moderated trades again
Living Legend
mods need to do moderated trades again.
Arya Nibelrund
Mods don't 'need' to do anything....
The Dirrtiest
Very convincing arguement you have. And like Arya said, we don't need to do anything..
Lord Ares Maximus
it's weird how i saw this and this thread in the 1 visit i came here, anyways, it totally is a prime example, check it out.
it's weird how i saw this and this thread in the 1 visit i came here, anyways, it totally is a prime example, check it out.
Arya Nibelrund
What is that? I don't see any auction on that link.
Apparently it's been removed, but it was a guy selling a "Penis Sheild of Defense". Had a little drawing of a penis as a shield.....real mature.
That would explain why it was removed... and exactly what does that have to do with moderators doing trades? In case you don't actually know what that is, we USED TO (emphasis to prevent scamming) be the middleman on trades involving more than 100k gold, so you could actually sell something for 200k or more if you wanted to deal in straight cash. But we don't because some guy got scammed by trading with LasEreth, when in fact his name is Lasareth.
Originally Posted by unienaule
But we don't because some guy got scammed by trading with LasEreth, when in fact his name is Lasareth.
And another incident in which a scammer used the name 'King Symeon' (which I didn't use). I never did any of these moderated trades anyway. It was a decisive move by Inde to stop this after the scamming incidents happened, and it was the right one. We will not do moderated trades again and let more people be victims of name scammers.