I have been doing UW and FoW chest runs for a long time now. Alot of times, when doing 2 man UW, an ecto will drop assigned to me(Bieng the SS necro). At that moment, the 55hp monk will purposly lure the enemies back to me and kill me. Then, he will wait 2 minutes for the drop to become "nuetral" and pick it up for himself, and then leave the group. The same thing happens in FoW chest runs. I die a few feet away from my "perfect" drop, and some guy comes in and picks it up, and then leaves.
What I want Anet to implement is the same drop system that is in missions. If you do not pick it up, it is given to you at the end of the mission. Also, the drop never goes nuetral, so no one else has the ablility to pick it up. So, if no one resses you, you can leave the group and still get your drop when you return to a town or outpost. Just my lil idea after playing this game for a year