign
From what I understand, at some point in your life you are supposed to stop enjoying yourself and devote a significant majority of your waking hours to making as much money as you can. This money is used to buy stuff, which is used to attract a woman. The rest of your waking hours should be dedicated to maintenence of your pile of stuff and your woman. At some point you realize that you do not enjoy your life, at which point you have children, which you can live vicariously through.
I've concluded that this is a raw deal and that I don't want anything to do with it. Peace, -CxE |
Damn, Guild Wars is waaaaaay to realistic.
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
^^ L.........o........l!!!!!
I love coffee
i will keep playing game till the day i die and i won't stop playing gw till some1 hack my account................................

Originally Posted by Ensign
From what I understand, at some point in your life you are supposed to stop enjoying yourself and devote a significant majority of your waking hours to making as much money as you can. This money is used to buy stuff, which is used to attract a woman. The rest of your waking hours should be dedicated to maintenence of your pile of stuff and your woman. At some point you realize that you do not enjoy your life, at which point you have children, which you can live vicariously through.
I've concluded that this is a raw deal and that I don't want anything to do with it. Peace, -CxE |
I myself have been gaming since 6(sega genesis as my first system ftw), and have been going strong since, slumps sometimes... but I always come back to my beloved video games.
Zorian Direspell
From what I understand, at some point in your life you are supposed to stop enjoying yourself and devote a significant majority of your waking hours to making as much money as you can. This money is used to buy stuff, which is used to attract a woman. The rest of your waking hours should be dedicated to maintenence of your pile of stuff and your woman. At some point you realize that you do not enjoy your life, at which point you have children, which you can live vicariously through. I've concluded that this is a raw deal and that I don't want anything to do with it. Peace, -CxE |
In response to the OP: the concept of 'games' will always exist even into your 'adult' life. Many people later in life pass their time pursuing things such as gossip or social politics that make them feel like they are accomplishing things but, when analyzed from a distance, are in fact merely more abstract games. Others replace 'childish' games with 'mature' games (i.e. you play poker with your friends instead of video games). These games are in fact considered 'more mature' only because they have been around longer than the advent of electronic gaming, so that a larger percentage of the older generations more readily identify with them. (As an example: my father hated video games, but he played the first FPS James Bond game with my brother and me because he identified with James Bond). Ultimately, you'll have to choose what's 'fun' for yourself, or risk having no fun at all.
Been playing "computer Games" since Pre-PC (hade to play on big main frame computer during weekends at the local hospital) LOL
Damnd long ago
Damnd long ago
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by king hidalgo
i have spent a few months now, thinking about when a child is expected to grow out of playing games and i am now in a position where im asking myself, will i grow out of games
Aging is mandatory, but growing old is optional.
Originally Posted by GloryFox
I do not understand the concept of "too old to play games" or "when I grow up". Well I’m in my mid 30's I play D&D on Friday nights (for 17 years). I have a job and work hard at it. I have a wife and family and throw large BBQ's on weekends. I travel in the summer and vacation to exotic places. I ALSO PLAY GUILD WARS because it’s FUN. When I retire... I will play games; I will enjoy life, and live life to the fullest.
Ok people .... I'll be 60 in July and I'm still playing games!

Now that I'm retired I finally have all the time in the world to do what I want/wish with no problems.
If you think family, work and other growing up problems will stop you from playing games in the future, well it wont happen...... it will slow you but if you like a game you always will find time to play it.
I started to play games on the Amiga: Lemmings, SimCity etc. etc. when I realized that computers could do other things than office works.
To make it even unusual I'm a lady and I can assure you no one think I'm strange or a geek! (Lots of people are scared of me

PS. I really wish for the youngs or not so youngs posters to write in proper English when they post, not: u, idk, c, n1, l8, y etc. etc. not to mention l337. (It's ok in game tho.)
English is not my mother tongue and my desire is to get better at it and not worse, thank you.
shadow ranger
I was going to type somthing, but i read what Ensign wrote and started laughing, then proceeded to forget what i was typing.
But i guess there is no time to grow out of games, its like out growing tv or sports, or anything else you enjoy (baring in mind a few notiable exceptions).
When you feel your spending too much of you're life on a game thats more like an addiction though, and i guess thats when you should concider cutting down ;\
But i guess there is no time to grow out of games, its like out growing tv or sports, or anything else you enjoy (baring in mind a few notiable exceptions).
When you feel your spending too much of you're life on a game thats more like an addiction though, and i guess thats when you should concider cutting down ;\
Well I've been playing games since I was 5 years old, when I was given my first system, a Mega Drive. I'm 23 now and still not tired of games.
There will always be nicer and better games to play, so I don't think I'll ever grow out of them.
There will always be nicer and better games to play, so I don't think I'll ever grow out of them.
well I am 32 now and have been playing games since I was about 8 when I sold a load of turf to buy my first computer (a C64 for about 150 irish pound, a lot of money in the early 80s)
Well I am still playing and enjoying all types of games but espically Oblivion, Guildwars and Freedom Force
Cant ever seeing myself losing intrest, will play with my kids (when I have any
BTW the leader of my guild is 54 and the oldest person I know on GW is 65 and retired!!
ps Playing games also brought me my other great love, reading. How you ask, well the C64 had LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG loading times
Well I am still playing and enjoying all types of games but espically Oblivion, Guildwars and Freedom Force
Cant ever seeing myself losing intrest, will play with my kids (when I have any

BTW the leader of my guild is 54 and the oldest person I know on GW is 65 and retired!!
ps Playing games also brought me my other great love, reading. How you ask, well the C64 had LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG loading times