Char Dance Thread
De Wilde
Yea, I believe it's a tribue to Josephine Baker as well, I went and made a Female Paragon just to check it out.
In the beginning it does look like a dance sequence from a Missy Elliot video, then again the worlds greatest compliment is impersonation (or something like that) I watched it for about 20 minutes to pick up the nuances and the like, and have decided it's much like the Josephine Baker dance.
-De Wilde
In the beginning it does look like a dance sequence from a Missy Elliot video, then again the worlds greatest compliment is impersonation (or something like that) I watched it for about 20 minutes to pick up the nuances and the like, and have decided it's much like the Josephine Baker dance.
-De Wilde
Anyone got a link to an actual video of Josephine Baker's dance? I can't remember exactly what it looked like, but if it's what I'm thinking, isn't it that dance that good ol' Bugs Bunny does with the fruit basket on hie head?
If so, I agree, it looks similar! I think we have a winner!
If so, I agree, it looks similar! I think we have a winner!
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Anyone got a link to an actual video of Josephine Baker's dance? I can't remember exactly what it looked like, but if it's what I'm thinking, isn't it that dance that good ol' Bugs Bunny does with the fruit basket on hie head?
Considering Baker's popularity peaked in years prior to the advent of high technology, true video is quite hard to come by, although it exists, it will rarely rear it's head on the net. I've looked alot, found one small clip or two that amount to nothing.
De Wilde
Did a li'l You Tube Research, closest clip I could find was 18 seconds long, however I did a little more digging around and found out that Beyonce's dance sequence in Deja Vu was inspired by Danse Sauvage so this could be where they chose to pick up her dance moves?
Sir Skullcrasher
I thought the female Paragon dance looked like something from a Hip-Hop music video!
Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
I thought the female Paragon dance looked like something from a Hip-Hop music video!
Originally Posted by KvanCetre
The female assassin does not skank
And skanking isn't just typical modern "I skank to ska" dancing.
It started a long time before ska was ever introduced, and it has a crap load of different forms--not the same repetetive motion that all kids do when they skank these days.
Sir Skullcrasher
I still don't get what Male Paragon dance is suppose to be.
Curse You
Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
I still don't get what Male Paragon dance is suppose to be.
But really, don't any of you people use GuildWiki?
That article has anything this thread could ever need.
the clips I have seen of "Skanking" seem similar but not quite on to me.
I have seen this kind of dancing in Europe and it seems like it could be part of it too. I usually hear it referred to as "Jumping".
Again, it doesn't explain the backflip, but that might be flavor added to either of these repetitive steps.
I have seen this kind of dancing in Europe and it seems like it could be part of it too. I usually hear it referred to as "Jumping".
Again, it doesn't explain the backflip, but that might be flavor added to either of these repetitive steps.
female dervish=whirling dervish
Tetris L
Originally Posted by some guy
Hope that helps a bit.