Title idea for Underworld quest completion

Ranger Rog

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006



Excuse me if this has been suggested before but search has been down all day for me.

I find it annoying that it's very difficult to make a party in some of the high level PvE areas to do quests when most people there just want to farm using the same few classes and builds, such as 55/SS and Trapper parties to the Underworld for example, it can take forever to form a balanced party at ToA to go in if you want to work through the quests in there and not everyone is in a guild that has enough active players to form a party of 8 for areas like this.

I propose adding a title for players that have completed all of the quests in the UW or FoW (and maybe extend it to other high level PvE areas such as Sorrow's and the titan quests), hopefully this would encourage folks to quest instead of just farming or going to buy flashy armor.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006


Would be nice to have a title that keeps track of how many high level quests you've completed.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005


I think you should have to do all of the Underworld or Fissure quests in one sitting just to retain the challenge.

With that condition applied, defiintely there should be titles for beating them all. Also I think you should get vouchers for free Fissure armor if you beat all of UW in one sitting, then all of FoW in one sitting.

Should also be a title for beating all the Titan Quests.


Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

hmm i see a problem with this..

team leader: looking for monk with rank3 FoW title.. <~~this will happen, we dont need this in pve imo this will just increase the elitest attitude that some ppl already have

its a good idea in theory but in practice..?