1) How many Orbs and when/were does the person show for collection of the mask?
250 orbs per mask. The emperor shows up on the last day of the festival on intervals of 2 hours. After that there will be an npc for a week where you can turn the orbs in for a mask. (shing jea monestary)
2) Rice Cake, How do you get and what do they do?
buy a "surprise box" in the minigame area. (25 festival tickets)
It gives you sugar rush, which is that you run 25% faster for 5 minutes. (i belief it's only in towns)
3) Wine, How do you get and what do they do?
same as above, But this time it works as a ale.
3 to 4 wines are needed to get drunk :P
4) Dragon arena, is it dogge ball? How many Jade Ords do you get?
it's kinda dodgeball, but i don't know the rewards for them.
5) Any thing I am missing?
quests maybe? if you do all the quests which are given in shing jea monastery you get +/- 240 orbs, so you have allmost enough for 1 mask