Hanging around, but not active in game any more...
Fitz Rinley
Since all the fiasco with Factions I have been furious with Guild Wars/ANet. I have seen changes. Piddly things that amount to nothing of moral value. Favor still exists. Factions remains. Real people pay real money to play the content areas. They do not pay money to have areas denied to them by elite players who could either careless, or who have various options of overlordship granted to them via immoral structures in the game. I have vehemently rejected Faction control of content areas from day one. I had vehemently opposed Favor control of content areas as soon as I really began to understand how it treated and affected persons of various life schedules and styles in contrast to their regions peak periods.
The game cannot be designed for casual players and then order said casual players to all compete in the Hall of Heroes at elite levels in order to achieve "elite" levels of victory to gain moments of access to content. The game cannot be designed for casual players and then require professional action faction farming zerg alliances in order to control access to content areas.
Every losening up to make restrictions on the economy easier to advance is met with more inspirations to farm and produce underground and illegal ecomies. No one will ever convince me that maintaining a higher than 100,000 gp bank account thru normal regular play without medical bills for carpol tunnel syndrome, they are botting, ebay gold buying, they are making it up, or hacking. I have just destroyed all 12 of my characters, including my mule. The sum total of my best account comes to a little over 30k. This is with about 2/3s of a year in play, and the only game I have been playing in that time period.
The new policy of slam more bodies that cannot be separated at them til they are at 60 DP and keep it that way, this is called a challenge is neither about being challenging nor role playing.
I'll watch to see if the game develops the calibur to go with its graphics. So, far it only has promise in illusion, but it lacks the substance of full value.
Fitz Rinley
Now Erased
The game cannot be designed for casual players and then order said casual players to all compete in the Hall of Heroes at elite levels in order to achieve "elite" levels of victory to gain moments of access to content. The game cannot be designed for casual players and then require professional action faction farming zerg alliances in order to control access to content areas.
Every losening up to make restrictions on the economy easier to advance is met with more inspirations to farm and produce underground and illegal ecomies. No one will ever convince me that maintaining a higher than 100,000 gp bank account thru normal regular play without medical bills for carpol tunnel syndrome, they are botting, ebay gold buying, they are making it up, or hacking. I have just destroyed all 12 of my characters, including my mule. The sum total of my best account comes to a little over 30k. This is with about 2/3s of a year in play, and the only game I have been playing in that time period.
The new policy of slam more bodies that cannot be separated at them til they are at 60 DP and keep it that way, this is called a challenge is neither about being challenging nor role playing.
I'll watch to see if the game develops the calibur to go with its graphics. So, far it only has promise in illusion, but it lacks the substance of full value.
Fitz Rinley
Now Erased

also that they are supposed to be a challenge for the elite hardcore player while the truly casual player will never see nor miss them?
Woah! Do you hear that rumbling sound?
It's the sound of *every* ANET employing dropping everything and *rushing* to change the game because someone is quitting over the changes!
It's the sound of *every* ANET employing dropping everything and *rushing* to change the game because someone is quitting over the changes!
Well to address the faction control issue of towns, the only thing it gives is reduced price merchants. For the alliance controlling the main city, you get access to elite missions. However, many people "ferry" to the elite mission, so it is a nonissue.
As for HoH, you don't "need" to get there to enjoy the game. And celestial sigils aren't worth that much either when you look at PvE drops compared to the sigil's time spent to get to HoH and get to the chest versus any form of farming.
As for HoH, you don't "need" to get there to enjoy the game. And celestial sigils aren't worth that much either when you look at PvE drops compared to the sigil's time spent to get to HoH and get to the chest versus any form of farming.
Hidden in the Mist
Thanks for leaving.
Terra Xin
oh what a pain, write a letter with bad construction and grammar...
Yeah I think you contradicted yourself shen you tried to link 'casual players' and 'Hall of Heroes' together. The IDEAL casual player would hold no interest in that area, and just play the game
But noooo, you have to moan sensely about it.
Yeah I think you contradicted yourself shen you tried to link 'casual players' and 'Hall of Heroes' together. The IDEAL casual player would hold no interest in that area, and just play the game
But noooo, you have to moan sensely about it.
Ken Dei
A.Net's stated they're already fixing most of the issues, and have more plans in the works. Now if you quit, that's your business, and I won't make fun of you, cause I felt the same way a few months ago. That, and people who make fun of people who "ragequit" just look like total jackasses.
However, I will say this. I stockpiled materials for 4 months prior to Factions using all of my characters. I made 181k in a week and a half off the skyrocketing prices upon Faction's release. That was me being lazy too, not even 24 hour farming. So no, you don't need to bot or Ebay to pull over 100k.
I for one, and probably the only one, am sorry that you feel the game has failed you. Good luck in your future endevours.
However, I will say this. I stockpiled materials for 4 months prior to Factions using all of my characters. I made 181k in a week and a half off the skyrocketing prices upon Faction's release. That was me being lazy too, not even 24 hour farming. So no, you don't need to bot or Ebay to pull over 100k.
I for one, and probably the only one, am sorry that you feel the game has failed you. Good luck in your future endevours.
Im a casual player... I play a few times a week(ie 3 or 4 at most) for 2-3 hours in one sitting tops. I get by just fine. Im not a gw millionaire.. I have exactly 11k to my account....nor do I have 10 sets (or even 1... maybe soon
) of 15k armor. I play on and off... I'll leave GW for 2 months, then come back when something cool happens... and yet all I keep hearing is how "the casual player cannot enjoy the game". BS BS BS. I have done HoH, I have played in the elite missions, I have greens, and overall I enjoy the game :/ To top it off, my guild alliance owns a town(look next to cantha
).... and I don't sacrifice my life to gw... heck I barely touch the game compared to soem ppl :P
Thsi game does a good job for casual players, anyone who says otherwise clearly is just complainign about not getting everything for nothing.
/attempts to give a damn
Im a casual player... I play a few times a week(ie 3 or 4 at most) for 2-3 hours in one sitting tops. I get by just fine. Im not a gw millionaire.. I have exactly 11k to my account....nor do I have 10 sets (or even 1... maybe soon

Thsi game does a good job for casual players, anyone who says otherwise clearly is just complainign about not getting everything for nothing.
/attempts to give a damn
unholy guardian
this game has been great for when i played not much or when i went crazy playing it all the time... ashame you don't feel that way... but you don't seem to care much... or have your ideas in order... so
Most i've had at one time was 400k... by doing no more than half an hour of farming on my morning coffee. Almost every day though

I got 100k in 2-3 months after I started playing. Then I stopped playing PvE to play PvP (still haven't even beat the game yet :P)
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
I whine. A lot.
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
No one will ever convince me that maintaining a higher than 100,000 gp bank account thru normal regular play without medical bills for carpol tunnel syndrome, they are botting, ebay gold buying, they are making it up, or hacking.
You don't have to be killing your wrists, botting, lying, hacking, or ebaying to make your million. You have to use your head and figure out the best times to actually put a few hours into the game. Holiday/Special events are a time when ANYONE WHO WANTS TO PUT THE TIME IN can be wealthy in a couple of days.
Hope you enjoy your next game more than you enjoyed this one though

Well, this is the suggestion forum, so if you have a suggestion (besides "cram it ANet!") then by all means check the Index, do a search, and if it hasn't been brought up before, suggest it.
As it is, I'm having trouble finding a suggestion in this thread. Perhaps your hissy-fit would be more appropriate in one of the other forums, where I'm sure it will last a few minutes before being closed.
Goodbye, and closed.
As it is, I'm having trouble finding a suggestion in this thread. Perhaps your hissy-fit would be more appropriate in one of the other forums, where I'm sure it will last a few minutes before being closed.
Goodbye, and closed.