Bugged Primary Quest???


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

I started a new Mesmer in Cantha and have run into a huge roadblock...

I think the 2nd skill quest for Mesmers on the beginner island is bugged.
The quest is called Lo Sha's Stolen Gift.
You are asked to find a "Crimson Skull bandit camp" and retrieve an ornate box.

Three big problems:
#1. The map does not mark the quest, so you have no idea where the camp is.
#2. I spent the last 3 hours searching every centimeter of Kinya Province, and the said bandit camp apparently does not exist.
#3. I spent the last 3 hours killing every single living thing in Kinya Province (starting with all the Crimson Skulls obviously), and the "ornate box" does not exist.

The only thing I can think of is that the quest is bugged, and that the ornate box SHOULD have been located at and/or dropped by the cluster of Crimson Skull in what appears to be a camp (with tents and a fire pit) just to the northeast of the guy who gives the quest. There is a lvl 14 mesmer boss and a grouping of 3 or 4 other Crimson Skulls in the camp, but none of them drop an "ornate box", nor is there an ornate" box anywhere in the camp.
This is the only area in Kinya Province that could even remotely be considered a "Crimson Skull bandit camp", and there is simply nothing there.
I thought that that definitely had to be the place and maybe the ornate box just failed to drop as it should have, so I rezoned, went back to the camp, and cleared it again. Nothing.

The third freaking quest in the game.
This is the third freaking quest in the game, a PRIMARY quest, and no hope for advancement because there is no goddamn ornate box! I can't even get a secondary profession until this quest is completed!

Anyone else start a Canthan Mesmer and run into this problem???




Join Date: Mar 2006


Lievs Death Squad [LDS]

The last time i tried it i just walked into the base... opened the chest... got the hench killed and returned the stolen gift. Unless i'm thinking of another quest.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


Quick fix: click on another quest in your quest log, then click on the quest in question. That just might fix it.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

4th time's the charm I guess. That is absolute bulls***!

I've been playing GW for 12 month now and that is by far the worst thing the game has ever done.

Cleared out the camp once, nothing.
Rezoned, cleared it out again, nothing.
Rezoned again, cleared it out again, nothing.
Rezoned yet again, and holy crap the spawn was different! The lvl 14 mesmer boss did not spawn this time, and was instead replaced by a chest that wasn't there the first 3 times. Inside the chest was the ornate box that I spent damn near the entire day searching for.

Pure bulls***!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Chicago IL

Dark Phoenix Risin [DPR]


Calm down and send ArenaNet an Email about it. If the bug is actually there, then it will make it all the easier for them to fix it.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



This quest has worked for me before so maybe its a new bug.