Noob with Hench, eh?
Kaldor Meshekal
I got ticked off with people leaving groups in the Fire Islands, ticked off with people who said it was impossible with henchmen, and really ticked off with the few people who whisp'd insults (If you could call 'noob' an insult) to me when I decided to take henchies.
So. If I'm a noob, then I love it.
These are from when I did Abbadon's Mouth.
Near the end, map, hench party list, fighting the last Seal.
Just before fighting the 'oh so hard' Titan
And done, with the Bonus to boot.
A note to all those stuck on the first two Fire Island missions: Hench it! It's not actually that hard with a bit of common sense. Takes a while, but not half as long as stopping and starting with fool PUGs does. Of course, it does help if you're a caster that doesn't require line of sight
So. If I'm a noob, then I love it.
These are from when I did Abbadon's Mouth.
Near the end, map, hench party list, fighting the last Seal.
Just before fighting the 'oh so hard' Titan
And done, with the Bonus to boot.
A note to all those stuck on the first two Fire Island missions: Hench it! It's not actually that hard with a bit of common sense. Takes a while, but not half as long as stopping and starting with fool PUGs does. Of course, it does help if you're a caster that doesn't require line of sight
Henchmen when used right are pretty awesome
Too bad there's no Erys Vasburg in Tyria...
Too bad there's no Erys Vasburg in Tyria...
I tried henching it, sometimes with success sometimes with failure because its simply too hard to kill the mursaat monk boss and hench running all over the place...
Kaldor Meshekal
Originally Posted by Avarre
Originally Posted by M1h4iL
I tried henching it, sometimes with success sometimes with failure because its simply too hard to kill the mursaat monk boss and hench running all over the place...
Remember, Ctrl+space is your friend when with henchies. Spam it like a gold begger in pre-searing spams chat.
Ah well, I must be the biggest noob in the game then, having done all missions and bonuses in Tyria (except for Dunes bonus) with henches...
Originally Posted by Kaldor Meshekal
Quote: A note to all those stuck on the first two Fire Island missions: Hench it! It's not actually that hard with a bit of common sense. Takes a while, but not half as long as stopping and starting with fool PUGs does.
Quoted for truth.
Ya, Chuiu here henches everything. He would hench HoH and Alliance battles and such if he could. :P
When capping the skills in Abadons, henchmen were the way to go. I hate when the groups would sit outside of the walls and kill the enemies from there. A complete waste of Chimera of Intensity!
Originally Posted by Kaldor Meshekal
Well gj on doing it with henchies.
Originally Posted by Kaldor Meshekal
note to all those stuck on the first two Fire Island missions: Hench it! It's not actually that hard with a bit of common sense. Takes a while, but not half as long as stopping and starting with fool PUGs does. Of course, it does help if you're a caster that doesn't require line of sight
Why not go and beat hells with henchies too? I find hells easy.
Numa Pompilius
Abbaddons and Hells aren't very hard with henches.
The hardest was Ring of Fire, as the henches insisted on standing in lava while & in the meteor showers the imps were dropping. Then I realized it was much easier to ignore the viziers advice, and kick in the front door. Aeshek
Henchies aren't that bad. First time I passed Hell's P. we had 5 henchies and 3 players.
Man you speak the truth. I hate it when I’m in a party and they are waiting for that one special class that isn’t around. Then, they say things like "It's impossible if we don't have such and such" or "We need three (sometimes four) monks to get the quest/mission done, its impossible otherwise...” Well all I have to say is get some common sense people. Henchmen are not nearly as bad as people make them out to be. I beat most of the first game with just henchmen, and nearly all of Factions with henchmen.
It's not a show of skill in this game if you make it to level 20, the show of skill comes when you realize what’s best for the team and show the tactical skills needed to survive. A lot of people don't realize that and just go off and try to gain all the glory for them, usually failing. The principles of war still apply tactically to this game so THINK THROUGH YOUR ACTIONS YOUR FINE WITH HENHCMEN AS LONG AS YOU’RE GOOD!!! But then again, being in a party of noobs who think they’re the best in the world usually leads to a good laugh. Kaldor Meshekal
Originally Posted by Arkantos
Why not go and beat hells with henchies too? I find hells easy.
I'm off to do that now! Well, after capping the rest of the Elites from Abbadon's Turbobusa
controlling henchies AI takes more skill than running with PUGs imo.
I tried to hench hell's but could control wariors, they always want to rush and aggro a bigger group Kaguya
Did my elite capping runs on RoF and Hell's on henchies without a sweat, was prolly my easiest gig to Hell's with henchies, even tho I usually PUG them most of the time.
Tho I think my greatest archievement is back in my 'newb' days when my necro first reached ToA, and was trying to do Galrath's Villainy. I was told that only L20ies can do it, and it can't be done with henchies. I was so proud when I did it with hench group bit later at L16. Prolly not that great archievement in the end, but really made me feel good back then when I was standing on Galrath's corpse taking screenies. Asrial
The only thing I've found live players to be useful for is social interaction.
I think Riverside Bonus/Abaddon's Bonus proved to be the most annoying for me, since in riverside the hench are a bit too low-leveled to be "equal" to other players near that area..
And assaulting the first abaddon's gate with orion or cynn as a nuker just plain sucked... Bryant Again
I think if THK can be henched, *anything* can be henched (besides Raisu Palace, heh.)
Well that is better than I can do, But i am getting better.