Ok, we all know that after completing the "Closer to the Stars" mission in Cantha, you become ascended, and once you pass the Temple mission, you can access FoW/UW from Zin Ku Corridor. My quesion is, if I was to take my warrior to Tyria, and go to ToA, would he be able to access FoW/UW or would he be required to ascend in the crystal desert? Also I have a tyrian Necro SS, could i just take him to the canthan mission to ascend to gain access or must i ascend in the CD?
Thanks in Advance.
Ascension and FoW/UW!
Zethron Ahriman
Lady Lozza
Hmm, interesting question. I think as long as you are Ascended or Weh no Su you can use either Zin Ku or ToA, but I can't be 100% sure on this as all my characters who have accessed UW/FoW from Zin Ku were obviously Weh no Su, and I've yet to take my Canthan characters to ToA.
Vahn Roi
where is Zin Ku?