give warrior hench an elite other than 'charge'
The Great Al
thread title pretty much says it all...i mean i think cleave or eviscerate would make him more effective. if anet insists on giving the hench charge, they should at least let us somehow direct the henchman as to when he should use it
Charge really helps when running away and they should make it retreat! But yea I agree with you but what elite?
Hey man, I kinda like charge. I like when Devona gets that party movin movin. Its nice for the mundane bits where you are just walking to place x. I also find it helps the party skirt by enimies you don't want to aggro. Anyway, I like that it helps the whole party. But, there is probably something better...or almost certainly. One of them should pack triple chop like those bloody Jade Brotherhood knights...
Originally Posted by TheOneAndOnlyX
Charge really helps when running away and they should make it retreat! But yea I agree with you but what elite?
Hench are always too dumb to retreat in time.
Hence having "Charge!" on a henchman is 100% worthless, period.
Give them a better elite, and give them some other useful skills too.
/agree they only use it just before going into battle and that to me is kinda useless
so i say /signed
so i say /signed
The only time when Charge benefits the player while playing is henchies is right at the start, or after a battle has ended. When the player starts running ahead, the henchies always lag behind, on the back of the aggro circle, so to get the benefit or Charge, player would have to stop whenever it ended, and wait for the henchie to use it again.
And last I checked, Brawler and Fighter use Charge! at exact same time, even when they are basically hugging eachother. If they actually chained it right, and didn't lag behind from the player, that'd be 25% faster running all the time
And last I checked, Brawler and Fighter use Charge! at exact same time, even when they are basically hugging eachother. If they actually chained it right, and didn't lag behind from the player, that'd be 25% faster running all the time
Miss Innocent
Well, I don't mind alot of CHARGE!, but I can't think of a better elite that the warriors could have.
I think the warriors are kinda nice, the way they do at least seem to have some kind of slant toward one role or another (I like that about henchies in general, but Henchies are actually one of my favorite things about Guild Wars).
I think the warriors are kinda nice, the way they do at least seem to have some kind of slant toward one role or another (I like that about henchies in general, but Henchies are actually one of my favorite things about Guild Wars).
They always use charge at the wrong time anyhow. Usually when I'm trying to pull, causing me to move faster, causing chasing mobs to disengage. Quite irritating at times.
They always use charge at the wrong time anyhow. Usually when I'm trying to pull, causing me to move faster, causing chasing mobs to disengage. Quite irritating at times.
Devona used to have both Charge and Earth Shaker, and it really didn't make much of a difference.
Although I find it easy to control the use of it, I agree.
It's easy to trigger the warrior's use of "Charge!". I won't bother going on about how to, though.
A different elite would be nice.
It's easy to trigger the warrior's use of "Charge!". I won't bother going on about how to, though.
A different elite would be nice.
/signed if for no other reason that the fighter AI makes Charge! trigger at odd times---like when we're at a standstill and I'm trying to figure out the best way to get somewhere .
The luxon warrior hench already has Dragon Slash as his elite...I dunno about kurz though.
Sir Mad
/half signed
Let me explain: in both factions and prophecy we have 2 warriors henchman. When you go alone with 7 henchies and are not a warrior yourself, you're likely to have them both in your team. With their poor AI, they will use Charge at the same time - their twin thingy is definitely useless.
I'd vote for having one warrior with charge, and one with another elite.
Let me explain: in both factions and prophecy we have 2 warriors henchman. When you go alone with 7 henchies and are not a warrior yourself, you're likely to have them both in your team. With their poor AI, they will use Charge at the same time - their twin thingy is definitely useless.
I'd vote for having one warrior with charge, and one with another elite.
I personally think that I'm fine with the Henchies have Charge. But I don't think Little Thom needs it.
Yes Lukas and Eli have dragon slash and no other adrenaline skills. Yes neither of them even have 8 skills. Yes Talon has 5 skills. Yes they all use heal signet when everything is beating on them and get them below half health. Honestly the way henchmen are you complain about something this little? Screw changing their elite, lets start with giving them 8 skills. Then give them a build that isn't completely stupid. Then lets talk about elite changing.
Yes Lukas and Eli have dragon slash and no other adrenaline skills. Yes neither of them even have 8 skills. Yes Talon has 5 skills. Yes they all use heal signet when everything is beating on them and get them below half health. Honestly the way henchmen are you complain about something this little? Screw changing their elite, lets start with giving them 8 skills. Then give them a build that isn't completely stupid. Then lets talk about elite changing.