Just finished a video of a build I've been working on.
The iBomb.
Download The iBomb
It's based around an EoE bomb disguised as an IWAY team. I didn't come up with it, but I'm working on perfecting the build so it's a little more useful in other situations.
Check us out at http://www.sik-affliction.com
The iBomb
Lol Kaguya, but really. OMG...I hope that build is conditional and by that I mean doesn't work against nearly all builds, just a few unprepared ones. If it is then there's got to be some counter to it or else everyone is screwt (that is, until this build finds it's way into more hands)
As with any EoE bomb, it's VERY easy to counter. In fact, all it does it catch unprepared teams off guard.
Absolutly BEAUTIFUL picture BTW. I love it.
Absolutly BEAUTIFUL picture BTW. I love it.
Haha, tweeked off that vid b4 I did a lil' digging and found about this build and its counters. Good stuff though. Cliche question of every game vid: What's the song?