Since I don't have factions, I used inspire hex and stole a factions skill (Reckless haste?) and I always get this little lock image... they like need to make it where I can get some kind of bonus .
or something...
Omg I stole a locked skill!
lambda the great
You cant use it, and it's nothing special at all...happens all the time :P
Former Ruling
He is leet.
Nuff siad.
Nuff siad.
This is not a glitch. This is working as intended.
William Sunrider
he never mentioned it being a glitch.
And its a bummer you cant use them.
And its a bummer you cant use them.
Guardian of the Light
Ya that happened to me before I had factions...surpisely I got the same skill.
Gwmaster bad you dont have factions..u could make a guide on how to solo raisu palace mission :P..or something leet