Ascension and FoW/UW!

Zethron Ahriman

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Ok, we all know that after completing the "Closer to the Stars" mission in Cantha, you become ascended, and once you pass the Temple mission, you can access FoW/UW from Zin Ku Corridor. My quesion is, if I was to take my warrior to Tyria, and go to ToA, would he be able to access FoW/UW or would he be required to ascend in the crystal desert? Also I have a tyrian Necro SS, could i just take him to the canthan mission to ascend to gain access or must i ascend in the CD?
Thanks in Advance.


Lady Lozza

Lady Lozza

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005


Angel Sharks


Hmm, interesting question. I think as long as you are Ascended or Weh no Su you can use either Zin Ku or ToA, but I can't be 100% sure on this as all my characters who have accessed UW/FoW from Zin Ku were obviously Weh no Su, and I've yet to take my Canthan characters to ToA.

Vahn Roi

Vahn Roi

Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2006


where is Zin Ku?