Hey everyone, i'm trying to figure out which is better when it comes to powerleveling.
a 55 hp monk running the basic setup with SoJ.
or a wammo running this :
cyclone axe, bonettis, gladiator defense, vig spirit, sprint , mending, live vicariously, res sig.
leave sum input on this, ty.
55hp vs W/Mo
X Daniel X
Zephyr Jackson
55 is faster, W/Mo is More of a Guarentee they will die
Bit overheal on the whammo no?
bringer di morte
I personally powerlevel with a 55 monk, Mo/E, with a combo of SoJ and Aftershock. I think that it's more powerful than your standard warrior axe farming build, and it works quicker. You also have less to do other than pressing buttons that correspond with skills, and occasionally trade for your pay. However, if you aren't watching your enchantments, you have a good chance of dying.
That warrior build sucks for powerlevel, no attack at all, 51%+ skills are monk lol. If 51%+ of your skills are going to be your secondary, why not start over and make your secondary your primary. I think warrior is, because they kill faster, but with that build you have there, 55 for sure.
retribution/spirit bond monk ftw
Osi Ri S
Originally Posted by quanzong
That warrior build sucks for powerlevel, no attack at all, 51%+ skills are monk lol. If 51%+ of your skills are going to be your secondary, why not start over and make your secondary your primary. I think warrior is, because they kill faster, but with that build you have there, 55 for sure.
I've had the pleasure of Powerlvling with both. Not just 1 cookie cutter build either. I've tested and retested many different variations to see what would kill the fastest and...
55hp Monk is much faster. If you don't believe me I'll race you. Mo/Me vs. W/Mo.
Echo SoJ ftw.
OK I agree a warrior can kill a "single" target waaaaaaaaay faster then any 55monk but when it comes to creating a mass graveyard 55 owns W/MO. Try troll farming for a good example.
@Osi Ri S "depending on the person this build can kill faster than the 55 build." That would only happen if the 55 build user was a noob and the W/MO knew what he was doing. Put 2 players with the same level of expertise head to head and I do believe the 55 comes out on top.
55hp Monk is much faster. If you don't believe me I'll race you. Mo/Me vs. W/Mo.
Echo SoJ ftw.
OK I agree a warrior can kill a "single" target waaaaaaaaay faster then any 55monk but when it comes to creating a mass graveyard 55 owns W/MO. Try troll farming for a good example.
@Osi Ri S "depending on the person this build can kill faster than the 55 build." That would only happen if the 55 build user was a noob and the W/MO knew what he was doing. Put 2 players with the same level of expertise head to head and I do believe the 55 comes out on top.
X Daniel X
Yeah, i have tested this a bit more myself.. i found that the 55 can kill a group a bit faster, but if stuff gets interrupted - gg.
Mending isn't needed imo