search is down so forgive me if this isnt new and i just missed it.
i just saw the update and decided to farm some orbs. well the fastest way i could think of was to EoE bomb lil fellas so ive been outside of the gardens for a bit. only problem is, anything dying from EoE damage isnt dropping loot.
is this new? i know i farmed the hell out of gargoyles for candy canes with this method during wintersday, but i havent used EoE since. so is the SPIRIT getting the drops or what? just doesnt make too much sense to me right now.
guess ill have to find an alternate way of farming ....
EoE change?
Um, I don't think they register drops unless the mobs attacked you first ( or vica versa ). So, aggro first, then kill...
I just use my ranger to arrgo a whole load of them, then kill them with a single Barrage.
I have the same problem with my MM, they dont drop loot. But I think that is probably because they are not auto aggro (lvl1's usually let you walk past unless you attack them or they have a lvl 6 in their group). So I guess MM farming (or EoE) is best done in areas where creatures are always hostile to you.
bringer di morte
I've farmed them off of naga's who are not hostile to people. They are just rarer drops and are somewhat hard to find...Hopefully the quests yield more of a reward.
Monsters are dropping orbs already even before the festival begins?
Is it only monsters on the island?
Is it only monsters on the island?
It's anywhere in Cantha.