(Starter quest)
Title: Closing the Portals Rift
Emperor Kisu (Give the Quest)
- Since the defeat of Shiro, many rift portals started to close, but not all. We found a vast of these portals in the palace right now locked to do not let any these monsters make arm to the people of Cantha until we have found a way to close the remaining doors. Escort the Rift Ritualists to the Portals and close them once and for all!
*Close the Rift Portals in Raisu Palace. You have 8 Portals of 8 remaining.
*Must at least 1 Rift Ritualist survive to complete this mission. You have 3 Rift Ritualists of 3 Remaining.
*Return to Emperor for your Reward
(If all your Rift Ritualists die, your party will fail the Quest and must return to the Outpost (Last one that I dont remember the name which its a mission to fight Shiro. The difficulty in this mission will be the High lvl of Shirokens with "Rift" as a Preffix in their name. Example: Rift Ranger. They will be another color (more darker perhaps) and each Portal will have a boss for each profession.)
Seconds quest: Choice (Kurzick/Luxon)
Count Zu Heltzer/Elder Rhea
Quests Name:
* The forest is getting angry (Kurzick)
* Beasts from the Ancient Time (Luxon)
* Source behind the World (Final quest after beating the others)
Title: The forest is getting angry
Count Zu Heltzer (House Zu Heltzer)
-Since your win against Shiro, Echovald Forest has changed. We have discovred recently a new threat, more dangerous than Wardens and Dredges. I can even say the creatures of the Forest hide, hoping not geting by these strange newcome... monsters. One of our scout, the only one who survived, said they control the Forest itself by moving trees, animate them and bind them to their will. If you can find a way to stop these creatures, that will say save the live of many Kurzicks, even the land if this plague can not be controled.
* Find a part of the source in Ferndale
* Find a part of the source Morostav Trail
* Find a part of the source in Mourning Veil Falls
* Find the source in Melandru's Hope and destroy it.
* See Count Zu Heltzer for your Reward
(The new monsters here will be a Tree like monsters (Can't give a name for now) that will have a high HP, slow movements but deadly. These area will be clear of all kind of monsters that existed when everyone have the quest. Tree monsters can't be Knocked Down and Interupted (Monster Skill). At the source in Melandru Hope, I was thinking to put the "Big Boss" where Chkkr Locust is and many of these tree monsters around him. He will cast a spell, 20-30 seconds to cast and 60 sec recharge, to summon a high lvl tree monsters. The boss have High HP and Regen)
Title: Beasts from the Ancient Time
Elder Rhea (Cavalon)
-Death is upon us! The Strength has abandoned our strongest fighters since the return of the Beasts told in Luxon's Tales for our children. The Great Irukandji has been awaken from its eternal slumber in the Jade. Zhu Hanuku, which it appears every years, has return as well with a new strength. The Great Fish Dragon, those many legends told it was the great sea killer, set free from its Jade prison. These three beasts suck our strength and destroy an army in one blow. I want to ask, which I hope you can succeed, to slay these beasts and return them to the Jade Sea. That will be the final test from Strength.
*Slay the mighty kraken Zhu Hanuku in Boreas Seabed
*Slay the Great Irukandji in Gyala Hatchery
*Slay the Fish Dragon in Rhea's Crater
*See Elder Rhea for your reward
(Zhu Hanuku will be not like in the mission. Well, you dont have the spear now

(Great Irukandji (which you can see it in Gyala Hatchery in a Jade block), Will be wandering with his army of Irukandji. It will use Ritualist Lords and spam many offensive spirits in short time. It monster skill will be a Soul Feast like but destroy ALL Spirits in the Area and gain 500 HP each spirits (recharge 90 sec))
(The Fish Dragon can be found in a Jade wall in Rhea's Crater. This one was hard to think how to make him attack. First, it flies so, I'm sorry melee profession for this one but I wanted one to make one at least. Less HP than usual but does many Water attacks. Fish Dragon will use several monsters skills: Jade Flow, Drown from Above, Petrified Whirpool. Jade Flow is a Knockdown spell which it hits every players in its long range area and hexed to move 75% slower than normal. Drown from Above is a mix of Mealstorm and Agonize from Mursaat. I mean, When you get struck while casting a spell, the spell is interrupted, -6 HP degen and -20HP each seconds. So it last 10 sec in an area like the Aggro circle. Finally, Petrified Whirpool will be kinda tricky. Everyone in the Area of PW will receive 25 dmg each seconds (Last 6 seconds) and when it ends, everyone who get stuck to the last hit will be teleported 100 apart from the location where the fight will be. So you will be teleported randomly to an accessible area. One more thing. the Teleport will be Random in this Area, dont think about get teleported with your party at the same location. Each players will be get transported to a different spot.)
Final Title (At last after writing all these quests): Source behind the World
After completing the second part quests (Luxon and Kurzick), the last NPC will gives you the quest and want you to talk to Emperor Kisu.
Emperor Kisu (Same place)
- I heard your completion at Echosvald Forest and Jade Sea. You will alway surprise me, [Character Name]. But its enough now. My spies told me all these new problems is come from a world beyond ours. They found another Rift portal but the aura looks darker than anything else. I think this portals is the cause of all source recently after the defeat of Shiro. We asked our Rift Ritualists to close the Doors but it seem something in it remain it opens. I want to ask you, for a last time, to enter in this portal and find a way to close it. It sounds suicidal but it seems we have no other choice.
*Find the Dark Rift Portal in Raisu Palace
*Enter in the Dark Rift Portals
*Find and destroy the source to close the Dark Rift Portal
*Exit throught the Portal doors
*See Emperor Kisu for your reward
(First, I dont know if Anet want to create another world like this. I wanted to create a world like when you get banished by Shiro. The area will be in the Midst in and Circle area and the source in the middle. The source will be a Corrupted Celestial Orb. Every 45 sec, it will spawn 5 lvl 30 Mist Oni. It will not spawn more than 10 if the Onis arent killed. If 10 onis remains in the Area, the Orb will use some healing to get the Onis alive. At ¾ of its health, it will stop Spawning Onis and begin to use Elemental Attacks. Its Monsters skill will be Shape Element. The Orb will change the color Randomly to represent each four Elements. At ½ of its health, it will be in Life and Death form. In this stage, The Orb will change between Black and White (Necro and Monk) and Start to do Steal health and Smite the Players. At his ¼ health left. It will be in Absorbtion form. It will take randomly 1 player of the party and start using the abilities of this profession (chosen monster skills) to represent the profession). When you drop its life to 0, It will do a final blow and if the party survived, exit to the portal's door)