Since the latest update I have been removed from The Underworld several times after only a few minutes. The error is always the same as 007 but added information appears.
Please check your internet connection. (
i traced the ip address and it belongs to So its there server causing the problem. funny thing is i was online for over 5 hours without a hitch.. but then everytime i get into underworld im getting kicked out with this ip address in the error message.
Anyone else encounter this ?
Losing Connection Code=007 With an ip address
Is that the Underworld as in PvP (HA) or farming aatxes? I often get err=7 doing HA but very rarely in PvE. This is the phantom diconnection of GW and NCSoft don't seem to understand it. They blame it on client-side connections and we blame it on the servers and it has been happening for over a year.
Farming UW PvE. Aatxe and smite and whatever else.. Doesn't seem to be happening outside of UW.. And it's the first time i have ever had an ip address attatched to the err=007 msg.