My connection is a pretty decent connection(well here in egypt anyways) 526 kb/sec..And my download speed goes for around 50 kb/sec.
Yet when I play guild wars it's always laggy!
When I enter a new area it downloads at just 3-9 kb/s!!
I'm no computer expert but maybe if there's something that assigns a percentage of the connection speed to guild wars then maybe I'm assigning too little? Or maybe if someone knows a trick that could make me assign the full connection speed to guild wars when it's on.
It's just a guess! I'm not even sure that's the since I'm sure there are alot of computer experts lurking around here, can you please reply with your analysation of this problem and how I can solve it? Thx in advance
P.S. If my analysation about the connection percentage assignment is way stupid then please dont make fun of me :'<
Full Potential?
Hi there !
NCsoft and Anet have their servers located in:
* UK
* Korea
* Taiwan
* Japan
* US
It probably means that your client IS not connecting to the closest server. Contact the NCsoft and ANet team for support.
And btw, make sure you don't have any viruses/spyware/malware/bots etc. And turn off all your downloads and IM-applications.
Good luck !
NCsoft and Anet have their servers located in:
* UK
* Korea
* Taiwan
* Japan
* US
It probably means that your client IS not connecting to the closest server. Contact the NCsoft and ANet team for support.
And btw, make sure you don't have any viruses/spyware/malware/bots etc. And turn off all your downloads and IM-applications.
Good luck !
Originally Posted by Paine
Hi there !
NCsoft and Anet have their servers located in: * UK * Korea * Taiwan * Japan * US It probably means that your client IS not connecting to the closest server. Contact the NCsoft and ANet team for support. And btw, make sure you don't have any viruses/spyware/malware/bots etc. And turn off all your downloads and IM-applications. Good luck ! |
Thanks for the help!
Wait a sec! do you mean I could connect to the American servers through the closest server(European) or do I have to switch to European servers again? Because I'm liking American servers alot more right now! (no divided districts)
sleepy samurai
Can you pick and choose servers?